Pokemon Go announced its Pokemon debut for the upcoming event.


  • Pokemon Go's beloved Buddies event features a three -star attack and features the debut of the Ghost/Grass type Pokemon Dhelmise.

  • The event runs from February 11 to February 15, with a higher advantages and event bonuses such as double XP to catch Pokemon.

  • The shiny dhelmise does not appear in the beloved Buddies event, but Mega tyranitar returns to the mega raid.

Niantic announced the coming Pokemon go The “BELOVED BUDDIES” event shows the debut of the Ghost/Grass-Type Pokemon Dhelmise in a popular mobile game. Pokemon go The player can meet DHELMISE in an attack, grab the sparkling Pokemon more often, and use numerous event bonuses for a limited time.

In February 2025, there are a lot of limited time events. Pokemon goIncluding the next community day and the day of the Fufa Unbound attack. The upcoming event will provide other opportunities to receive additional rewards such as field research work, XP gains and candy drops. Niantic unveiled all the details of the beloved Buddies events that will begin after a small but strong end on February 8 through a small and strong event on the horizon.


Pokemon Go Player was so lucky every day.

The Pokemon Go player ignores the probability of every day and discovers one of the rare monsters in the game as an incredibly special variation.

Dhelmise will be The Feactured Pokemon Pokemon go 2 월 11 일 화요일부터 오전 10 시부 터 오후 2 월 15 일 토요일 오후 8시 현지 시간에 지속되는 사랑하는 친구 행사. DHELMISE will appear as a three -star attack with Slowbro and Hippowdon, but it is worth noting that there will be no shiny dhelmise during the event. Similarly Pokemon Go You can use a variety of event bonuses, including a community day event, a double XP for DHELMISE and other Pokemons, a bait module that lasts an hour, Diglett, SlowPoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, CutieFly and Fomantis. . Nidoran, Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Remoraid, Mantine, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise and Cutiefly also appear in the wild.

  • Time: Tuesday, February 11 at 10 am on February 15, 2025 Saturday 8 pm local time

  • Ghost/Grass-Type Pokemon Dhelmise will be the new Pokemon.

  • Event bonuses include double XP, one -hour bait module, Diglett, SlowPoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly and FOMANTIS.

  • The following Pokemon appears as an attack.

    • 1 -star attack

    • 3 -star attack

      • Slow

      • Hippowdon

      • dhelmise

    • 5 -star attack

      • Enamorus (in the form of incarnation)

    • Mega attack

Also, Mega Tirani Tar will come back. Pokemon go In your dear friend event, there are a variety of 1 -star and 5 -star RAID featuring Shellder, Dwebble, Skrelp and Enamorus (Incarnate Forme). Tandemaus is also introduced as a monopoly on field research at a beloved Buddies event. The player can complete the field research with the theme of a beloved friend to meet the Tandenorus and receive additional rewards, including more star dust. During the event, we are receiving more rewards in the Pokestop showcase.

Before a loved one starts, the player Pokemon go Community Day event in February 2025. The player can not only catch a shiny karrable or shiny shelmet, but also grab a Pokemon before February 16, and gives Karrablast or Shelmet knowing an exclusive claim. The upcoming Community DAY event also provides Triple XP and Double Candy Drops, so the player has a good opportunity to prepare a lot of attacks with a loved one.

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July 6, 2016



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