The most dominant party member in Final Fantasy

final fantasy is one of the most popular video game franchises of all time that is still going strong to this day. The series' 1987 debut helped Square recover from a financially difficult situation and slowly become one of the biggest players in the video game industry.


Final Fantasy: The 8 Most Engrossing Games in the Series (Rank)

Of all the Final Fantasy games in the series, the following games keep players immersed from start to finish.

Every game in the series features its fair share of memorable party members, some more powerful than others. Some playable characters final fantasy The series is so powerful that even the toughest bosses can pass up people if they know what they're doing.


Yang Fang Leiden

A monk with outrageous damage and a handy all-hit attack

amount of final fantasy 4

final fantasy 4


July 19, 1991



Open Criticism Evaluation


Yang is a character who briefly joins Cecil's journey. This monk hits like a truck, as you would expect from someone who practices this legendary profession. final fantasy game. The fact that you don't have to wear the most expensive gear to deal this damage is a testament to Yang's effectiveness as a character.

What makes him even more desirable in combat scenarios is his kick, which can be used to inflict significant damage to any enemy. It's very easy to grind, as players can use this all-hit move to kill enemies in seconds before being rewarded with significant experience points.


Squall Leonhart

Everyone in the game qualifies, but Squall's limit break makes him stand out.

Squall in uniform from Final Fantasy 8

final fantasy 8


February 11, 1999

Open Criticism Evaluation


Squall Leonhart is a main character who does not make much of a first impression due to his cold personality. It is only later that his vulnerabilities are revealed, allowing players to empathize with his struggles as he accepts his responsibilities as a leader and friend.

technically final fantasy 8 It qualifies here because of how damaged the Junction system is. However, only when players use 100 units of powerful spells to boost Squall's power and execute the patented Lion Heart Limit Break will they realize just how overwhelming this character can be with a single cast of Aura. Unlike other party members, players can time their trigger presses to increase the damage of their regular attacks each time. This is something fans need to master to make them reliable damage dealers in combat.


cloud stripe

Boasting incredible physical statistics along with stunning and iconic limit-breaking attacks.

Cloud using the Ultima weapon in Final Fantasy 7

final fantasy 7


January 31, 1997

Open Criticism Evaluation


Cloud is a permanent party member. final fantasy 7 Aside from one notable expansion, fans won't mind putting these characters in a three-person party every time. Cloud's versatile stats make him a party member with excellent defense and strong attack tendencies.


The 8 weakest wizard party members in Final Fantasy games, ranked.

These are some of the weakest wizard party members in Square Enix's Final Fantasy franchise.

With the right Materia settings, you can easily kill most enemies without taking any noticeable damage, even Cloud himself. Once players unlock the Omnislash Limit Break, they can use this powerful ultimate attack once to cut bosses to pieces.



It deals massive damage, boasts high armor, and can synergize with Vivi for elemental damage.

Adelbert Steiner in Final Fantasy IX

final fantasy 9


July 7, 2000

Open Criticism Evaluation


In a game that harkens back to the classic era of the series, it's easy to see why Steiner is such a valuable party member. final fantasy 9. Equipped with the most powerful gear, this knight can deal with enemy attacks and defeat enemies with a single swing of his sword.

What makes him even better is the combinations he can perform with Vivi, essentially allowing him to become a spell sword. This makes Steiner a must-have in the party against powerful bosses, unless the player trusts him enough to do without the services of his most powerful party member. final fantasy 9.



A strong swordsman who can easily one-shot most enemies.

Aaron from Final Fantasy 10

final fantasy 10




December 17, 2001

Open Criticism Evaluation


Aaron is a physical giant. final fantasy 10Start from a vantage point on the Sphere Grid to maximize your power gains. Once advanced enough, players will be left with their jaws on the floor as Auron wipes out most enemies with a single attack.

Along with this, Aaron also boasts special attacks that can be used to lower enemy stats, allowing players to kill two birds with one stone. He is an incredibly powerful party member who can always come to the rescue of the party against challenging enemies or boss fights if the player is stumped.


Sabine Rene Figaro

His air raid attacks caused enormous damage.

Sabine (Final Fantasy 6)

final fantasy 6


October 11, 1994


Square Enix, Square

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Sabine is one of the most loved party members. final fantasy 6 Join the group early after passing Mount Kolts. He is a talented martial artist who can use the Blitz technique to attack his enemies.


The 6 Most Complex Combat Systems in a Final Fantasy Game

These combat systems in Final Fantasy games can be frustrating.

Combos for these attacks are easy to learn, and players can naturally learn more powerful Blitz abilities as Sabin levels up. This makes him a capable physical powerhouse capable of crushing his enemies with complex martial arts techniques.


Noctis Lucis Caelum

His warping abilities and Armiger make him a force to be reckoned with.

Noctis from Final Fantasy 15

final fantasy 15


November 9, 2016

Open Criticism Evaluation


with final fantasy 15With its focus on real-time action, it was only natural that the protagonist should be more powerful than ever. With Warp Strikes, Armiger, and Royal Arms, it's easy to see why Noctis can cut down enemies in no time.

The Royal and Windows editions allow players to obtain Armiger Unleashed, a better version of Limit Break that can be used to unleash a number of flashy moves in combat. This further enhances his power and makes him the strongest member of the group. final fantasy 15 Country Milo.


Clive Rossfield

Can use the powers of various Eikons to wreak havoc

Promotional image of Clive Rothfield from Final Fantasy XVI.

final fantasy 16


PC-1 PlayStation-1


June 22, 2023

Open Criticism Evaluation


Clive Rosfield is a Dominant who can channel the power of Ifrit to crush his enemies, but that's not all. He soon discovers that he can acquire the powers of other Eikons, allowing him to utilize their powerful moves in battle.

This makes Clive arguably the most powerful party member of all time. Summoning astral beings is impressive, but nothing else. final fantasy Party members can transform into Acorns and take on this massive being in battle on their own, a testament to this protagonist's power.

Final Fantasy series video games

final fantasy

Creation year



square enix


square enix

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