Skyrim missed an opportunity with One Perfect DLC.

Despite being over ten years old, Skyrim It is still talked about among gamers of all ages. There are many reasons The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrimbut it all comes down to base gameplay with great replay value and DLC that offers great value in story and content. Dawnguard and Dragonborn offered epic journeys that brought players face-to-face with eldritch horrors, vampires, and lost civilizations. Both expansions are identical to the AAA RPG: SkyrimHowever, the game could have created another game based on the historical landmarks of the province.

more modern Elder Scrolls The game is set for individual regions. The fifth and latest title in the franchise is set in icy mountains and cold valleys. Skyrim. Despite the Norse making up the majority of the population, the region is very diverse. It was originally the home of the Snow Elves and Dunmer before they were annihilated by war and oppression. Part of the reason for the disappearance of the snow elves can be found in the Forgotten Vale region. Skyrim. This section was added by: Dawnguard DLC requires standalone expansion.


The Elder Scrolls 6 can do a lot to atone for the sins of Skyrim's Civil War

The Elder Scrolls 6 has the opportunity to correct some of the common criticisms of Skyrim's handling of its civil war storyline.

Why Forgotten Vale Deserved Standalone DLC for Skyrim

Forgotten Vale is an isolated place located north of Markarth. Players will find that this place is mostly populated by Falmer, Frost Giants, and Frost Trolls. Players will encounter this in the “Touching the Sky” quest line in Dawnguard. Here the Dragonborn will learn the full truth about the fall of the Snow Elves and the vampire origins of Nirn. This questline, while extensive, only served as a side story to the main plot of destroying or joining the Dawnguard. SkyrimA notorious vampire clan.

The tragic story of the snow elves deserves more attention


The Dragonborn will likely encounter the Knight-Paladin Gelebor while exploring The Forgotten Vale. He will ask the player to kill his brother Vythur, who was corrupted by Falmer. By talking to Gelebor throughout the quest, the Dragonborn will soon learn the following: Skyrim's snow elves and the seemingly primitive and evil Falmer are identical.

According to the Knight-Paladin, his people were forced to retreat after losing the war against the Nords and turned to the Dwemer for protection. The Dwemer agreed to take them in, but soon betrayed them by having the Snow Elves consume a blinding toxin. The dwarves forcibly enslaved them and subjected them to torture and suffering for centuries. This horrific experience over several generations slowly transformed them into corrupted Falmers. These creatures now roam the empty halls of the Dwemer ruins after the Dwemer suddenly disappeared during the Battle of Red Mountain in the First Age.

Some snow elves, such as Gelebor and Vythur, avoided becoming enslaved to the Dwemer by hiding in shrines or boarding with influential allies. But over time, their population dwindled, most lived in secret, and people thought they went extinct during the Second Age.

It would have been nice to have learned more about the lore of the snow elves through an interactive quest line or expansion rather than just dialogue. Perhaps through the Elder Scrolls, the Dragonborn will witness first-hand the war against the Nords, the blinding of the Falmer, and the exodus of the last remaining Snow Elves. Gelebor also noted that Falmer is becoming increasingly smarter, although he cannot revert to his previous Snow Elf form. Once you know what the Falmer have been through, the Forgotten Vale DLC, which helps players connect with them and find peace, would be a great alternative to avoiding or killing them for loot. maybe The Elder Scrolls 6 Even if the expansion isn't set in The Forgotten Vale, the Snow Elf-centric DLC could give them the justice they deserve.

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