WuWa's Roccia Materials – Storm Waves

Roccia is the second playable character in the Rinasita region, following Carlotta. storm waves. A member of the Idiot Troupe, she is renowned as an accomplished prop master and storytelling comedian. Gameplay-wise, however, she primarily functions as a Havoc Gauntlet user, designated as a Havoc Support with strong sub-DPS potential. Roccia is especially suitable for people who:

Characters like Camellia
Her Outlaw skill improves both her base ATK DMG and Havoc DMG while also providing utility through crowd control by grouping enemies together.


Storm Tides: Character Tier List

The Wuthering Waves tier list can help Rovers evaluate which characters are worth building, ensuring proper resource management for players.

Maximizing Roccia may not be a priority for:

Main DPS Characters
It's still worth investing resources into her ascension. This is especially true for players looking to unlock the unique Forte skill, which is important for enabling crowd control abilities and improving lower-level DPS capabilities. Players will undoubtedly need to collect materials from the Rinascita area. storm waves Have most of the resources she needs for her ascension.

Not like Carlotta
In addition to the

Weekly Boss Materials
They share.

Rosian Ascension materials used in Storm Tides

All Ascension Materials for Roccia Storm Tide

Below is a brief summary of all the ingredients needed for Roccia. Storm waves. Players will need to farm bosses like Lorelei to level up Roccia.

  • local specialties: Firecracker Jewelweed
  • enemy drop: LF/MF/HF/FF tidal residue
  • boss drop: Cleansing conch
  • Weekly Boss Drop: Gaze of the Underworld
  • forte ingredients: Cadence seeds / sprouts / leaves / flowers

water level

shell credits

Ascension Materials

enemy drop

boss drop



LF Tsunami Remnants x4



Firecracker Gemstone x4

MF Tsunami Remnants x4

Conch of Purification x3



Firecracker Gemstone x8

MF Tsunami Remnants x8

Conch of Purification x6



Firecracker Gemstone x12

HF Tidal Remnant x4

Conch of Purification x9



Firecracker Gemstone x16

HF Tsunami Remnants x8

Conch of Purification x12



Firecracker Gems x20

FF Tidal Remnant x4

Conch of Purification x16



Firecracker Gemstone x60

  • LF Tsunami Remnants x4
  • MF Tsunami Remnants x12
  • HF Tide Remnant x12
  • FF Tidal Remnant x4

cleansing conch x46

Roccia Forte ingredients in the storm waves

All Forte skill materials from Rosia Storm Waves

Roccia needs the same item for Gauntlet Resonator (Cadence series) along with Rinascita's drop to level up his advantage.

water level

skill material

enemy drop

Weekly Boss

Total 1

  • Cadence Seed x5

  • cadence bud x5

  • Cadence Leaf x8

  • Cadence Blossom x11

  • LF Tsunami Remnants x5

  • MF Tsunami Remnants x5

  • HF Tsunami Remnants x5

  • FF Tidal Remnant x9

Underworld Gaze x4

Total 2

  • Cadence Seed x10

  • Cadence Bud x10

  • Cadence Leaf x16

  • Cadence Blossom x22

  • LF Tsunami Remnants x10

  • MF Tsunami Remnants x10

  • HF Tidal Remnant x10

  • FF Assistant Remnant x18

Underworld Gaze x8

Total x3

  • Cadence Seed x15

  • cadence bud x15

  • Cadence Leaf x24

  • Cadence Blossom x33

  • LF Tsunami Remnants x15

  • MF Tsunami Remnants x15

  • HF Tide Remnant x15

  • FF Tidal Remnant x27

Underworld Gaze x12

Total 4

  • Cadence Seed x20

  • cadence bud x20

  • cadence leaf x32

  • Cadence Blossom x44

  • LF Tsunami Remnants x20

  • MF Tsunami Remnants x20

  • HF Tsunami Remnants x20

  • FF Tidal Remnant x36

Underworld Gaze x16

Total x5

  • Cadence Seed x25

  • cadence bud x25

  • Cadence Leaf x40

  • Cadence Blossom x55

  • LF Tsunami Remnants x25

  • MF Tsunami Remnants x25

  • HF Tidal Remnant x25

  • FF Tidal Remnant x45

Underworld Gaze x20

Storm Waves' Rosia skill tree materials

All Forte wood materials in Roccia Storm Waves.

Players will also need to use the resources below to unlock additional passive skills or abilities for Roccia.

shell credits

skill material

enemy drop

Weekly Boss Drop

basic attack node


Cadence Leaf x3

HF Tidal Remnant x3


Cadence Blossom x3

FF Tidal Remnant x3

Underworld Gaze x1

Resonance Skill Node


Cadence Leaf x3

HF Tidal Remnant x3


Cadence Blossom x3

FF Tidal Remnant x3

Underworld Gaze x1

Forte Circuit Node (unique skill)


cadence bud x3

MF Tsunami Remnants x3

Underworld Gaze x1


Cadence Leaf x3

HF Tidal Remnant x3

Underworld Gaze x1

resonance liberation node


Cadence Leaf x3

HF Tidal Remnant x3


Cadence Blossom x3

FF Tidal Remnant x3

Underworld Gaze x1

Intro Skill Node


Cadence Leaf x3

HF Tidal Remnant x3


Cadence Blossom x3

FF Tidal Remnant x3

Underworld Gaze x1



  • cadence bud x3
  • Cadence Leaf x15
  • Cadence Blossom x12
  • MF Tsunami Remnants x3
  • HF Tidal Remnant x15
  • FF Tidal Remnant x12

Underworld Gaze x6

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