AERITH may not be the first choice of the player in connection with the playable characters of Square ENIX. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. In other words, she is a great character with a memorable liner, and you can't suppress charisma and spirit in the sequel to the remake.

FINAL FANTASY 7 REBIRTH 8 Best Aerith Citation
AERITH is a key character of Final Fantasy 7 REBIRTH and offers the most fun and important lines in the game during the campaign.
But playing with AERITH gets used to getting used to it. If the player puts all her all the rods Final Fantasy 7 RebirthThey will have more time because they can unlock good abilities, such as noble sacrifices or rays of judgment. They can also unlock the weapon options AERITH's best employee technology.
Updated by Joshua Leeds on February 3, 2025: Weapon technology can accurately improve the way of fighting each weapon, and there is a wide range of combinations by using three options for each weapon. Weapon technology can turn on or off every time you are out of battle. In other words, the player can easily try all the options in this list until they find what they like. This list has been extended to include additional useful weapons technology that Aerith can be mounted, and listing more weapons can find some of the best technologies.
Debuff expansion
Make the debuff more effectively
AERITH is the best when playing as a backline support character. Debuff Extension allows AERITH the debuff to be 25% longer, which can affect the same ATB and MP costs.
Debuffs can be easily skipped, but they can turn the tidal tids of the fight, and this technology is more effective. Tallot debuff has a great influence on the boss, not immunity. This technology makes it more effective because it can cause more damage due to all incoming attacks.
Ita recovery +10%
Keep your party healthy
AERITH can go to the back of the Bill's Chocobo Ranch and get an eternal bar early. With that, she can equipped +10%of weapon technology altruism. It will further strengthen her healing for the party.
AERITH will always be a white wizard of this series by spraying pigeons on a healer class. It is meaningful because her limits are originally healed or buff -based in the original game. This weapon technology coincides with its tradition. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Spiritual harvest
Maintain MP holding
Weapon: Guard Stick and Ritual Staff
As a group therapist, AERITH will experience a lot of MP. The player can also designate her as a black wizard because she is good at casting aggressive magic. That's why weapons technologies, such as spiritual harvests, are also good and attached to Guard Stick, the basic weapon.

FINAL FANTASY 7 Rebirth: 7 Best Gun-Arm Skills Barret
Barret's Gunarm has many technologies that can be mounted on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but it is best to use.
AERITH will start the game with Ability Soul Drain. Spiritual Harvest allows you to get 25% more MPs from the soul drain attack so that you can cast more orders without wasting ether items.
Continuous ward
Stop evil
Weapon: Guard sticks and rods beyond the times
Like all playable characters Final Fantasy 7 RebirthAERITH can learn abilities from new weapons. Many of these abilities are different types of wards. For example, in the case of conscious employees, AERITH can learn ATB WARD, and can improve the ATB recovery of all characters standing in it.
Equipped with a guard stick, the player allows you to tag it to a continuous ward weapon technology. The same length as ATB WARD will increase by 25%. This is a good way to use AERITH's extensive wards. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
ATB claim rate
Use your order and abilities more often
Weapon: EMPRESS's SCEPTER & Gambanteinn
With this technology, ATB is created 10% faster than usual. Aerith relies heavily on her abilities and spells, and her basic attack actually charges her for stronger. It doesn't seem 10%, but in a longer boss fight, it is important that the benefits are greatly increased over time, and landing orders will hit weaknesses.

FINAL FANTASY 7 Rebirth: What is Luck?
Good luck is especially in the right character of Final Fantasy 7 REBIRTH. There is exactly how it works.
This technology also helps not only basic attacks, but also all actions. This means that the powerful spells and abilities used will come closer to create much more ATB at a time and follow other spells faster.
Ward shift mastery
Avoid better
Weapon: Rod of the times beyond the times
AERITH is one of the slow characters in the game. That's why she is suitable for order casting because she can heal the allies or cast a lump of fire to the enemy. But the monster will still attack her and the basic dodge ability is not great.
Instead, the player must take advantage of the WARD Shift ability, a triangular -based technology of the PS5 controller. It will not be dangerous to Aerith somewhere on the battlefield. The Timeless Rod Weapon Ward Shift Mastery reduces the cooldown for 2 seconds in the WARD Shift.
Enhanced storm
Be careful with the butterfly
Weapon: Guard stick and wizard bar
This is another great weapon technology for guard sticks. The player can press the square button to enable the Tempest mode of AERITH. In this state, AERITH's spell of will be fired slightly faster and will be stronger.
Enhanced storms will increase this damage 15%. Players should be adhered to using AERITH mainly as order casters, but even if you need to use a normal attack, even the probability is helpful. Orders must cast ATB charging and use a normal attack is the best way to build a gauge.
Butterfly effect
Weapon: Guard Stick & Gambanteinn
There is another aspect that goes into the Tempest mode to be solved. The player will find that Aerith is accompanied by a familiar butterfly. This increases order damage in addition to the basic attack and speed of AERITH.

FINAL FANTASY 7 REBIRTH: 7 The best Broadsword Skills Cloud can be mounted.
The following is the best Broadsword technology that Cloud can be equipped with Final Fantasy 7 REBIRTH.
Guard sticks can further improve storms with unfamiliar familiar weapons technology. This increases the duration of this state by 25%. With the improved stormy storm on the guard stick, Aerith can be quite juggler.
MP recovery speed increase
More MPs over time
Weapon: Road & EMPRESS halls beyond the times
As the name suggests, this technology simply increases Aerith's natural MP recovery in battle. MP playback progresses very slowly in battle and cannot rely on completion in boss battles, but it will be an ideal time to use this technology in the long run while exploring dungeons or long stretches between benches.
It doesn't see you returning to the noticeable amount of MP, but over time it will help you store the items you can use in more serious battles due to slow playback. This technology is a good but good boss fight that is great but preferred other things.
Laughter faced with death
Weapon: Ritual staff and persimmon Tein
The ritual staff can be obtained from the GI village, which is a new short story section. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This weapon allows you to install a powerful remedy technology that prevents death once a battle. This protection can be achieved in several different ways in the game, such as casting automatic life with Reraise Magic Materia.
There is also accessories Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth It can be hit by death, but it is still called a revival earring that resurrects the player. The more you can prevent death, the better it is, the better it is, and you will do it for AERITH. She is not the only character that can get the only weapon skills because the cloud has it in his symbolic buster sword. Nevertheless, it is rare to be found in the game overall.

- Released
February 29, 2024
In the case of teenagers due to T -blood, language, light implicit themes, alcohol and tobacco use, and violence