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How to open a dark citadel entrance
What to do in the dark citadel
There are several locations running Hammerwatch's Hero 2 Before proceeding through a huge dark citadel, I will start with a humble forest and take you. The dark citadel has an entrance to the first area, but it cannot be entered until it is completed.

Hero of Hammerwatch 2: 8 seconds
Here are some beginner tips to help start Hammerwatch 2's Heroes of Heroes.
The Dark Citadel itself consists of most locations to explore in the game, but usually proceeds in order from beginning to end. To unlock the entrance to the Dark Citadel and skip the running part, there is the following method:
How to open a dark citadel entrance
The entrance to the Dark Citadel can be visited at the first level of a new running. Forest 1. If you search thoroughly here, you can find it Dark Citadel Entrance. Before you open it, you must go further until you reach. Password 1.
The progress to reach the password is as follows: Forest 1, Forest 2, Dark Caves 1, Dark Caves 2, Forest 3, Temple, Crypt 1.
Here, you have a chance Find an architect A A wide open room with ice turrets And some enemies. If you defeat this enemy and talk to the architect, he will return to your village.
Now come back to the village Upgrade the architect with 25 and 25 magic crystals. In the guild hall. This upgrade allows you to access the architect's functions, including changes, such as automatically disclosing the map, reducing the number of enemies and disabling traps.
You can also use the architect upgrade now Enter the Dark Citadel through the front entrance. Starting a new run Explore 1 around the forest until you find a dark citadel.Talk to the architect outside of that. He will open the door and let him go inside.
What to do in the dark citadel
There is A inside the dark citadel Serial candle And A switch In the center of the region. Turn the candle to turn the switch flipAnd the waves of the shade will remove you. If you defeat them, a The red portal opens It will be Go to a dark cast,, The exact stage corresponding to the number of lighting candles.
The new candle is unlocked every time you beat a new boss.
In essence, the dark citadel is large Shortcut It tests your abilities by allowing you to fight the waves of powerful shades. After passing the test, skip a lot of running Start with the dungeon immediately.

HAMNERWATCH Hero 2: Complete the class guide
The following is an overview of seven classes, departure technologies and masteries of each class of Hammerwatch 2.