Certain Pokemon cards can help you accelerate your energy to quickly power up your attacks, giving you a strategic advantage.
Unique abilities like Jungle Totem and Amass allow for efficient energy allocation and a variety of deckbuilding options.
Brock and Lt. Trainer cards like Surge can also help you move and generate energy for more powerful attacks.
In Pokemon Pocket, energy is the name of the game. The first player to gain enough energy for their Pokémon will attack first, and in some cases they may do this on their first turn. The game uses a mana system that gives you one energy per turn, but the best decks have ways to accelerate this using certain cards.

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Don't ignore the power of this item card. They can truly change the tide of battle in an instant.
Some methods of Energy Acceleration involve having a powerful Pokémon use the move, while others can be done passively while benched. On the other hand, there are certain trainers that can get the job done, as long as you're okay with the details.
Updated on January 22, 2025 by Alexander Pinera. Pokemon Pocket's Mythical Island set introduces new tactics to gain more energy at every turn. This allows you to add more types to your deck, speed up your Pokémon's readiness for battle, or double the amount of energy you're currently using. If you play your cards right, you'll find that some Pokémon can even use their opponent's powers to take advantage of energy-accelerated moves they don't originally have. So, if you want to get your team ready to go on the offensive, here are some of the best Energy Acceleration cards you can start using.
self starter
Execgcute is a unique energy accelerator in that it can only take energy into itself. But this isn't a bad thing at all. Due to Mythical Island's evolution of Exeggcute, the entire line only needs one Grass Energy to bounce.
This is a great way to generate extra Grass Energy on its own in Grass decks, or as a way to use Exeggcutor ex in decks that don't run Grass. This allows for more types of diversity in deck building.
unstoppable ability
Serperior can prepare a Pokémon just by sitting on the bench. Jungle Totem is a unique ability that causes all Grass Energy to count as 2 when attached to a Grass Pokémon. So an action that would cost 4 energy will instead only consume 2 energy.

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Make your psychic deck more powerful by including Mythic Island cards of the same type.
This ability allows you to pay movement costs, retreat costs, or even use Celebi ex to maximize your potential damage output. There are many powerful Pokémon that synergize with this ability, making it a perfect energy accelerator for grass decks.
Redeploy your energy
Vaporeon is Lt. It's an energy accelerator in the same way that Surge is for electric decks. However, Lt. Surge can move energy from the bench to pick a Pokémon from the active spot, while Vaporeon can move energy from any Water-type Pokémon.
This also does not happen all at once, but one energy at a time. So you can make a play where you move energy to pay for the retreat and then keep moving the remaining energy to fuel the Pokemon that takes up the active point.
Before Mu
Copy movements that produce energy.
Mew ex cannot accelerate energy on its own. However, due to the nature of the move – genome hacking – it more than earns its place as an energy accelerator. This is because any movement can be copied, including those that represent energy.

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Pikachu isn't the only electric Pokémon that can pack a punch in your pocket. Mythical Island has some cool electrical upgrades.
Copying Execgcute allows Mew ex to gain grass energy. Steel energy can be produced by copying meltan. In a Fire deck, Mew ex can copy Moltres ex's Inferno Dance to bring Fire Energy to other Fire types. Mew ex must follow some restrictions on where the energy goes, but genome hacking does more than speed things up.
Greedy Steel Type
Meltan is a strange little Pokémon that doesn't like to share its energy. Luckily, there aren't many steel types to start with, and Meltan is your best choice for energy acceleration. One move, Amass, deals no damage but allows you to attach additional steel energy each turn.
You only need to use this skill a maximum of two times before it evolves into Melmetal. This allows you to pay 4 energy costs to use Heavy Impact. It now deals 120 damage every turn and can easily sweep you to victory as long as there are no Fire types on the field.
Lieutenant Serge
move the energy
Lt. Surge is an interesting card because it accelerates the goal of gaining energy for your strongest Pokémon, but does not produce energy itself. This card allows you to transfer your bench Pokemon's existing electrical energy to an active Raichu, Electrode, or Electabuzz.

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Colorless Pokemon are great for any deck, so here are some of the best options to add from Mythical Island.
These choices are less than stellar, but Raichu benefits from this effect because he discards all three energies when using Thunderbolt. This move deals 140 damage, so if you're using Raichu in your deck for some key hits in decks that don't revolve around Pokemon, Lt. Surge is worth it.
Energy card in the form of a trainer
There are no energy cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket. This is because all energy comes from the energy zone. But the closest thing to an energy card in this game is Brock. This is because when you play, it creates one energy that immediately attaches to your Pokémon.
Lt. Like Surge, this only helps you pick Pokemon like Onix or Golem, but at least it generates extra energy instead of shuffling your existing Pokemon. Neither of these Pokemon are top tier, but Golem can deal massive damage that's worth Brock's investment, while Onix can easily start hitting 70 from the second turn.
A battery that can be used in battle
Manneton has a neat gimmick for an Electric-type Pokémon. You can recharge your Energy Water by staying on the bench and using Volt Charge. This is a great way to free up an energy field to charge your active Pokemon while also preparing a spin attack move if you need to switch.

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With the synergy between Misty and More Water, adding powerful Water Pokemon cards to your deck won't be a problem.
If you have Magneton on your bench, this card can be used as Lt. It also goes well with Surge. While Magneton produces energy, Lieutenant Surge can redistribute it to the Pokemon in the text. If necessary, Magneton can also use his move to counterattack for 60 damage, so he's not helpless either.
Pokemon for those with a green thumb
Some Energy Accelerators like to be on the bench, but Lilligant likes to be in the active spot. Power up a Pokémon that deals damage, absorbs hits, and takes your place when knocked down.
Lilligant uses Leaf Supply to deal 50 damage and allows you to gain an extra hit of Grass Energy against benched grass types. This could mean fueling up on Venusaur ex for massive HP and attack power, or getting Vileplume ready to put some Pokemon to sleep. But the good thing about this is that the energy acceleration method works on all grass types, so your strategy is flexible.
Before Moltres
Flip a Coin for Energy
Moltres ex has the best fire energy acceleration. Inferno Dance allows you to gain up to 3 energy. However, unlike other cards that can only help certain Pokemon or make you promise to give all your energy to a single target, this card allows you to distribute all the energy you gain in any way you want.

Pokemon Pocket: 10 Best Cards from the Mythical Island
You'll want to get your hands on a lot of this card, as it's the best card from Pokemon Pocket's Mystical Island expansion.
So you can take all the energy you've earned and pump it into Charizard waiting on the bench, or distribute it evenly among the various fire types, ready to deal damage. In addition to energy acceleration, Moltres ex can also hit 70 with Heat Blast if needed.
When psychics work together
Gardevoir is one of the best Psychic Pokemon in Pokemon TCG Pocket. Its ability, Psy Shadow, acts as a conduit that begins providing additional energy to the active Psychic Pokémon. This could mean getting all three energies Gengar needs to launch an attack, or replenishing Mewtwo ex's discard effect every time he uses Psydrive.
Gardevoir can also use Energy Haste on its own if it needs to come off the bench. In this case, Psyshot deals 60 damage for 3 Energy, allowing it to defend itself if your main Pokemon goes down or Gardevoir is dragged out by Sabrina.
The best energy acceleration card in the game
Misty is a fantastic support and the main reason why Water decks can kill their opponents in one turn. This is one of the best coin flip cards. Because if you land on tails you lose nothing, but if you land on heads you gain everything.
When a Pokémon has enough energy to use a move, it can attack. This means that if you're lucky, Misty can actually attack on the first turn. There is also no limit to the amount of energy you can produce with Misty. So theoretically, if you land on its head five times in a row, you'll get all the energy for your chosen Water Pokémon.