How to change the weather in Shangri-La in Fantasian Neo Dimension

Due to the diorama used in the production of the game Fantasia Neo Dimension Although it has a unique look, Shangri-La is a truly different place. Not only is this one of the most visually striking areas of the game, but it's also one of the most mechanically interesting.


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From changing the weather to gathering rope to go down a cliff, there are plenty of challenges in Shangri-La. Learning how to navigate and use weather at the same time is a huge challenge, and we are here to guide you through it.

Where to Find Shangri-La

Leo climbing down a rope in the Fantasian Neo Dimension.

Shangri-La, a land of ancient civilizations and forgotten technologies, is a bit remote. It is found in northernmost part of the mapPast the walls of Mechteria. This means that you must first complete Echo of the Sand Sea before you can pass through this wall blocking it.

After completing the quest, you can immediately sail and head to your destination. To find Shangri-La, located on the east coast. It's not as hidden as you might expect for a forgotten ancient society. It's a pretty high level though, so be prepared for strong enemies.

Many of the chests here are locked, such as: god's keyYou can get it by defeating Ki Obling here.

bridge to the city

From the moment you enter Shangri-La, a beautiful horizon unfolds. First, take a good look at your surroundings. Here are the key items you will need laterYou don't want to risk missing something and causing confusion later.

If you go immediately to the right after entering, you will find a secret little corner hidden away. You can find a few here. Strong ivy next to the tree, mote spell In your chest. Now head north towards the cliff and weave down to find it. Another piece of Durable Ivy.

Place it and go down to find an Amethyst S at the end of the hill. Go forward to see a cutscene with a large dodecahedron. The weather is about to change to a thunderstorm. As you can see in the game, lightning attacks now deal much more damage.

Go down the stairs to the south to find it. Garnet M, Sapphire S, and Light of Judgment In a locked heart. Now go up the steps Ruby L and SP Capsules In your chest.

Next, go to the high stairs and Amber XL From the chest, go down the stairs opposite the dodecahedron. Here you can find Chaos Clay, Amber M, etc. Chaos Clay. Once you've found everything, approach the earth colored enemy.

This fight is pretty simple, but the thunderstorm makes it a tutorial on how the rest of Shangri-La works. Lightning attacks inflict incredibly high damage.Even with increased attack power, enemies barely make a dent. Once defeated, the weather returns to normal and you can proceed to the Fallen City.

corrupt city

This time we face another dodecahedron. Elements of fire, ice, lightning, and earth. This allows you to change the elements in that area (and their overall appearance) to the selected element. for example, If you select Ice, the area will be covered in snow. Increases the power of ice attacks and makes fire obscenely weaker. So let’s start exploring. This is a bit complicated.

First, go down the stairs from the save point and return to the previous area to find the chest. 2 Spell MotesReturn to the Fallen City and go left. there will be some sturdy ivy I'm resting here in the tree. You will see an ice force field in front of you. Back to the dodecahedron Turn the weather into a blizzard.

Ignore the enemies along the way and proceed past the previous force field. You don't want to attack enemies with the same element right now because you will be easily defeated. Keep turning until you come to a small stump on the cliff above the dodecahedron. location sturdy ivy The area is accessible regardless of the weather.

Coming back to the dodecahedron, Change the weather to a heat waveand Garnet XL In a previously sealed box. Next, go and kill the ice enemy you saw earlier, Pearl XL and Alexandrite From the chest behind them. Now go back Please change the weather to sandstorm.

Cross the bridge from the previous ice area. sturdy ivy next to the tree lightning force field. Go further right from here Let go of that sturdy ivy. On the stump. Because there must be a fire enemy here Turn the weather into a blizzard Before fighting them. This box contains: Two pieces of Chaos Clay and Deus Augite, and another piece of Durable Ivy..

Now change the weather to thunderstorm and go back to the last lightning force field and go through it. there will be Ruby XL In your chest. Go further to reach the altar, which is a warp point. Once you have earned all the badges, this is where the final Cinderella Tri-Star Battle takes place.

Be careful not to get too close to the altar. reset the weather to normal.

Plant sturdy ivy Climb the stump here and defeat the ground enemies. After defeating them there will be another stump. Plant sturdy ivy I'm about to go down. First warp to the dodecahedron, set the weather to sandstorm, then warp to the altar. First go down the stairs and find it. blue quartz Place it in the chest, then climb down Durable Ivy and defeat the Lightning enemy.

you will find fairy wand It was protected on the chest. Then return to the altar to reset the weather and proceed west from the last enemy to find a series of elemental enemies. This is actually Large-scale battle with 200 enemiesThis will take some time, so save your game first. After that, you can freely move to the Sanctum.

How to beat the Guardian

Before extending the steps to fight the Guardian, first explore the area to find some items. You can meet us in a large open space. 2 SP Capsules, Valiant Belt, Sapphire XL.

To find it, go up the stairs on the left. Sturdy ivy resting next to a treeAnd you can find it to the right of the Save Point. next to another tree Near the cliff edge. .Use this ivy to go down to the two chests. Giant Sword and Siegfried. Another stump was found directly across from it, which Amethyst XL. You are now ready to face the Guardian.

The combat is built around the same gimmick as the rest of Shangri-La. change the weather. Make sure there was enough party Equipped with gems that provide high defense and attack powerBut there is nothing particularly to worry about here. The Guardian makes no effort to weaken you with any element, so this is a very simple fight.

For the first few turns you will die Until you gain the ability to change the weather. use this turn Analyze your boss Set a buff for the entire party. Resurrection in Kina It really helps in the first few turns. After a while they jump down and reveal a sigil that can change the weather.

The process here is simple. You have struck a sigil with an opposing element.. So if it's fire, you can hit it with ice and change the weather into a blizzard. But timing is important.

Guardian has a skill called Heaven Piercing Howl. This changes weather and elemental affinities. You want to change the weather to the opposite of that person's element. That is, you want to change the weather, but you don't want to change the affinities of the person himself. then you can Attack him with your strongest attack.

Since only arc and area attacks can attack the seal, Use Ez's grenade to change to fire.

This is what fighting is all about. With the help of the weather you'll have the boss' 500,000HP It quickly shrunk. If they are defeated you will get another dimension. This gives you access to the Void Realm, a series of extremely difficult boss battles that are best saved until New Game Plus.


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