Best job to make gold

in World of Warcraft ClassicBuilding up cash in your wallet isn't easy. If you want to earn some gold early on, you might be wondering what the best classes are to help you save up for your first mount and other items.

Just go in World of Warcraft Classic Or if you start with a fresh restart authoritative You need servers and money. Here are 11 professions outside of first aid that can help you secure a little extra money early on to help pay for necessary expenses.


World of Warcraft: Best Jobs for Hardcore Mode

The best hardcore World of Warcraft classes are ones that players can easily survive to max level if they can manage their playstyle and pets.

Best career combinations to make money

Whether you choose Horde or Alliance, there are two class combos that will help you get the most money early in the game. Skinning and Herbalism and Skinning and Miningand alchemy. These are all gathering professions, and people need items to help them level up their crafting professions later in the game, but may not have the time or inclination to gather them themselves. Unfortunately, this means that if you're playing on a new server, it's going to be pretty difficult. When a new server launches, everyone will be broke, and you can only get as much gold as you can for others to access to buy your products. But here's a detailed guide on how to earn as much money as possible for your level.

The classic way to make money off your skin

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Skinning eventually starts to pay off once you have access to it later. Devilsaur Hide in Un'Goro Crater. It would be incredibly difficult to grow these leather products since everyone and their mother skins these animals for money. However, it boasts the highest return on investment. wow classic Gold farming by the hour, especially if you can do it during off-hours. Leather in the early game will also help you make money by selling it to tailors who are leveling up their profession but don't or can't collect leather themselves.

Herbalism as a profession

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Using one of the other two mass gathering professions along with skinning can help you make money. Most high level toons usually don't want to hang out in low level areas to pick the low level flowers and herbs they need, so even low level herbalists can make money in AH by having people gather all the stuff they need. Increase your alchemy level when you reach the maximum level. Additionally, Black Lotus is rare and required for many flasks, so if you can get your hands on one, it's always highly used.

mining for money

WoW - Classic - Best Job - Make Money - Mining

This is surprising because mining is the driving force behind engineering, which is the most popular profession in the game. Engineers are very important in raids as they allow players to build Sapper charges. Many guilds have mostly engineers without miners, so you'll need to buy mats. It is also the only source. mystic crystal Craft an Arcanite Ingot. So the sources of good money will be Solid Stone, Arcane Crystals, Mythril and (in the short term) Thorium.

Alchemy as a long-term investment

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Alchemy is one of the best professions in both fields to make money in the long run. Wow SoD and wow classic. Once you reach maximum rank, you can create the most popular potions: mongoose elixir, Greater fire protectionAnd other potions needed for raids. At age 60, switching to Herbalism and Alchemy from any class will allow you to charge for potion-making services, sell potions in the AH, and provide cheaper potions to all raid groups.

World of Warcraft Box Art



November 23, 2004

T for Teen: Blood and gore, crude humor, mild language, suggestive themes, alcohol, violence (online interaction not rated)

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