The best play station game with the heroine


  • Horizon Zero dawn remastered costumes for gameplay advantage.

  • For adventure adventures, explore the best animal games such as the North of the North and Tamarin.

  • Experience unique gameplay by controlling animals in games such as Eagle Flight and MANEATER.

In particular, when you start a new game that is expected, there is a clear word about the character's custom. As often as horizonFor example, other costumes provide other strengths and power to help players complete certain quests.


Horizon Zero dawn Remastered: A way to get the effect of two clothes at the same time

Equipped with two costume effects at the same time, prevent human and machine in Horizon Zero Dawn.

Under the vast umbrella of the video game, another customization is less, but there is definitely a more lovely game set. People with animals as the main characters. Everywhere animal lovers are nothing better than combining deep love for the game with the obsession with fur and feather creatures. After the overall popularity of each game and the length and width of storytelling, the animal -centered game will capture the imagination and mind of the player as the gameplay explores each separate world.

The game mentioned here is not necessarily a PlayStation monopoly and is not limited to a specific PlayStation console such as PS4 or PS5.



Handsome fox adventure

North Tag's mental cover art


May 7, 2020



Northern This is a highly underestimated PS game in which the player adopts the form of a fox. The game takes about 16 hours to complete the first play -like and includes a variety of puzzles and challenges.

As the player passes through the stunning landscape and contrasting terrain, a bright white fur that contrasts with the classic bunt orange is a chance to change the appearance that helps the gameplay. Northern It is a fantastic single player game for those who want to relax and return to nature in an affordable PlayStation game. The soundtrack of the game should also be mentioned and gives you all comfortable and meditative feelings.



The cutest monkey

Tamarin tag page cover art





September 10, 2020


Chameleon game



what Tamarine Lack of philosophical knowledge, this game definitely complements the level and dramatic music because the player implements a cute and cheeky and complete monkey Tama Rin.


10 best games, rankings that can be played as monkeys

Characters that can be played in video games can take multiple forms. The best games for gamers to control monkeys are:

Starting against the background of mountain northern Europe, Tamarine Talking with other animals (as well as monkeys) and enjoying adventures full of action and reminding players what they liked for old -fashioned games. Achieve 31 separate trophy Tamarine Why do the player want to change him?



Fly like a bird

  • Released: December 20, 2016
  • developer: Ubisoft Montreal Studio
  • platform: PC, PlayStation 4, VR

Then to a player who likes virtual reality Eagle Perfect animal adventure game. After 50 years of humanity completely eradicated from Earth, Eagle After the apocalypse, it opens inside and outside the sky in Paris.

The game is not only possible to play alone, but also uses up to five other players in multiplayer mode. The player controls the glorious soaring eagle, tilt his head and defeats the enemy with the controller. Still, advice: Before entering the multiplayer mode, you must be completely AU-FAIT with control and gameplay style.



Be the emperor of the sea

  • Released: September 19, 2024
  • platform: PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch
  • developer: Historia Inc.

FAAAST PENGUIN Not only is it a children's game, but also the competitive elements of the racing race are addictive. fast. It has developed into an informal respect for powerful people Club penguinGame developers spent a lot of time to ensure that aesthetics are right.


Animal Cross New Horizon: Why should I start again in 2025

Animal Intersection: New Horizons is an excellent feature added to Nintendo's Life-SIM franchise, and players should consider starting the island in 2025.

The game, which plays with a lovely emperor penguin, features local multiplayer through eye -catching visual visuals and high -speed graphics through player race, solo or various landscapes. Think essentially Super Mario Cart or Disney Speed ​​Storm: With penguins.


Far away: Survival series

Small but powerful

  • Released: September 28, 2021
  • platform: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S
  • developer: A breaking wall

Far away: Survival series It is definitely one of the more difficult games led by the animal hero. The player implements a small sugar glider who needs to be alive while completing the search mission every turn.

The success of this game where many other people fail is the actual scene of a myriad of other animals when the player collects the trophy. After a break or other play through during the game, the player has an option to see the world through the eyes of various other wildlife in the enhanced exploration mode.



Big white revenge

Maneater tag page cover art


May 22, 2020


M mature 17+, drug reference, intense violence, mature humor, mild language



For game animal enthusiasts looking for more fight -based games manager. There are several open world games where players implement sharks manager Most of them are definitely at the top. Greated White Shark, who explored Mexico's water, is doing a plural mission to find a hunter who killed her mother.

As the game progresses, there are plenty of opportunities to upgrade sharks, and you can take mutations and take powerful murder machines. manager It also features a variety of landmarks and locations, from the Florida -style swamps and rivers to the landed waste site of the industrial city.




Lost game


PlayStation-1 Xbox-1


July 19, 2022


Bluetwelve Studio



Many people have heard about the well -known dystopian adventure game. stray If not, it's time to download. stray Follow the dangerous adventures of Ginger Tomcat, which is surrounded by a wall where mutant bacteria and killer machines live.

The player by chance, in the emotional roller coaster of the journey, he will find himself, especially at the end of the game. So far, the best way to immerse yourself in gameplay is to prioritize the trophy first and instead live like a cat. Best beginner tip? When you arrive in a new area (small), the player spends time diving in every corner and corner, like a treasure. stray The places they do not expect are hidden.



Do your best with Jeff & Debra

KeyWe Tag Page Cover Art


August 31, 2021



Jeff and Debra are two lovely kiwi who work in various areas inside and outside the post office. key It is one of the best cooperative games throughout the PlayStation Store.

There are three seasons, summer, autumn and winter, and players must perform each mission and cooperate in the most specific way. In addition, there are hidden custom sculptures such as backpacks, other fur, head gears, and sunglasses throughout the mission.


Sonic origin

Everyone's favorite hedgehog

Sonic Original Plus Tag Page Cover Art


June 23, 2023



Regardless of the player's age or game experience, everyone who picked up the controller would be familiar with the electric blue speed demon, at least the hedgehog sonic the hedgehog. ~ Inside Sonic origin, All Sonic game players can play more since the days of Sega Megadrive.

If you prefer, you can select the original classic game or jump into the anniversary mode to play the remastered version of each level. Sonic the HEDGEHOG yourself, Echidna and Miles (Tails) Prowler can go up for catching, and the literal time can be spent on remembering how to defeat only Robotnik.


7 best games that can only be used in PS1

PlayStation is a controversial classic with a video game library that has never seen a day's light in this console.

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