What cards can you get in Genetic Apex Pikachu in the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket?

Collecting all the cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket is usually a difficult task for those looking to invest money into the game, but we collected all the cards in Genetic Apex's Pikachu pack. Whether you're looking to add Misty to your Starmie ex and Articuno ex decks or you're in love with immersive Pikachu art, this pack is packed with your favorites.


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Do you feel lucky? Then Marowak has the perfect RNG-centric deck for you.

Some cards, like Crown Rares, are shared across all packs, but if you don't get them this time, you may never get another chance to collect all of your favorite Full Art (FA) cards from Genetic Apex's Pikachu pack. Deck builders and collectors will enjoy this easy-to-read guide to help you build your collection and decide which packs to grab first.

All cards from Genetic Apex Pikachu

This is Misty full art from the Pikachu Genetic Apex Pack in Pokemon Pocket.

Below is a complete list of all the cards you can find. Genetic Apex pack with Pikachu on the cover art.

Genetic Apex Pikachu Card List

Pikachu Genetic Apex Caterpie from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Metapod

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket's Pikachu Genetic Apex Butterfree.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Paras



Butter Free


Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Parasect

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card. Growless

Pikachu Genetic Apex Arcanine from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

This is the Arcanine ex card from Pikachu Genetic Apex.




arcanine ex

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Squirtle

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Wartortle

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket's Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Blastoise.

Pikachu Genetic Apex card Blastoise ex. from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.


water bottle


before explosion

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Seel

Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Dugong from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Horsea

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Sidra





This is the Pikachu Gene Apex Card Golden from the Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Seeking

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Magikarp

Pikachu Genetic Apex Gyarados from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.





Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Omanite

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Omasta

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket's Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Pikachu.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Raichu





Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Pikachu EX

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Magnemite

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Magneton

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Voltorb

Before Pikachu





Electabuzz cards appear in your Pokémon's pocket.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Jolteon

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Zapdos





before zapdos

This is Pikachu Genetic Apex Clefairy from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

This is Pikachu Genetic Apex Clefable from the Pokémon trading card game Pocket.

Pikachu Genetic Apex Drawzy from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Before Zapdos




Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Hypno

Diglett card from Genetic Apex.

This is Ductrio from the Pokemon trading card game Pocket.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket's Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Geodude.





Pikachu Genetic Apex Graveler from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pikachu Gene Apex Golem that appears in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Onyx

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Mienfoo

gravel man



Mien Phu

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Mienshao

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Nidoran F

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Nidorina

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Nidoqueen


Nidoran F


nido queen

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Nidoran M

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Nidorino

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex CardPokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Nidoking

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Jigglypuff

Nidoran M




Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Wigglytuff

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Wigglytuff EX

This is Pikachu Genetic Apex Chansey from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pikachu Genetic Apex Eevee from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.


I'm squirming



Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Snorlax

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Spiral Fossil

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Misty

Pikachu Genetic Apex Brock from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.


spiral fossil



Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Lt. Surge

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Squirtle FA

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket's Pikachu Genetic Apex Gyarados FA.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket's Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Electrode FA.

Lieutenant Serge

Squirtle FA

Gyarados FA

Electrode FA

Diglett full art from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Nidoqueen FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Nidoking FA

This is the Pikachu Genetic Apex Eevee FA from the Pokémon trading card game Pocket.

Diglett FA

Nidoqueen FA

Nidoking FA

Eevee FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Snorlax FA

This is Pikachu Genetic Apex Arcanine ex FA from the Pokémon trading card game Pocket.

Pikachu Genetic Apex Blastoise ex FA Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket's Pikachu Genetic Apex Pikachu EX FA.

Snorlax FA

Arcanine ex FA

Blastoise ex FA

Pikachu ex FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Zapdos ex FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Wigglytuff ex FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Misty FA-1

This is the Pikachu Genetic Apex Brock FA from the Pokémon trading card game Pocket.

Zapdos before free agency

Wiggly Turf (former FA)

Misty FA

Brock FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Lt. Surge FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Gene Apex Card Zapdos ex Rainbow

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Card Wigglytuff ex Rainbow

Pikachu Genetic Apex Pikachu immersed in the Pokemon trading card game Pocket.

Sergeant FA Lieutenant

Rainbow ex Zapdos

Wigglytuff ex Rainbow

Pikachu Immersive

What are the odds of getting the card I want?

each circle diamond card have 2% chance If a particular pack appears as one of the following: First three card slots.

As for that Fourth slot, Crown Rare Cards have combinations 0.04% chance Of appearance.

3 stars in the same slot (Immersive) Pikachu probability 0.222% Of appearance.

2-star cards, such as Pokémon or full-art trainer cards, 0.5% cumulative probabilitywith each card sit on Individually, it is 0.05%.

meantime, one star Card (full art) The probability is 2.572% Of appearance.

Finally, diamond rarity is categorized as follows:

  • 4 diamonds – 1.666%

  • Three Diamonds – 5.00%

  • Two Diamonds – 90%

finally, fifth card slot, Here's a breakdown of each card type:

  • Crown Rare – 0.160%

  • 3 stars – 0.888%

  • 2 stars – 2.000%

  • One Star – 10.288%

  • 4 diamonds – 6.664%

  • Three Diamonds – 20.00%

  • Two Diamonds – 60.00%

if you want immersive Pikachu ex card, This is the only pack currently available.


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