The most powerful chest armor in Atlyss

No matter what class you choose in Atlyss, armor is an essential element that you should take seriously, as it can be the deciding factor between victory and defeat in many of the game's battles. However, since the game gives you so many different options to pick and choose from, putting together the right armor pieces can be a bit tricky.


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The same goes for Chestpiece armor. This is because there are far more variations than most other wearable gear. It's important to know what to grind to ensure your character's safety in various RPG levels.


old robe

I wore a robe in Atlis.

While it's important to make sure your character looks good in the armor you choose, the individual stats of each piece can go a long way in ensuring your survival in the Atlyss. Unfortunately, in the early game there aren't many chest pieces that fit this criteria. Here, the Worn Robe appears as a welcome wearable piece of gear.

Much nicer looking and with better benefits than the Slimecrust Box, the Old Robe not only protects against normal attacks, but also provides effective magic defense. All you have to do is kill hordes of Lesser Wisps. Then you will have a great chest piece to protect you at the start of your journey.


journeyman vest

Journeyman vest from Atlyss.

Wearing chest armor that not only fulfills your defensive capabilities but also helps in offensive scenarios can be very useful during combat. So the Journeyman Vest is perfect for the early moments of the Atlyss. In addition to providing both normal and magical defense, the Chestpiece armor piece also brings offensive and magical powers to the table, giving you peace of mind knowing that both fronts are taken care of.

Fortunately, there are several easy ways to obtain the Chestpiece. Not only are they very reasonably priced at Sally's Store, but they are also conveniently available in a variety of boxes from Sanctum Catacombs.


Slimek Box

Slimek chest from Atlyss.

Killing Slimeks may not be the hardest thing to do in Atlyss, but the rewards make it worth fighting for. When he dies, he's likely to drop a few effective armor pieces. Similar to how Slimek Leggings are the best lower body armor in the game, the chest piece is also beneficial in combat, providing excellent defense against many enemies.


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Although fairly well protected from normal attacks, the Slimek Chest also provides some level of protection from magic. And when you think you've got all the utilities you need, you can enchant them for a reasonable price or sell them for a good amount.


warrior box

Atlyss Warrior Chest.

At various levels in the game, Atlyss offers a variety of armor specified for each class, but if you play as a Fighter, you'll find that you're consistently getting the best deal between the three classes. The Warrior Chest is one of the main benefits that only the Fighter class can equip. This is because its armor is much higher than that of the Bandit and Mystic classes.

That's not all that's in the warrior box. This is because your health and stamina will also improve, which are two key aspects to check during enemy encounters. As a cherry on top, chest armor is more worth equipping as it provides a nice buff to attack power.

Use Lively Enchantment with your Warrior Chest to give another bonus to your already increased health and defense stats.


carbuncle robe

Atlis's Carbuncle Robe.

If you choose to play as Mystique, it goes without saying that you'll be using a lot of magic in Atlyss. In such cases, it is always helpful to have a chest piece that can provide much-needed buffs during your travels. The Carbuncle Robe, which greatly increases a character's magic power and defense, is an incredible piece of armor that can only be chosen by the Mystic class.

But magic isn't the only thing the Carbuncle Robe protects you from. Because it can keep you safe even from common attacks. And with the slight mana buff and convenient availability, there's not much reason not to consider wearing it.


Chainscale Box

Chainscale Box from Atlyss.

There's a reason why the Poon character canonically wears the Chainscale Chest in the game's official banner. If you want to equip the most accurate armor in Atlyss, choose this chest piece. Of course, armor pieces come with many useful buffs to suit almost all of your character's stats, with their defense against both normal and magic attacks being a highlight.


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Additionally, the Chainscale Box also improves your abilities on the offensive front. Combined with the health and agility buffs, you can be confident that your agility and attack power will win any battle.


king breastplate

Breastplate of the King of Atlyss.

Defeating Lord Kaluuz will give you the opportunity to obtain a very effective armor piece regardless of your character's class, but the King set is one of the best wearable pieces of gear you can find in the Atlyss. Like the King Greaves Leggings, the King Breastplate is only assigned to the Fighter class, but it's absolutely amazing in its benefits.

First of all, it gives your character special defense. It also provides a health buff to ensure overall safety in battle. Plus, your health and attack power increase significantly, so you can keep attacking in almost any battle without worrying too much about the outcome.

The King Breastplate has excellent defense, but when used with the Guardian Enchantment, its normal and magical defenses can be further improved.


Magilroad coveralls

Magilord coveralls from Atlyss.

The Magilord Boots may fall a bit short compared to the Berserker and Fuguefall in the lower body department, but the overalls more than make up for it as the best chest armor that makes the Mystic class a force to be reckoned with. Removed after defeating Colossus, the most powerful boss in the game, the Magilord Generals' extremely high magic defense makes them unmatched by any other Chestpieces available in Atlyss.

With a special focus on magic, the Chestpiece armor piece brings plenty of power and mana to the table to allow the Mystic class to go all out in battle. And just in case the incoming attack isn't magical, the Magilord's overalls come with enough normal armor and health to keep you safe and mobile at all times in battle.






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Early Access Release

November 23, 2024

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