The way the game changes in 30 years


  • Virtual Boy was the first VR console before the 2017 Oculus RIFT succeeded, and it was an unfortunate attempt.

  • Nintendo 64 introduced groundbreaking games such as Super Mario 64 and ZELDA.

  • Dreamcast activated online games with Seganet to open a way for the Internet -centered game play.

Justice, the game industry is a franchise that changes the brain chemistry of the player who experiences himself, with constantly changing plot, character creation and franchise. Then, a decades of graphics improvement and a dynamically reinforced game console and a new game era are born. Anyone who has witnessed the development for the past 30 years attended a monumental moment, and many of them have changed the process of the game industry forever.


7 best characters in video game history

Character re -design can create or break the entire franchise. Luckily, this character re -design has done this title definition.

Until Christmas in 1995, the children discovered the first play station that the world saw under the tree. Exactly 20 years later, Unreal Engine 4 daylightWe successfully transport the player to a surreal game environment. But in the last 30 years, gamers have not brought gamers in terms of better change.


The virtual boy was the first crack of Nintendo in VR games.

1995: It was the first console for players to watch the game in 3D.

Advertising on Nintendo Virtual Boy VR system

The virtual boy was not the first virtual reality headset in 1968 (going to the sword of Damocles in 1968), but for the first time a series of attempts to create an executable VR game system. This was not achieved until the 2017 Oculus RIFT, which was the first successful VR headset that was widely accepted in the game community.

The player went to a completely immersive full color and three -dimensional environment in the black and red world of Nintendo. Despite the initial defects, the system supported the following popular games. Space Invasion: Virtual Collection,,, Marioand Galaxy pinball.


Nintendo 64 Super Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time and history.

1996: Two Juggernaut games have been released for Nintendo 64.

Zelda Lego builds a hyrule Castle Temple of Time

Some Millenniums will say that they are not familiar. Super Mario 64 or Zelda: Ocarina of TimeAnd this is revolutionary in terms of future game inspiration. that Super Mario The franchise has emerged as a metroidvania style of high -end flat former. legend Zelda Hundreds of thousands of similar fantasy RPG titles,

today, legend Zelda The franchise, which is worth the franchise in 2023, is one of the highest profits in the game industry.


Dreamcast opened the path of online game

1999: SEGA Dreamcast is activated online play with a telephone connection

Game Informer magazine Sega Dreamcast Advertisement

SEGANET has been suspended in 2003, but still has a title as one of the first successful online game platforms for the last 30 years. The game list that is compatible with Seganet is not long, but gamers can still connect to the Internet and experience a completely new gameplay means with Dreamcast. This has been achieved in one of two ways through a telephone connection connection or a broadband adapter. The latter is compatible with some Dreamcast games.

The high -speed Internet has forgotten that gamers are tied up for the performance at some point. Fantastic Star OnlineIt was far ahead of that time.


Microsoft threw a hat on the ring (and got player support)

2001: First

XBOX Series and Series X

When Microsoft decided to enter the game world with its own console, they were devoted and Xbox was born in their efforts. Competition was successful, and PlayStation and Nintendo have gained the advantage of Xbox's most popular new job in the early 2000s. This is also the same as the exclusive game dedicated to Xbox. halo and War gearIt develops the driving force so that all console brands can continue to launch updated systems for fans.


5 The most influential mechanics in the history of horror games

The horror game has been a long way since the retro days. This symbolic horror title pioneered the mechanics that influenced the evolution of the genre.

Although the original was widely successful, the Xbox 360 was a child of Microsoft, and it cost more than $ 1 billion in repair costs for gamers who were sacrificed to “Red Ring of Death”. Thankfully, this problem was solved by the launch of Xbox One in 2013.


Steam was born and brought a new generation of PC gamers.

2003: Millions of players in the store were able to access the new title catalog.

Game Wish List featuring a popular title in STEAM

Steam StoreFront's announcement was a presentation to form the outlook of the game for PC gamers forever. STEAM offers a platform that can be accessible to a variety of titles that can be played on a PC and the developer can start the game outside the console.

The Steam Store has been able to provide 101,035 game catalogs as of 2024, which is likely to increase only when new developers come to the stage, and more fans can switch from console to PC games. More exclusive title.


The community gathered worldwide due to the injury of MMORPGs.

World of Warcraft Classic Season Discovery 7th Patch Note

As of 2024 World of Warcraft In 2014, more than 7 million players have been released worldwide since they were released as one of the first major MMORPGs. While doing World of Warcraft It is one of the most popular MMORPGs created so far, and the release has opened a way for more, and now there are thousands of MMORPGs that the player can choose.

In addition to providing unique communities, each of them provides unique stories, character builds and environments, and continued to compete in recent years. today, Final Fantasy 14 Given World of Warcraft Fierce competition with 3 million online players.


Esports brings billions of dollars to virtual competitive sports.

2010: The player traded sports on the spot for sports after the screen.

Halo Infinite Operation FrontLines Official announcement

First official e -sports tournament Summer Spaceware OlympicsIt was held in 1972. But until 2006, the first electronic sports tournament was held on the nation's television. Fans gathered around the TV Half 2 It was a historic moment when Esports reached the audience around the world as it was broadcast in the United States.

The tradition of broadcasting esports has increased only considering the unlimited streaming function of Twitch and the RISE of the ESPORTS League, which competes every year with the title of the Best Virtual Gaming League.


Twitch gave a voice to the steamer and turned the audience.

2011: Streaming was no longer for fun and has been a full -time career for many.

Twitchcon streaming logo

Through streaming, gamers share the gaps between games with solitary activities and share them with the community. When was created in 2011, it attracted the attention of many gamers who participated in the platform to share their expertise with the world. Since then, the 24/7 stream of Justin KAN has grown on the basis of more than 3 million visitors every month.

Each trimmer or blogger has found a unique technology or related content set that discovers followers who share the same passion for hobbies and lifestyles to further expand the scope of the game.


Indie games steal the spotlight by rising to the same convention as PAX.

2010: Small developers connected to players at emotional and artistic levels

Indie game characters with Undertale Skull Kid

One of the most popular examples of early indie games MinecraftIt is currently considered a triple A game, but it was originally an indie title. In the mid -2000s, we shared the spotlights of the industry with Indie Games, and the developer found that shops like Steam can provide a means to get the hands of fans who are eager for the game. Since then, indie games have won the awards shows such as game awards, best soundtracks, gameplay and immersive stories.

Game conventions, such as PAX, which held the first event in 2004, can easily access the initial title and one -on -one panel with indie developers. In recent years, “cozy games” have not only been able to be good at genres, but also ruled the absolutely outstanding world of Indie.


Rebooting and remake provides food for old people while seducing new gamers.

Now: The classic at the forefront of the remake remake classes surpasses the new title once again.

Silent Hill 2 Pyramid head with weapons in a remake

Soulsborne fans were pleased with Devil It became PS5 exclusive in 2020, Resident Evil 2 Remakes of horror fans who want to watch the updated graphics and improved main line games. Since then, the remake seems to have been part of the game headline every year, and the classic and the old favorites are looking for a new life thanks to the UNREAL Engine and the next generation console.

Most recent horror remake, Silent Hill 2It was one of the most anticipated titles in 2024, and the old world came back to inspire the fear of the future.


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