How to Find and Use Refined Emotions in Path Of Exile 2

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Anointing is a powerful mechanism. Path of Exile 2You can get the effects of notable passive skills without chaining them. Although not required, some anointings can easily improve builds related to DPS, defense, or general utility.


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For example, Frazzled is an anointed passive that not only provides mana regeneration but also increases the magnitude of the impact inflicted, which can be very useful on Stormweaver. Unlike the original POE, only amulets and waystones can be baptized in Path of Exile 2. Here's how to anoint items, how to get Distilled Emotions, and how to get the best Anointing in the game.

Path of Exile 2 is currently in progress. early access. As the game continues to develop, there may be some changes or upgrades to Anoints.

How do you find distilled emotions?

Here's an overview of currency exchanges where you can buy all kinds of distilled emotions.

distilled emotions Is currency type Introduced in Path of Exile 2. combined effects Blight oil and Orb of Delirium From the original game. there is 10 types In-game Distilled Emotions:

Here it is all different ways you can farm distilled emotions:


how to get

delirium map

The default method is Acquire refined emotions am Complete the map / Delirium Waystone mechanic. that Indicated by a white icon – Not to be confused with Expedition.

What you can see from this map Delirium fog throughout the region; and Progress bar at the bottomleft corner. Your goal is to defeat as many monsters as possible. Before the delirium fog disappears. When complete, you will: Receive generous rewardsinclude random distillation emotions.

Currency exchange or trade website

much easier way How to get distilled emotions currency exchange or trade website.

reforging bench

you can also Use the reforging bench Upgrade your Distilled Emotions. you must Add 3 Distilled Emotions of the same type. to get one of the higherfloor.

This is especially Helpful for SSF If you can't get the Distilled Emotion you want.


Completing waves of simulacrum It can also provide Distilled Emotions. But it endgame eager activity Requires a fairly powerful build.

When farming distilled emotions, completelySpecific Delirium Tree, Appropriate precursor purificationand floor15 waystones.

How to anoint?

Infusion window, accessible by right-clicking on the distilled emotion.

Like the original game, The anointing is simple mechanic It's in Path of Exile 2. today Two types of items That you can anoint, waystone, and amulet. The process is slightly different but not complicated. Here's everything you need to know How to Anoint Each Item with Holy Oil:


Anoint Path of Exile 2's Everlasting Gaze talisman, used in Spark Stormweaver builds.

to pouring oil into a talismansimply rightclick (Square/X on controller) About distilled emotions open injection window. In this menu Place the amulet in the top slotand 3 Distilled Emotions at the bottom. There are several notable passive skills that can be consecrated.

To check Why we need distilled emotions For specific anointed people, open the passive skill tree, Hover your mouse over the noteworthy passive skill you want.and Press Alt (R3 on controller).

The anointing has been fully established.suspended; So double check what you need for your build. if you need change the anointingBy repeating the same process Overwrite previous anointing.

At the time of writing this: There is no way to anoint a corrupted or mirrored amulet. This feature is not available as it was originally available in Path of Exile. Taking a long time to implement in Path of Exile 2.


Anoint the T15 Waystone with a variety of emotions in Path of Exile 2.

you can Pour oil into the waystone to Added delirium effect To them. Depending on the distilled emotion used, you may receive the following additional effects: more monsters, Increase in counterfeit fragments, Additional currency dropsetc.

Similar to anointing an amulet or waystone. Click for distilled emotions (square / X on controller) to Open the Injection window. Place the Waystone there with the Distilled Emotion of your choice.

remember Anointing the Waystone makes it much more difficult. Therefore we I recommend not doing this unless you have Very strong endgame build.

Also similar to a talisman Corrupted waystones cannot be anointed. Here is the complete one List of all map modes What you can get by anointing the waystone:

distilled emotions

delirium effect


distilled despair


you are Simulacrum Splinter's stack size increased by 30%.

distilled disgust


you find Precursor Refining increased by 30%.

distilled greed


Rarity increased by 8% Number of items found on the map.

distilled anger


On the map Add 20% magic monsters.

distilled pain


unique monster On the map (including bosses) Additional modifiers.

distilled paranoia


On the map Add 15% to rare monsters.

distilled guilt


On the map Increased pack size by 8%. This directly translates to more loot.

distilled envy


you find Waystone increased by 30%.

distilled fear


rare monster 25% chance on the map Additional modifiers.

distilled isolate


It doesn't give any additional effect, but it actually This is helpful if you want to farm a 100% Delirium map..

Similar to Amulets, you should use: Three refined feelings about anointing Waystone. For example, if you use: avarice, despairand isolation, you will get 80% Delirium Waystone to 30% Simulacrum Splinter's stacks have been increased. and increased by 8% Rarity of the item establish

The best technology for oils

Pressing Alt on Icebreaker (main passive skill) will reveal the distilled emotions needed to be baptized.

As mentioned earlier, the anointing is mainly Depends on build You are playing. however Some fairly common anointings You can work with multiple builds. Here are some anointings: Useful for many end game builds:

Notable Passive Skills

Distilled Emotions 1

Distilled Emotions 2

Distilled Emotions 3


deadly swarm




Minions Trading Damage increased by 15% and Critical hit chance increased by 20%.

storm charge




you get 40% increased Elemental Damage After taking a critical hit. you also 20% critical hit chance.





Herald skill is AOE and damage increased by 30%.

parrying motion




This is provided to you Increases block chance by 12%and Movement speed increased by 1% whenever you have You have been blocked for the last 10 seconds.

shock diffusion




The shock you inflict 50% chance to electrocute nearby enemies as well. Within a 1.5 meter radius.

high alert




while you are At full HPyou are Evasion rating increased by 50% and Stun threshold increased by 25%.

vulgar way




you get Strength +10, 10% reduced maximum manaand Critical hit chance increased by 35%.

endless blizzard




+1 All cold skill levels.





you gain 100% of maximum ES Additionally Freeze Threshold.

person who drinks a lot




this is granted to you 30% increased flask effectiveness continue, Increases vitality recovery by 20% in flask 5% health recovery When using Life Flask when HP is low.

Wage a siege




Damage increased by 1% sugar 1% Block Chance.

deep trance




you are Attack speed increased by 8% and Skill cost reduced by 10%.

Remember you can do it anytime Hover your mouse over noteworthy passive skills. Skill tree and Press Alt (R3 on controller) Check the Distilled Emotions you need.


Path Of Exile 2: How to Unlock and Use the Reforging Bench

You can also roll for extra loot.

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