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Kell's Fall Difficulty Variants
Kell's Fall is the latest Exotic mission. Destiny 2The search for Fikrul brings players back to the Tangled Shore. Some of Scorn's strongest forces are stationed in abandoned watchtowers on the edge of the coast. But if you can take them all down and defeat Fikrul, you'll be rewarded with a new Exotic Shotgun and some seasonal gear.
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Completing this mission will earn you the Slayer's Fang, an Exotic shotgun that fires ricocheting projectiles and grants true vision on kills. This weapon is absolutely powerful in the right hands, but you'll need to unlock it first. Here's a full walkthrough of the Kell's Fall Exotic mission, covering everything from encounters to difficulty modifiers.
Kell's Fall Difficulty Variants
Like most Exotic missions, Kell's Fall has two difficulty variants. General and specialist. Normally set to power 1,995, only Elemental Surge and Threat are active. There are no other modifiers. that expert The variant spawns a champion, activates Overcharge, and forces it to have a -15 power delta, setting it to 2,015 power. Enemies are expected to hit much harder in this mode.
The activity objectives and puzzles are the same for both variants.
Kell's Fall Modifier |
power cap |
1,955 |
bibliography |
Void and Strand |
threat |
invalid |
Expert Difficulty |
power cap |
2,015 |
champion |
Overloaded and unstoppable |
bibliography |
Void and Arc |
threat |
invalid |
overcharge |
Shotguns and Artifact Weapons |
protected enemy |
sun and void |
scorched earth |
Enemies throw grenades much more often. |
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fight against scammers
The fall of Kell begins on the outskirts of the Watchtower of the Dreaming City on the Tangled Shore, a place not seen since Forsaken. When you come in, follow the railing to the right. To reach the watchtower. If you keep finding detractors along the way, you're on the right track.
When you arrive at the watchtower courtyard, fraud A small army of Barons and Scorns will ambush you. To escape you will need to remove about 1/3 of the Trickster's HP. The only notable mechanisms here are: The Trickster becomes immune as soon as he stops moving.Relocate to another location. Whenever it stops, use as much heavy ammo as possible to burn it down. When the impostor retreats, enter the tower.
explore the fortress
The first thing you will notice about the fort is the huge pipe organ. Although it is not related to completing this mission, entering the code you find through Kell's Fall will grant you bonus loot. You won't know any musical compositions when you start, so you can mostly ignore instruments for now. Go up the stairs on the left and light the brazier to continue.
Unlit furnaces appear in certain encounters (usually puzzles). you must Light three of them to open the nearby door. This mechanism does not have a timer.
After going through the door, you'll find yourself in a narrow hallway with a huge branch growing out of one end. Look beyond the nearest branch and you'll find a wall of rubble that can be destroyed with a weapon. Go through the newly created hole to find a strange mirror. Shoot and break the glass to reveal a path forward.
Walking through a mirror will take you to another dimension that reflects reality. A few Dread and Scorn enemies will greet you. There's nothing a decent build can't handle. Push the linear adjuster until it reaches the other mirror. Destroy it and escape.
Back to the basic level Look for two braziers nearby that you can activate. One will usually spawn near the portal and the other will spawn on top of a nearby staircase. Lighting up both will open the way to your first meeting. Destroy the rubble on the right wall, slide in, and follow the path until you reach a fighting pit.
Defeat the Mad Bomber
The main goals of this meeting are: Enter the mirror realm, get the Revenant Empowerment, kill the two Abominations, then kill the Mad Bomber. When an encounter begins, additions will spawn around the arena. You can choose to remove it now or start the mechanic. Near the center of the room, a mirror begins to break. Shoot the glass and go inside.
Inside the mirror area there are a few Dread enemies. Revenant EssentiaA variation of the Dread Weaver. Killing them will drop three motes that grant Revenant Essence. Damaging immune enemies in other areas requires 10 stacks of Wraith Essence. Once you have 10 stacks, use the mirror on the edge of the battle ring to return to the Material Realm.
Wraith's Essence lasts for 45 seconds. Once you get 10 stacks, the timer is removed.
Now that you are armed with Revenant Empowerment, Can now damage immune Abomination enemies in the room. There are two in total, one on each side. There is no timer here. Take your time. Killing both Abominations will spawn the Mad Bomber and some additional add-ons, so make sure you're ready before killing the second Abominations.
The Mad Bomber functions identically to its Forsaken variant. These enemies will throw explosives your way and are very aggressive. There are no immunities or buff mechanics to juggle here. Grab the most powerful heavy weapon and melt the boss's health bar. Killing the Mad Bomber ends the battle.
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Find a sanctuary
More revived barons await you in the fortress. The next stop is the Sanctuary, which can be accessed through the exit door in the upper right corner of the battle ring. A short distance down the road you will come to a large cave filled with red light. Follow the ledges and structures on the left path. Climb as high as you can and look beyond the gap to find the cave exit.
Defeat the Mindbender
Before you start meeting, you'll want to do the following: Light three furnaces in the material world. One is behind the rally flag and two are next to the mirror in the adjacent room. Prepare a good burst DPS heavy weapon for this encounter. The DPS phase is timed here.
Entering the portal takes you to the Sanctuary, a large room within the Watchtower. Mindbender. Like the previous Trickster, you must remove a third of the boss's HP for him to retreat. But there is a problem. The timer is 2 minutes while you are in the mirror area. You must damage the boss and escape before the timer reaches 0.
Fortunately, the exit is fairly easy to reach. After phasing out the boss, run towards the hole in the left wall of the sanctuary. Slide and a few Thralls will spawn. Get rid of the slave and run to the other end of the hallway to see if there is a brazier in the small crevice. Light it if present.
Then, about halfway down the hallway, turn back and take a left into a small cave guarded by two Hive Wizards. Take them out, take out the acolyte, then use the mirror at the end of the room to escape.
In the material plane you need to: To open the door, light the two nearby braziers. Following our implementation, both furnaces should spawn in the room. When activated, it returns to the mirror, but don't Enter it. Look for a ledge behind the mirror that you can jump up onto. Go inside to begin the second damage phase.
The second step is identical to the first step. Damage the boss until the stage is complete, then go through the exit door to reach another mirror. Another timer will take you back to the initial sanctuary room. Defeat the boss before time runs out We conclude the meeting. If you need more time, go into the mirror, reset time, and jump in again.
Defeat the Trickster
Although not a proper encounter, this is the penultimate part of Kell's Fall. you must Go up the spiral staircase and defeat the imposter Baron from earlier. Same as starting the mission. Wait for the imposter to stop moving, then light it up with your abilities and heavy weapons. I can't clean it here.So take your time. After defeating the boss, the door at the top of the stairs will open.
Defeat the Revenant
Fikrul has turned the throne room into his own fortress, and it is your job to thwart his plans. Before you start, make sure you have a good mid-range DPS weapon and a high survivability build. Grenade launchers and swords work well here.
The encounter begins with a brief additional clearing section. Hordes of Scorns will spawn around the arena for you to kill. Look carefully at the mirror right behind Fikrul's spawn location. Once you kill enough enemies, Fikrul will start a reset mechanism. When you see Fikrul charging his wand, enter the mirror before the erasure occurs.
Inside the Mirror Realm are a mix of Dread and Scorn enemies, including: Expert overload and unstoppable champion. Like the Mad Bomber, he must be defeated. Revenant Essentia In the arena to get Revenant Empowerment. At 10x, you can leave the arena and come face to face with one of Fikrul's schemes. If you've completed the Act 3 quest, you'll fight Fikrul in the Mirror Realm instead.
If you're fighting Fikrul in the Kell's Fall version, here's what you need to do: damage a mirror Start the DPS phase. You only have a few seconds to damage him before you have to escape. Do the math.
You can use previously collected buffs to deal damage to the boss. Break the shields and kill them using whatever you need. There is no DPS window here (except for the Fikrul variant), so take your time. Play it safe, don't forget to use your super, and use heavy weapons often to take down bosses. Completing this encounter will complete Kell's Fall and award you the Slayer's Fang Exotic Shotgun.
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