Players aren't happy with Pathfinder's grapple nerf in Apex Legends' mid-season update.
Pathfinder's ability changes received negative feedback from many in the community.
Pathfinder's popularity may have waned due to recent nerfs, but a future patch could address any complaints.
After the mid-season update was released Apex LegendsPlayers aren't happy with Pathfinder's nerfs, especially his grapple ability. This major patch for Season 23 is Apex Legends Although they tried to make some legendaries like Mirage and Loba more viable in matches, some players feel that Pathfinder's nerf went too far.
On January 7, Respawn Entertainment released the mid-season update for Season 23. Apex LegendsIt brought significant changes to Battle Royale. The list of changes was extensive, but several Legends received potentially game-changing buffs. For example, Mirage's kit has been reworked to include a new level 2 upgrade and tactical buffs. Additionally, Loba and Alter received a lot of love in the mid-season update, and the developers made significant improvements to their Ultimates, among other things. However, not all Legends received positive changes. Pathfinder has suffered some nerfs as the developer attempts to seize the power of his kit.

Apex Legends broke its promise to fans.
Developer Respawn Entertainment disappointed players by failing to deliver on a promise it made to Apex Legends fans in early 2024.
Unfortunately, Pathfinder's nerfs include: Apex Legends It was not well received by the gaming community. Ironically, in a post from a Reddit user sharing the patch notes, fans discussed their dissatisfaction with the Pathfinder changes. In particular, players were not satisfied with the increased cooldown of the grappling hook. According to the patch notes, Pathfinder's tactical cooldown is now 30 seconds. This was a big nerf for the character, as previously the ability was variable and had a potentially much shorter cooldown depending on how far the grapple traveled. In addition to the Grappling Hook, the Insider Knowledge ability and the Zipline Zen upgrade have also been changed.
Apex Legends players believe Pathfinder's grapple cooldown should remain the same.
Pathfinder's Grappling Hook has gone through various iterations over the years. For example, a few years ago Pathfinder's tactical ability had a 35 second cooldown. It's also worth noting that the ability hasn't always had a variable cooldown. Still, recent changes in Season 23 may make matches a lot less satisfying when using Legend, considering how pivotal the grappling hook is to gameplay.
It will be interesting to see how the recent changes to Pathfinder affect the pick rate for Season 23. Apex Legends. So far, Legend has been one of the most popular characters in the game, with Apex Legends Status showing his pick rate at 14.6%. Surprisingly, this is second only to Lifeline at 18.2%. She received a kit rework at the start of the season and enjoyed support class improvements. Apex Legends.
Pathfinder may have lost some popularity thanks to recent nerfs, but there's always the possibility that Respawn will release a future patch to tweak Legend based on player feedback. We hope that the developers can continue to update the game to provide an enjoyable experience for those playing Season 23.