Key Takeaways
- Many characters in the roster appear to look much younger than they actually are.
- Human characters such as Johnny Cage, Jax, Smoke, and others are rarely over 60 years of age.
- Birthdates are seemingly nonexistent in the world of Mortal Kombat, aside from pure speculation and fan theories.
- Gods and their descendants can live beyond tens of thousands of years and beyond, with some even being millions of years old.
Mortal Kombat 1 has a massive roster containing some of the most iconic characters in the franchise. Whether they’re a main playable fighter or an assist in the form of a Kameo, they likely have a long and storied legacy that will take ages to get caught up on.

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There are roughly 48 characters in Mortal Kombat 1 across both playable fighters and Kameos, with some being duplicates, rounding it down to about 42 unique characters you can play or use in battle. In short, this roster is enormous but unbelievably fascinating, allowing us to dive into their past to learn more about them!
Updated on December 1, 2024, by Seth Parmer: Ghost Face is finally here, allowing us to add him to the evergrowing list of the massive Mortal Kombat 1 roster. If you love the Scream series and Mortal Kombat, this is a match made in heaven for you, and you can get more information on your favorite slasher in the alphabetized list below!
Being of the Demon species in the Mortal Kombat series, Ashrah is much older than she appears but has no proper birthday or age given in any of the titles she appeared in. However, seeing as Demons are reanimated corpses revived via Quan Chi’s sorcery, we can place her around 500 to 600 years of age respectively.
However, that’s assuming that the current events of Mortal Kombat 1 are, in fact, a direct continuation of the events that transpired in Mortal Kombat 11 and are bringing in elements of the original timeline as well.
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’11”
Baraka is one of the most iconic villains of the Mortal Kombat series, making his debut in Mortal Kombat 2. Since then, lots of dimension traveling and merging have happened, but we suspect his age would be around 58 in Mortal Kombat 1, considering he was 29 during the events of Mortal Kombat 9.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t ever have his birthday stated in any of the games he appears in, but he is seemingly much taller than he seems due to him constantly being slightly hunched forward.
- Age: ~58
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~6’4″
Before Cyrax was turned into a Cyborg, he was 26 years of age, having the automation process halt his aging permanently, leaving him to be that age forever. While his height is noted as being 5’11”, his birthday is never specified.

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Mortal Kombat 1 has various stages ranging from stunning gardens to creepy forests, but which of the 19 is the best?
Cyrax has been around since Mortal Kombat 3 and has remained 26 throughout all of the other installments he was present in, making us assume he remains that age when factoring in the new dimension-traveling shenanigans that take place in Mortal Kombat 1.
- Age: 26
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’11”
Cyrax has joined the main roster by way of the Khaos Reigns Expansion and is the opposite gender of the original Cyrax we see with the Kameo entry above. This is very similar to Janet Cage, who is from an alternate universe where Johnny Cage is actually a woman. While they are slightly different from their Kameo counterpart, most of the information is the same, so we won’t be adding a new entry for them here!
There’s not a whole lot of information about Darrius out there, especially regarding his age, birthday, and height. However, he is a Seidan, which makes him have a much longer life expectancy than ordinary humans, but it could also mean he is much older than he looks.
We could likely assume he is roughly 50, but the fact of the matter is he can be much-MUCH older than that, leaving us no choice but to shrug our shoulders at his information sheet.
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: Unknown
Ermac is a dominant character in the Mortal Kombat universe and is a ninja from the Outworld, often weaving between being a neutral force of power to an antagonist, making his alliance hard to pin down. And, as you likely already know by now, his being from the Outworld makes much of what we’re looking for here a mystery.
Since his initial appearance in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, his age has always been unknown, as he was created by Shao Khan tens of thousands of years prior to when you first encountered him. Simply put, we have no clue how old he is or much of anything else about him other than he’s extremely cool and fun to play!
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~6’1″
Making her first appearance in Mortal Kombat X on the shoulders of Torr, Ferra returns once more, this time on her own and a bit older since the last time we saw her. Ferra is an unidentified symbiotic race from the Outworld, so very little is actually known about her.
However, based on the information outlined about Ferra & Torr in Mortal Kombat X, where the young ride on the backs of the towering and brutish adults, we can assume that she is likely in her teens in Mortal Kombat 1, now that she’s by herself. Though, there is no official confirmation of her actual age, or birthdate…
- Age: Likely a teenager.
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: Unkown
Frost is a human female of the Earthrealm in the Mortal Kombat series. While she was also once a cyborg in another timeline, that no longer appears to be the case in Mortal Kombat 1. As such, seeing as she is a second-generation warrior, she would still be pretty young if she was pulled from the timeline before she became a cyborg.
While we have no specific age, it’s safe to assume she would be in her early 20s at the very least, and we can confidently state that with the information provided from all the other timelines, her appearance in the game, and the fact that she is a human.
- Age: Early 20s
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’8″
General Shao
General Shao can be a God, Immortal, or Outworlder, depending on the timeline, making for some ‘fun’ speculation on his age. While it seems he is still an Outworlder in Mortal Kombat 1, his age is still largely unknown, but he is believed to be at least 10,000 years old.

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Though we have yet another character that doesn’t have an explicit age or birthday, we at least have a rough estimate of his height, which accounts for something… right?
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~7’1″
Geras falls under a similar category as General Shao in that he is an incredibly powerful entity that could be tens of thousands of years old, making it tricky to pinpoint when he was born or his exact age.
All we know is Geras is a very, very tall character and is an Artificial Construct that was introduced in Mortal Kombat 11. Despite being a newer character, that’s all the information we have on him so far concerning the main point of this list.
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 7’4″
Ghost Face
Fitted with their iconic Buck 120 Knife, Ghost Face enters the Mortal Kombat 1 roster with a bang, offering some surprisingly robust and flashy combos. Furthermore, the Ghost Face seen in this game is none other than the original one found in the 1996 film Scream, Billy Loomis.
Billy is an 18-year-old high school student in Woodsboro, California, who convinces and pressures his best friend, Stu Macher, to aid in his massacre of his other friends and girlfriend. While there are many conflicting reports on his exact birthdate, he was born at some point in 1978, which is more information than most of the cast in the game, so we’ll take it!
- Age: 18
- Birthday: Sometime in 1978
- Height: ~6’0″
Goro is a half-human, half-dragon species known as Shoken, making him an ancient race that can outlive a vast majority of others by comparison. As such, Goro is at least 2,000 years old and might be slightly older by now. Around 2,029 would be our estimate.
Unfortunately, as he is a Shoken, we don’t know much about the day he was born, giving us yet another character that doesn’t have a specified birthday. Nonetheless, at least we have a bit more information than some of the others for him!
- Age: ~2,029
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 8’2″
Much like Darrius, Havik is a Seidan, meaning he looks far younger than he actually is and can easily be hundreds to thousands of years old at this point, giving us almost nothing to go on to pinpoint his age or birthday.

The 10 Best Fighters In Mortal Kombat 1, Ranked
The faces you already know, but new.
In previous timelines, Havik was a Chaosrealmer, making figuring out his age even more difficult. So, as a result, we have another ageless, birthday-less fighter in the books!
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’4″
Homelander is the fourth DLC character to enter Mortal Kombat’s roster. He is a Supe (Superhero) from The Boys, a series based on what the world would look like if Superheroes abused their power. This leads to some seriously messed-up and gruesome moments, making him fit right in with the competition.
Fortunately, since Homelander is from another series entirely, he has an official age, height, and even a birthday window, which is substantially more information than most of the Mortal Kombat cast of characters, so we will take it!
- Age: 43
- Birthday: Sometime in the Spring of 1981
- Height: ~6’3″
Janet Cage
Janet Cage is a wholly new character that was introduced in the main story of Mortal Kombat 1 and has finally made the jump onto the official roster as a Kameo character and is essentially a female version of Johnny Cage from another timeline and dimension.
What this means is we have no clue if she is the same age as current-day Johnny Cage, a bit younger, or somehow older. While she looks substantially younger than the 58 year old Johnny, nothing is set in stone other than she’s a fantastic Kameo to have on your team!
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~5’9″
Jax Briggs
Jax Briggs is an Earthrealm male who, fortunately, has a solid age we can point to and figure out what he will roughly be in Mortal Kombat 1. He is likely around the age of 57 by the time the events in the game take place, making him look even more spectacular.
He’s tall, shredded, and absolutely killing it, considering he’s nearly 60. While his exact birthdate is unknown, that’s not what matters, as just getting a solid age and height is more than enough at this point.
- Age: 57
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’8″
Johnny Cage
Similarly to Jax, Johnny Cage is yet another male from the Earthrealm, giving us a solid age to calculate what his current age roughly estimates as. And, much like Jax, Johnny looks incredible for being 58, making us want to know their secret.
Unfortunately, Johnny’s birthdate is also unknown, but we will take anything we can get. Nonetheless, it’s excellent to see the Earthrealm warriors age like fine wine and still be able to throw themselves into the hellish battles of the realms.
- Age: 58
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’0″
Following the latest trend, we have Kano, another Earthrealm dweller who has a proper age and height but fails to have any solid information on his birthday out there that is confirmed.

Every Mortal Kombat 1 Fatality Rated Out Of 10
Finish them!
Kano is a fascinating character as you might assume he is a Cyborg and is in a similar situation as Cyrax, where his aging is permanently halted. However, that simply isn’t the case, as Kano is still a human and is now 64. Seriously, how do they do it?!
- Age: 64
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’10”
Kenshi is yet another Earthrealm human, making our lives a bit easier to track down and place his proper age and other details. And while his birthday is – you guessed it – unknown, we can at least appreciate the stretch of characters that at least have an age we have.
He is roughly 53 years old, which is actually a lot more believable than Jax or Kano’s age. That said, he is still absolutely crushing it at that age, making us even more smitten with these characters than we already were.
- Age: 53
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’1″
Khameleon is a Saurian from the Zaterra realm in the Mortal Kombat series, which essentially means she has evolved from dinosaurs, placing her at well over 700 years of age, just like Reptile. But, unfortunately, this also means her exact date of birth is also unknown.
Saurians are one of the more fascinating species in the series, as this list will likely showcase, bringing some of the best and heavily fan-favorite characters to the series, with Khameleon being one of them. You can find out more about her in the section below!
- Age: 700+
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~5’9″
Kitana is one of our favorite characters, but she is about to break the lovely flow of characters with a proper age. As you may know, Kitana is part of the Edenian race, meaning she is a descendant of the Gods themselves, making her well over 10,000 years of age.
While her exact age is unknown, it is confirmed that she is over 10,000 years old, which works for us. But, as you could likely imagine, her birthday is never specified… Does no one have a birthday in this universe?!
- Age: 10,000+
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’10”
Kung Lao
In one timeline, Kung Lao was a Revenant from the Netherrealm but has primarily been a human male from the Earthrealm in all other instances, and that’s the case in Mortal Kombat 1 as well. This makes him around 53 now.

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Johnny’s just full of references, but did MK1 just quote MLK?
If you haven’t caught on yet, Kung Lao’s birthday is also unknown, making it really hard to try and come up with quirky ways to brush off one of the key points you came to this list for. Nonetheless, here’s everything we know about him!
- Age: 53
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’10”
Li Mei
Li Mei is an interesting character as she is an Outworlder like General Shao but is likely significantly younger and around the same age as Johnny Cage or Jax Briggs, placing her in the ballpark of 57-59.
As she’s from the Outworld and a Mortal Kombat character, she apparently has no birthdate, having her join all the others that preceded her on this list so far.
- Age: ~57
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’11”
Liu Kang
Despite being a God of the Earthrealm, Lie Kang is approximately 53 years of age, making him one of the youngest Gods in the universe of Mortal Kombat.
With no birthday, as expected, Liu Kang at least keeps the streak alive by offering us some statistics on his age and height. If only we could get at least one birthday, though…
- Age: 53
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’7″
Mavado is a human from the Earthrealm in Mortal Kombat, first making his appearance in Deadly Alliance, where he would then appear in many other spin-offs or main entries as Kameos. He is a member of the Daegon-led Red Dragon clan, which is a direct rival to the Black Dragon, both being very vicious and evil groups.
Nonetheless, if you’ve been following the updates to this list, you will likely guess that Mavado has no concrete birthday or age. And, if you guessed that, you would be 100 percent correct. Unfortunately. Nonetheless, Mavado is cool, devious, and downright brutal, making him a perfect Kameo in Mortal Kombat 1!
- Age: Early 40s. Maybe?
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~5’10”
Mileena is the result of an experiment that took the DNA of Kitana and mixed it with a Tarkatan’s DNA, making her have the superior aging properties of an Edenian and the combat prowess of a Tarkatan.

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From stalwarts like Mileena and Sonya Blade to newer additions like D’vorah, here are some of the fiercest female fighters in Mortal Kombat.
Oddly enough, this would make her extraordinarily young, especially when factoring in the possibility of there being multiple clones of her. In Mortal Kombat 9, she was technically less than a year old, which is… a thing apparently… making us throw our hands up at trying to find out her actual age.
- Age: Less than a year old… maybe.
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’8″
Motaro is part of the Centaur race and has served under Shao Khan as part of his Extermination Squad, making him at least 2,000 years of age. Being a Centaur, Motaro is also extremely tall and is a fierce combatant, making him highly formidable in battle.
But, as you could expect, Motaro’s birthday is not known, which is something we should expect moving forward. Unfortunately.
- Age: 2,000+
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~9’0″
Residing from the Vaeternus realm is the Vampire Nitara, presumed to be hundreds to thousands of years old, with no exact age or date of birth (shocking, we know). She is one of the few playable Vampires in the series and possesses excellent skills and abilities that give her a substantial edge in battle.
While little is known about what we’re looking for here, she is a vastly intriguing character that we’re glad to see return in Mortal Kombat 1!
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~5’10”
Noob Saibot
Noob Saibot is a Wraith character in Mortal Kombat 1 and is a resurrected Spectre of Bi-Han, or Sub Zero, having them gain access to unique abilities of the Netherrealm, such as Shadows and Darkness. While their name is displayed as Noob Saibot in the game, the resurrected Spectre is actually named Noob, while the shadow clone is named Saibot.
Their first appearance was in Mortal Kombat 2, and they became more popular with each subsequent appearance as they became more fleshed out and gained a unique identity. Noob Saibot’s combat style is fierce and punishing, making them an excellent addition to the Mortal Kombat 1 roster!
- Age: ~36, as that was around how old Bi-Han was when they died.
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~6’1″
Omni-Man is the first guest character to enter the roster of Mortal Kombat 1, originating from the ‘Invincible’ series, hailing from the planet of Viltrum.
Let us be the first to say he is the perfect addition to the roster, as his exact age and birthdate are unknown, which seems to be a requirement for making the cut at this point. Omni-Man is well over 1,000 years of age and is a Viltrumite, giving him access to all sorts of power and abilities.
- Age: 1,000+
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’2″
Peacemaker is a vulgar, violent, and overly expressive vigilante who justifies his killings and actions with peace. If this sounds like he may be over-the-top, you would be correct, and that correlates well with his gameplay style in Mortal Kombat 1.
As you may have guessed, his exact birthdate is unknown, but we at least have his birth year, which is substantial progress in comparison to the rest of the lineup. Overall, this goofy, murderous superhero fits in well into the Mortal Kombat universe!
- Age: ~35
- Birthday: Sometime in 1981
- Height: 6’1″
Quan Chi
Quan Chi has long been a popular and mysterious character in the Mortal Kombat series, residing from the Netherrealm, making him one of the more fascinating characters to place within this list, as very little is actually known about him.
Unlike the others, there have been no direct references to Quan Chi’s age or height in previous titles, giving us nothing to report on that end other than pure speculation regarding his height based on his in-game models over the years. And, of course, this means we still have yet to get a birthdate.
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~6’5″
Raiden is one of the trickiest characters to pinpoint in Mortal Kombat 1, as he is a human belonging to the Earthrealm. However, he still possesses the unique God abilities he had when he resided in the Heavens.

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There’s much more than Fatalities in this gory series.
When he was a God, it was said that Raiden may have existed well before life on the Earthrealm began, making him one of the oldest characters in the entire franchise. However, as a human, we are unsure if that sentiment still holds.
- Age: Can range from 100,000 to Millions of years, or around 40. Who knows?
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 7’1″
Much like Kitana, Rain is an Edenian residing from the Edenia realm, making him at least 10,000 years old, which is more than good enough for us.
Being a descendant of the Gods seems like you get all the perks you could ever dream of. Seemingly never aging, incredible strength, and belonging to a long lineage of nobility. What more could you ask for?
- Age: 10,000+
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’2″
Reiker is an Outworlder who may be one of the oldest characters in the universe, considering he fought alongside Shinnok, an Elder God who attempted to take over the Earthrealm in a war against Raiden hundreds of thousands of years ago.
So, much like Raiden, Reiko could very well be anywhere from a hundred thousand years old to several millions of years old or can now be a 40-some-year-old Outworlder who is just enjoying life. And, at this point, who really knows?
- Age: Can range from 100,000 to Millions of years, or around 40. Who knows?
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’3″
Reptile is our Saurian representative, meaning he belongs to a race that has evolved from the dinosaurs on the Earthrealm before being forced to flee to the Zaterra realm. This means Reptile is likely several hundred years old and roughly over 700 in Mortal Kombat 1.

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Over the years, Mortal Kombat has featured awesome and hilarious guest characters, and here is a look at every one we’ve seen so far.
His birthday is unknown, which may not come as a surprise, but we still felt like sharing that piece of info just in case you still had your hopes up for a character actually having a date of birth.
- Age: 700+
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’0″
Remember Ashrah all the way back at the top of this list? Well, Sareena is a Demon from the Netherrealm, much like her, meaning she likely looks far younger than she actually is and is probably several hundred years old.
How old is she, exactly? That is, unfortunately, not clear. While some signs point to her and Ashrah being at least 500 years old, no concrete evidence suggests that to be the case, leaving us with no choice but to leave it marked as ‘unknown.’
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’8″
Scorpion, our main man, the ‘GET OVER HERE’ guy of legend, is a fascinating character deserving of his legendary status among video game characters. He is a Pyromancer human that resides in the Earthrealm, but he has an interesting tidbit regarding his age.
Kuai Liang, Scorpion’s real name, was killed when he was only 32 but was later resurrected as a Hellspawn, making him unable to age from that point onward. However, in Mortal Kombat 1, it appears that is no longer the case, presumably making him around the same age as Johnny Cage and the others.
- Age: Can be anywhere from 32 to ~57, depending on what timeline Scorpion this is.
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’3″
Cyrax was so long ago that we wouldn’t blame you for forgetting him by now, but Sektor is more or less the same. A human turned Cyborg at the age of 28, which subsequently stopped him from aging any further, locking him at 28 forever.

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These female baddies in video games elevated the art of villainy to new heights.
Like Cyrax and the rest of the cast, Sektor has no explicitly cited birthday, but at least he has a concrete age and height, which is more than most of the others on this list, so that’s a solid win!
- Age: 28
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’1″
Sektor was recently added as a playable character via the Khaos Reigns Expansion, having them be a female character, similar to what we have seen with the Kameo appearance of Janet Cage. While they will have slightly different heights and information, they aren’t all that different, so we won’t be adding an entirely new entry for them!
Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung is an iconic villain of the Mortal Kombat series who is roughly 1,000 years old but keeps his youthful appearance by absorbing the souls of those who fall in battle. Due to this, he looks far younger than he actually is.
Depending on the timeline, Shang Tsung resides from the Outworld or Earthrealm, making him either an Outworlder or a Titan, but his age remains consistent across both. Same with him not having a birthday…
- Age: ~1,000
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’10”
Shujinko is a human male from the Earthrealm, making his age somewhat easy to nail down. While his age is never directly referenced, his training with Bo’Rai Cho makes him nearly a hundred years old, making him one of the oldest humans in the universe of Mortal Kombat.
While he does look far older than the rest of the roster, he looks exceptional for someone pushing 100, and the fact that he is still giving it his all is genuinely awe-inspiring.
- Age: ~100
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’0″
Such as Kitana and Rain before her, Sindel is also an Edenian hailing from the Edenia realm, making her at least 10,000 years old in the universe of Mortal Kombat.

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Some Klassic characters make their big screen debut in Mortal Kombat 2. Check out who’s who in the Mortal Kombat movie.
While she looks a bit older than both of them, we’re just going to go with the ol’ 10,000+ logic here, as adding another 10 to 20,000 onto her age doesn’t seem right or fair. Not that it matters anyway. These people are pretty much immortal.
- Age: 10,000+
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’0″
Smoke is a fan-favorite and a Human from the Earthrealm that has a solid age, allowing us to get a somewhat accurate reading on what his current age is likely to be in Mortal Kombat 1.
He is likely 61 years old during the events of Mortal Kombat 1, which is hard to believe, considering he mops the floor with pretty much anyone and anything that stands in his way. Smoke is a badass, and we should have known he would still be in his prime well into his 60s.
- Age: 61
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’1″
Sonya Blade
Sonya Blade, like Smoke and the other Humans from the Earthrealm, has a confirmed age entry back in Mortal Kombat 9 that allows us to figure out her age in Mortal Kombat 1 or get as close to it as we possibly can when factoring in all the timeline stuff.
She will be roughly 55 here, making her join the list of others who look and perform remarkably well for their age. However, her outfit may signify that she’s her original timeline version, but there’s no concrete evidence outside of that to lean down that road.
- Age: 55
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’10”
Striker is a Human male from the Earthrealm, but unlike the others, his age is largely unknown, leaving us only with a rough estimate. Fortunately, we know he is part of the first generation of warriors, placing him in the same age bracket as Johnny Cage, Jax, Sonya, and the others.

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These minigames make for a wonderful distraction when Mortal Kombat’s core gameplay gets too repetitive.
But that also means we have yet to get an official birthday for a Mortal Kombat character yet, leaving only two characters left to hopefully get one…
- Age: Can be anywhere from 40-55
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’11”
Sub-Zero, the other icon poster boy of Mortal Kombat, is a Human Cyromancer, giving us a solid age to work with. As such, we can conclude that he is likely around the age of 63, having him make everyone else look bad. Like, seriously, LOOK at this lad!
Anyway, Bi-Han, Sub-Zero’s real name, is an exceptional fighter and one of the most recognizable video game characters out there. Nonetheless, you can find the rest of his information below!
- Age: 63
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 6’3″
Takeda is a human from the Earthream and is roughly the same age as Kenshi, meaning he’s been to many places and has seen his fair share of brutal battles.
His full name is Takeda Takahashi, and he uses whips as his primary weapon of choice, making him an absolute menace in the arena. While his official birthdate is unknown, to nobody’s surprise, we have enough information on his age and height that we will take it!
- Age: 53
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~5’11”
Last but certainly not least is Tanya, another Edenian hailing from Edenia, making her at least 10,000 years old, like Kitana, Rain, and Sindel, due to being descendants of the Gods themselves.
As such, that means she also has no date of birth, meaning none of the 35 unique characters in Mortal Kombat 1 have one. Wild, right?
- Age: 10,000+
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: 5’7″
Tremor enters Mortal Kombat 1 as the game’s first Kameo DLC character, possessing his unique Earthrealm Elemental powers and ninja traits.
Seeing as he’s from the Earthrealm, Tremor is likely around the same age as Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Liu Kang, and the rest of the cast that was fighting alongside each other from the same realm. But, unfortunately, like the others, his exact birth date is unknown, making us still 0 for 37 on birthdays, even with the first two DLC characters!
- Age: ~55
- Birthday: Unknown
- Height: ~6’2″

- Released
- September 19, 2023
- Developer(s)
- NetherRealm Studios
- Publisher(s)
- Warner Bros. Games
- Multiplayer
- Online Multiplayer