Pokemon Go Details are scattered in the Winds event.


  • The player can enjoy the bonus while the Pokemon Go is scattered in the Wind Event, and get a double XP.

  • During the event, other shinies, such as the shiny scatterbug, the spewpa and the Vivillon debut, and the pidgey, are easily found.

  • The event also introduces special XP and item bonuses with the new collection challenge.

Pokemon go We will disclose the details of the upcoming Wind Events, including Wild Encounters, Bonuses, and SHINY POKEMON. Hit mobile game Pokemon go The player continues to participate by adding new contents to a consistent clip through a limited time event and a new season.

The most interesting event for long players is when Niantic adds new creatures. Pokemon go. With almost 30 years of games and media, Niantic still has a long way to go before the current Pokedex is expressed in a popular mobile game. As a new event is planned in February, the player can get a new glitter deformation of the previously added creatures, as well as newly added Pokemon, such as DHELMISE.


Pokemon Go Player was so lucky every day.

The Pokemon Go player ignores the probability of every day and discovers one of the rare monsters in the game as an incredibly special variation.

As part of Pokemon goThe February event, which is scattered in the wind on February 18, began on February 18, bringing a few bonuses that players can use. During the event, the player is five times more than the first XP to rotate Pokestop or to interact for the first time. Players can open up to 40 gifts a day, use new event theme research, and complete a new collection challenge for combat with medium, XP, STARDUST and SCYTHER.

Pokemon is scattered at the beginning of the wind

  • Tuesday, February 18 at 10 am, until 10 am on February 20, 2025 Thursday, Thursday, 8 pm local time

However, this event also adds to the game for the first time, especially for scatterbug, spewpa and vivillon. As you can see from the blog post, the player can fix the postcards of other trainers and get a new meeting with Scatterbug and the opportunity to find a shiny version. yes Pokemon go Caterpie, Spearow, Wurmple and Starly will be more likely to meet shiny pidgey.

Before scattering in the wind, the player will have another opportunity to score Pokemon GO's easy shinies at the Community Day event in February 2025. This month, KarrabLast and Shelmet have a front and center, so the player can try to make candy and find a high statistical version. In addition, players that evolve the special Pokemon before February 16 will unlock the monopoly abilities.

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