Silksong can't forget the one thing that made the original tick

There is no major news about the domestic situation yet. Hollow Knight: SilksongLet's hope developer Team Cherry is working on the important stuff. Set in the kingdom of Pharloom, the game is expected to feature many new enemies, environments, and items. It's also likely that you'll find a lot of inspiration from the qualities that made your previous work successful. Because not doing so would be a waste of opportunity. But if silk song If you're going to do that, there's one little thing you shouldn't forget about the original. hollow knightBecause it helped keep the game light despite its heavy atmosphere.

Given that silk song Being the sequel to Team Cherry's most successful work, you can expect the story to have a dark and serious tone. Although it helps tell a great story, it's important to remember that an original work is an original work. hollow knight There were also moments of humor to keep it from getting too heavy. Whenever the game had time to be funny, it did so in a way that didn't feel contrived, and showed that there was more to the characters than just them being depressed creatures due to the current state of the world. silk song Just like its predecessor, it's a must-have feature as it helps improve the in-game world.


Silksong must not let the Hollow Knight boss go to waste

There are a lot of things about Hollow Knight: Silksong's predecessor that could help improve the sequel, and boss fights could be one of them.

How silk buds can have moments of humor

Even with the world hollow knight It's dank and depressing, but a few amusing moments here and there keep slipping in, allowing players to find temporary relief from all the severity. if silk song If you have your own functionality, there are a few natural ways to do this.

  • conjugation silk song's new quest system that introduces NPCs to comical tasks that provide real benefits upon completion or no compensation for their time at all.

  • There are some interesting rival characters, like Zote from the original. hollow knightA mix of comedic relief, but also a potentially dangerous adversary.

  • It introduces new areas to escape the gloomy world, as the game's larger environments can really allow, and there are only NPCs who have fun and witty dialogue.

while silk song There shouldn't be too many moments of humor, but there should be at least the right amount. I hope Team Cherry looks back on how they implemented this effectively. hollow knightDo the same for the sequel.

Why moments of humor are important in Silk Song

It's as good as the story. hollow knight If it weren't for that moment of humor, it wouldn't be remembered so fondly. If the game had focused too much on a serious, depressing narrative, players would have been turned off. Because the overwhelmingly dark atmosphere would have overwhelmed almost everything else. with silk song Because it was going to be so much bigger than its predecessor, it would need a lot more moments of humor as its own story could get a lot darker. You should also remember that hollow knight It struck the perfect balance of seriousness and comic relief. This is because there were only a few minutes of the latter to keep people engaged and interested while playing without taking too much attention away from the narrative. If Team Cherry wants to repeat the success of its predecessor, they'll need to do the same with the sequel, and hopefully they will.

With a short update silk songThe development of has given new hope to supporters of the game and sincerely believes that the developers are taking their time to create their next masterpiece. If Team Cherry is looking back to see what they can do to make the sequel better and more successful after release, sprinkling humorous moments into the game like the original was one thing. hollow knight It has proven how good it is to do so.

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