Too overwhelming ultimate skill

Is there anything worse than loading into a game? marvel rivals And are you being hindered by an enemy ultimate that's too powerful? There are many heroes. marvel rivals While nerfs can help balance the game, what needs more attention is the power level of each character's ultimate.


Marvel Rivals: 8 Heroes Who Need More Powerful Ultimates

Some of the best heroes in Marvel Rivals can change the structure of the game with their ultimates, but these heroes are somewhat disappointing.

some ultimates marvel rivals It's so powerful and overpowering that when your hero calls it out, there's not much you can do to counter it other than wait for the respawn counter. Now let's take a look at the truly annoying and underwhelming Ultimates.


star lord

Galactic Legend features auto-aim for 8 seconds.

Star-Lord uses his ultimate.


galactic legend


Take free flight and aim at enemies in sight.


6.5 damage per bullet


40 bullets

reload time

-70% reduction


Movement +20%

recovery cost

Energy 3,100

Use Star-Lord's Ultimate abilities to become the legendary Guardian of the Galaxy. Engage in free-flight mode, allowing you to take to the skies while giving you the ability to instantly and automatically aim at enemies within sight. So that you can freely kill them without having to worry about accuracy.

Star-Lord's Ultimate, Galactic Legend, is ridiculous to play against. Ultimate itself isn't anything to worry about, but the fact that Star-Lord is basically given a huge 8 second window to run around the map and kill everyone in sight.



Butterfly Dance deals massive damage with almost no counters.

Psylocke uses her ultimate.


butterfly dance


Slash nearby enemies with your psi katana, dealing massive damage.


150 per hit


4 seconds


10 meters (spherical)

slow speed


recovery cost

Energy 2,800

Psylocke's Ultimate unlocks her evil psionic katana. Butterfly Dance allows her to open up an attack radius where she can attack endlessly for 4 seconds, giving her a total sphere radius of 10 meters. It's absurd, it's annoying, it's Psylocke.

As soon as Psylocke calls her ultimate, those around her must accept their fate and wait for her to be resurrected. The damage is too high, the radius is too large, and the fact that it's basically impossible to hit her and get out of this mode makes fighting boring.


iron man

Wipe out your team in seconds with the invincible Pulse Cannon.

Iron Man uses his ultimate skill


Invincible Pulse Cannon


Fires a destructive pulse cannon in the target direction, inflicting critical damage to the target area upon impact.




25 m/sec


10m (spherical)

recovery cost

Energy 2,800

Iron Man is already pretty unpleasant to deal with, considering he's always in the air, but once Iron Man gets his ultimate, players can even turn their sadness into joy at seeing him die. Avengers: Endgame. Iron Man's invincible pulse cannon is an energy generating field that devastates the feet of anyone who lands on it. It can be used to destroy grouped targets or even specific enemies.


Marvel Rivals' 12 best duelists, rankings

This duelist stands out from other heroes as the best hero in Marvel Rivals and ensures that players always have an edge on the competition.

It's basically Scarlet Witch's Ultimate, but the fact that it has no recharge time and actually moves until it crashes makes it a real blight for heroes who want to enjoy the standard game. marvel rivals. Damage would be acceptable if it weren't for the fast charging time.



The Goddess of Death becomes invincible and unleashes deadly ravens from the sky.

Hela uses her ultimate


goddess of death


Take to the skies and free Nastrond Raven from each hand.




10 seconds

rate of fire



6 meters (old)

bonus health


recovery cost

Energy 4,000

One of the most requested characters to be nerfed is Hela. There are several factors to consider, but the most important is Hela's ultimate. When Hela activates her Goddess of Death ultimate, she soars into the sky and becomes unkillable, remaining high up and tormenting her victims, virtually impossible to grapple, stun, or kill.

She fires a projectile that explodes from the sky onto the ground, dealing 125 damage to any target it hits. With a 6 meter radius that lasts for 10 seconds, Hela's Ultimate is downright annoying to deal with, which is to be expected from an already annoying toolkit.



Omega Hurricane provides an invincible storm with a lethal ultimate

Storm uses ultimate


omega hurricane


Transforms into a hurricane, attracting nearby enemies and dealing damage.




5 seconds

bonus health



8 meters (old)

recovery cost

Energy 3,100

Because Storm is so powerful in the current meta, characters who deserved a buff now deserve a nerf. Storm's abilities aren't the only ones that need nerfs. Because her ultimate seems to be the strongest in the game for virtually no reason. During Omega Hurricane, Storm is unkillable thanks to the fact that her ultimate heals her, and is basically instantly killable due to the fact that she transforms into a hurricane, sucking enemies in and making escape impossible.

Giving Storm an ultimate that means she can't die and can quickly navigate the battlefield killing anyone in her path seems like a recipe for disaster for those who don't have Storm on their team, so this isn't an ultimate. That needs another buff.


Jeff Rand Shaq

Eat your enemies and spit them out to death. It's Jeff!

Jeff uses his ultimate


It's Jeff!


It dives deep into the scene and surfaces again, devouring both enemies and allies within range, activating Hide and Seek for a moment before sending the devoured hero forward.


25 per second


225 per second


6 seconds


20 meters (old type)

recovery cost

Energy 4,000

Jeff, the not-so-lovable Land Shark, is a true monster that must be eradicated by Mjolnir. This land shark can do great evil with his healing abilities, but even more powerful and evil is Jeff! His ultimate causes him to dive into the ground to become unkillable, and he can eat any target beneath him, friend or foe, within a 20 meter radius.


Marvel Rivals: All Strategists, Ranked

Strategists are essential to team composition in Marvel Rivals due to their ability to heal allies and inflict critical damage. But who really needs it?

You can spit it out to your allies with full health, but to your enemies, you can run to the nearest cliff and throw them all away. Jeff is an easy way to kill players on the other team, and the fact that his health and speed make him unstoppable makes this Ultimate in need of a nerf.


luna snow

Fate of Two Worlds grants 12 seconds of invincibility

Luna Snow uses her ultimate.


fate of two worlds


Take center stage and start dancing! Press to switch between the two performances. Heals allies or grants damage amplification.


250 per second


12 seconds

Damage Boost


shield value


recovery cost

Energy 4,000

Of course, a strategist with an ultimate that can be used to save the team is never a bad thing. But is there an ultimate skill that can save the entire team for 12 seconds? That's a bit too much. Luna Snow's Fate of Two Worlds ability allows her to get on stage and dance around to save her team, where her healing goes far beyond what's possible.

This ultimate allows Luna Snow to run around with great mobility, instantly healing allies, and those within its radius have essentially infinite health. It's a bit absurd to see Luna Snow save her team and maximize her damage output for 12 seconds to annihilate the team. Since nothing can counter this, why not lower that time a bit?

Marvel Rivals Tag Page Cover Art

third person shooting game




PlayStation-1 Xbox-1


December 6, 2024


NetEase Games

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