The Best Weapons For A Level 1 Run

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As far as challenge runs in Elden Ring go, staying at level 1 is one of the toughest. This essentially means starting out as a Wretch and never touching the level-up button. In some extreme cases, players will prefer to stay maidenless by ignoring Melina like a true chad; after all, she’s the one who keeps pressuring players to raise their social status and their levels.



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Since they’re not accepting Melina’s help in spending hard-earned Runes, then players will have to be self-sufficient with their weapons. Truth be told, weapon choice as a level 1 character in Elden Ring is quite limited. Some weapons requirements are too picky. Thankfully, a handful of weapons are low-maintenance and don’t mind being in the hands of a naked, maidenless Wretch.

Updated January 9, 2025 by Erik Petrovich: When doing an Elden Ring Level 1 run, weapons selection is somewhat limited thanks to the lack of ways to increase base stats. Though there are few Legendary or particularly iconic weapons listed here, the best Elden Ring Level 1 run weapons are still significant in the game’s lore, and have item descriptions that can shed light on special abilities or synergies of these best RL1 weapons. This guide to the best RL1 weapons Elden Ring players can use has been updated to provide these in-game item descriptions that shed light on the origins and special properties of these options.



A player looking towards the camera with Hookclaws on both hands in Elden Ring

Weapon worn on the fist comprised of sharp parallel blades favored by those who lurk in the dark.

Stat Requirements

Str 8, Dex 14

Base Scaling

Str (E), Dex (C)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (D), Dex (B)

Weapons Skill

Quickstep (can be changed)

The Hookclaws
are one of the best Level 1 weapons Elden Ring players can get because it can be found very early, and takes up almost no weight but offers its own unique two-handed moveset. When the two-handed input is pressed while equipped, you will automatically equip a second Hookclaw in your off-hand, and unlock its ridiculously fast dual-wield moveset.

This weapon does not have an innate status effect, but because the Ash of War can be changed, you can change it to a Bleed, Frostbite, or other weapon type to easily trigger these effects. These can be replaced with other Claw weapons later on if you meet their requirements, but the low stat requirements are nice for a RL1 run.

How To Get Hookclaws

To get the Hookclaws, head into Stormveil Castle via the side entrance revealed by Gatekeeper Gostoc
, and look under the stairway for an Exile Knight. On the ground in this cellar-like room you should see the Hookclaws on a body in the corner.


Bloody Helice

Bloody Helice in Elden Ring

Ominous piercing sword with a winding blade.

Carried by the noble servants of the Lord of Blood.

The extracted blood trickles gracefully down the length of the blade.

Stat Requirements

Str 16, Dex 19, Arc 17

Base Scaling

Str (E), Dex (D), Arc (D)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (E), Dex (C), Arc (B)

Weapons Skill

Dynast’s Finesse (cannot be changed)

The Bloody Helice
is one of the best RL1 weapons in Elden Ring because of its low stat requirements, low FP weapon skill, and ability to build up Bleed. You will still likely need to equip several items to be able to wield this weapon, but it’s worth it for how strong it can be for a Level 1 run.



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Use Marika and Radagon’s Soreseals to raise your stats high enough to wield this weapon, which you should easily be able to acquire before reaching the location of this weapon.

How To Get Bloody Helice

To get the Bloody Helice, head to the Writheblood Ruins
in the Altus Plateau and look for a way down to a boss chamber. Defeat the Sanguine Noble
here to get the Bloody Helice.




Just about the largest sword a mere man is capable of swinging.

True to its name, it is designed to be wielded in both hands, but those of merely ordinary strength will still struggle to do so.

The long blade is heavy and sharp, sending foes reeling back with its broader strokes, while also capable of a devastating piercing thrust.

Stat Requirements

Str 19, Dex 11

Base Scaling

Str (D), Dex (D)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (D), Dex (C)

Weapons Skill

Upward Stamp (can be changed)

The Zweihander
might not be the monster it once was when compared to its Dark Souls counterpart, but this Quality weapon at least finds its spot in Level 1 builds. It’s one of the best alternatives to the hefty and demanding Greatsword. The Zweihander does come with its own high requirements for Strength, but that’s easily fixed with a couple of talismans.

Rune Level 1 Players would want this since it’s one of the best weapons to pair with the Lion’s Claw Ash of War. This combo makes even a Level 1 run more than manageable. Players can use it to stunlock bosses from a relatively safe melee distance thanks to the Zweihander’s range. Since it’s also a colossal weapon, the Zweihander functions well as a shield.

How To Get Zweihander

To get the Zweihander in Elden Ring, head to the Weeping Peninsula, and continue to its furthest west beach. You should see a shack near where the sand begins – talk to the Isolated Merchant (Weeping Peninsula)
inside to purchase a Zweihander for 3500 Runes.


Demi-Human Queen’s Staff

Demi-Human Queen's Staff in elden ring

Glintstone Staff styled as a scepter.

A gift once given to the demi-humans to foster peace, it can be wielded even by those of low Intelligence.

Sneered at by fools in the academy.

Stat Requirements

Str 6, Int 10

Base Scaling

Str (D), Int (C)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (C), Int (S)

Weapons Skill

N / A

Most level 1 builds or runs in Elden Ring cater to melee players since they’re easier to pilot. However, even magic builds can still have fun with the help of the Demi-Human Queen’s Staff
. It’s one of the best staves in the game for those who have low Intelligence, such as level 1 builds. There are certain limitations to this staff.


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For one, players can’t infuse it with a weapon skill, so they’re stuck with Sorceries. However, the Demi-Human Queen’s Staff is thankfully impressive enough in buffing Glintstone Sorceries. Such a setup is definitely more challenging compared to a full melee build in a level 1 run, but it’s still a good magic alternative.

How To Get Demi-Human Queen’s Staff

To get the Demi-Human Queen’s Staff, go to the Demi-Human Forest Ruins
just to the west of the road heading to Castle Morne, and defeat the open-world boss Demi-Human Queen within.


Banished Knight’s Halberd

Banished Knight's Halberd in elden ring

A finely-crafted halberd intricately engraved with an ancient motif.

Given to knights who, whether by misfortune or misdeed, were forced to abandon their homes.

Most of these knights were sent to the fringes, where they were forced to start anew with only despair for company.

Stat Requirements

Str 14, Dex 12

Base Scaling

Str (D), Dex (D)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (C), Dex (C)

Weapons Skill

Charge Forth (can be changed)

Halberds are some of the most reliable weapons in Elden Ring due to their range and the powerful Ashes of War options for their weapon class. Most halberds in Elden Ring are heavy or have high requirements though, except for the Banished Knight’s Halberd
. Players can use this weapon with just a Radagon’s Soreseal.

After that, they’re free to pick from their halberd Ash of War of choice. There’s quite a good number of powerful ones, but skills like Phantom Slash excel in dealing high damage with a fair amount of stagger or poise break. Players can even go around spamming that Ash of War until the late game.

How To Get Banished Knight’s Halberd

The Banished Knight Halberd can be found in Stormveil Castle or as a drop from Edgar the Revenger
. It can drop from slain Banished Knights, but an upgraded +8 version will drop from Edgar the Revenger. Edgar can be slaim in either Castle Morne, before finishing his quest, or in the Revenger’s Shack in western Liurnia at the conclusion of his story.


Great Stars

elden ring great stars

Huge bludgeon with three stars at the striking end.

A blood-stained star is an ill omen, a fact not lost upon those against whom this weapon is brought to bear.

Stat Requirements

Str 22, Dex 12

Base Scaling

Str (D), Dex (D)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (C), Dex (D)

Weapons Skill

Endure (can be changed). Also builds Bleed on hit.

For those who want a bit of everything that’s busted when it comes to melee, Great Stars
is a great start to a lot of fruitful kills. This huge morning star weapon in Elden Ring has innate Bleed damage buildup. Though don’t expect it to rack up the Bleed meter in just a few strikes; it’s a slow weapon.



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However, it’s also a heavy weapon, meaning it deals a good amount of stagger and works well even against larger enemies. With every hit you will restore a little bit of HP – not enough to make a huge impact, but enough to be noticeable.

Players can also customize the Ash of War or weapon skill to their liking. Strong Ash of War options include the Lion’s Claw which fits well with the weapon.

The only problem is the Strength requirement but that’s not too hard to fix with just a couple of talismans and a helmet.

How To Get Great Stars

The Great Stars location is on a Carriage, in the Altus Plateau just to the southwest of the Road of Iniquity Site of Lost Grace. Hit one of the giants pulling the Carriage, jump onto its back, and open the chest to get this weapon. It also drops from the “new” NPC Magnus the Beast Claw, found in a shack further north in the Altus Plateau.


Dragon Communion Seal


Formless drakeblood seal with a Dragon Communion crest.

The sacrificial devouring of the heart gives power.

Indeed, Dragon Communion is too primal in nature for the term “incantation” to be appropriate.

Stat Requirements

Faith 10, Arc 10

Base Scaling

Str (D), Arc (C)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (B), Arc (S)

Weapons Skill

N / A

Even Faith builds that dip into Arcane can be viable in a level 1 run thanks to seals such as the Dragon Communion Seal
. One incantation comes to mind when putting this seal together with a level 1 build and that’s the Rot Breath spell. It’s one of the most potent damage dealers in the game.

One breath and players can retreat to safety while their enemies die from the damage-over-time effect. The developers were even kind enough to set the Faith and Arcane requirement to just 10, which is the baseline state for the Wretch or the level 1 build template. Players only have to worry about adjusting their play style.

How To Get Dragon Communion Seal

The Dragon Communion Seal is located in the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave
, behind the Stonesword Key door near the beginning of Elden Ring. Look for a room with a Banished Knight inside, which will drop the Seal on defeat.



Elden Ring wretch class with club

A thick, solid lump of wood.

Wielding this striking weapon requires no skill.

A simple, primitive weapon that requires only brute strength and persistence to hammer your foe into the ground.

Stat Requirements

Str 10

Base Scaling

Str (C)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (B)

Weapons Skill

Barbaric Roar (can be changed)

Sure enough, one can’t expect a great hammer if their arms are too frail. A simple Club
is just about the best bludgeoning weapon available for a level 1 run. The Wretch’s base stat barely meets the Club’s base requirement of 10 Strength. That’s good since there are no raising stats via leveling on a level 1 run.



Elden Ring: Best Talismans, Ranked

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Since it also deals bludgeoning damage, the Club is great for stunning or staggering enemies. It works particularly well against human-sized enemies, including bosses. The best part about the Club, however, is its flexible Ash of War slot.

How To Get Club

The basic Club is the starting weapon for the Wretch class, but it can also be dropped by any Demi-Human enemy in the game. If your luck is bad, and you didn’t start as a Wretch, you can buy one from the Nomadic Merchant (Liurnia Lake Shore)
near the Coastal Cave (beneath the cliffs at spawn) for 600 Runes.



Elden Ring Serpent Hunter

Weapon that serves as both greatsword and spear.

Thought to have been used to hunt an immortal great serpent in the distant past, it manifests a long blade of light when facing such a creature.

When their master’s heroic aspirations degenerated into mere greed, his men searched for a weapon with which they might halt their lord.

Stat Requirements

N / A (required for Rykard)

Base Scaling

Str (B), Dex (E)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (A), Dex (E)

Weapons Skill

Great-Serpent Hunt

Players ought to thank Rykard. Because despite the gimmicky boss fight, his existence led to the creation of the. It’s one of the few heavy weapons available for level 1 Wretches. It’s thanks to the Serpent-Hunter’s nonexistent stat requirement.

When fully upgraded, the Serpent-Hunter is quite decent. Scaling doesn’t matter much here since players remain at base level 1 stats anyway. But the Serpent-Hunter’s decent weapon skill is quite useful for stunning targets from a considerable distance. Besides, this weapon will wreck the entirety of Volcano Manor.

How To Get Serpent-Hunter

The Serpent-Hunter is found in Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy
‘s boss room, and is practically given to players for free. Upon entering his lair, look to the left on your way to the boss to find the Serpent-Hunter on the ground. Your character will even do a special animation to pull it out of the ground. This is practically required to defeat Rykard.




Dagger favored by military physicians in white.

Medicine is mercy. and mercy upon the battlefield is ruthless.

Beware the killers clothed as men of compassion.

Stat Requirements

Str 7, Dex 12

Base Scaling

Str (E), Dex (D)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (E), Dex (C)

Weapons Skill

Quickstep (can be changed)

Yes, the Miséricorde
has a Dexterity requirement of 12, which automatically makes it too strong for a level 1 Wretch. However, there are ways to boost one’s stat in Elden Ring. The Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom, for example, will boost Dextery by five points. There are also Soreseals and Scarseals to help.


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In any case, Misericorde is an awesome one-two-punch weapon. For maximum efficiency, players will have to slot in the Flames of the Redmane Ash of War in their Misericorde. That Ash of War can stun most enemies (even bosses) in just two casts. After that, players will have to go in for the critical hit while the targets are reeling. Misericorde’s increased Critical Damage creates a good synergy here.

How To Get Misericorde

Misericorde is found in Stormveil Castle, behind a Stonesword Key
room in the room with the giant Godfrey painting. There is a Banished Knight
in the room, but you can pick it up off the ground without fighting it and run away.



Reduvia Dagger Ash of War Elden Ring

Jagged dagger with a distinctive curled blade.

Carried by the noble servants of the Lord of Blood.

A proud testament to the success of its vicious design, this weapon is perpetually coated in blood.

Stat Requirements

Str 5, Dex 13, Arc 13

Base Scaling

Str (E), Dex (D), Arc (D)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (E), Dex (C), Arc (B)

Weapons Skill

Reduvia Blood Blade

Picking Reduvia
imposes the same challenge as Misericorde. Players will have to find ways through Talismans or gear pieces to raise their stats to meet the requirements. It’s worth it for this dagger, though, as it’s one of the most versatile weapons in the game.

Reduvia has a non-customizable weapon skill, but it’s usually all that the players will need for ranged damage. Both the ranged attack and the regular attacks for Reduvia inflict Bleed build-up, which can result in a big chunk of damage once it’s full.

How To Get Reduvia

To get Reduvia, head to the chasm that leads north from Lake Agheel (towards Murkwater Cave). An enemy called Bloody Finger Nerijus
will invade, and begin to attack. A few seconds after he appears, Bloody Finger Hunter Yura
will appear by your side and fight with you. Nerijus drops Reduvia on defeat whether Yura spawns or not.



Elden Ring confessor class with broadsword and finger seal

A straight sword with a wide blade, suited to slashing attacks.

Horizontal swings boast wide attack range, making it easier to connect with foes.

Stat Requirements

Str 10, Dex 10

Base Scaling

Str (D), Dex (E)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (C), Dex (D)

Weapons Skill

Square Off (can be changed)

The Broadsword
is the more elegant option in case players want to forego the caveman aesthetics of the Club. Its stat requirements fall in line with what the Wretch has at level 1 so that frees up some talisman slots for something else.



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Sure enough, players might need something like the Shard of Alexander for this, since the Broadsword’s strength lies in its default Ash of War, Square Off. This weapon skill is an underrated gem that can stagger targets. It also deals decent damage.

How To Get Broadsword

The Broadsword is the starting weapon for the Confessor class, but it can also be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant for 1800 Runes, who is right outside the Coastal Cave. Coastal Cave is found below the cliffs to the west of the spawn location.


Rellana’s Twin Blades


Carian light greatsword embedded with blue glintstone.

Weapon of Rellana, the Twin Moon Knight. Two swords as a single armament.

Here, and here alone, were moon and fire ever together.

Stat Requirements

Strength 13, Dex 16, Int 16, Faith 16

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dex (D), Int (D), Faith (D)

Max Scaling (+10)

Strength (C), Dex (C), Int (C), Faith (C)

Weapons Skill

Moon and Fire Stance

Rellana’s Twin Blades
is one of the best weapons for a Rune Level 1 run in Elden Ring, but that does come with two caveats: it requires beating Rellana Twin Moon Knight
in the DLC, and to equip it at RL1 you will need to make some heavy adjustments to your Talismans and armor. Soreseals, direct stat boosts, and stat-boosting armor is required to meet the four relatively high stats.

But adjusting your build to meet the requirements is very worth it, as you are rewarded with one of the best boss weapons in the game. It scales equally with all stats, which works well with the default RL1 stat array, and its two weapon skills are especially powerful – the heavy attack, which spews a ring of fire around the Tarnished, is amazing for dealing with enemies at short range.

How To Get Rellana’s Twin Blades

To get Rellana’s Twin Blades, you must defeat Rellana, Twin Moon Knight at the end of Castle Ensis. On defeat she will drop the Remembrance of the Twin Moon Knight
, which can be traded with Enia in Roundtable Hold for the Twin Blades.


Beast Claw

beast claws in elden ring shadow of the erdtree

Weapon in the form of a carnivorous beast’s vicious claws.

Used to perform bestial slashing attacks uncanny to humankind.

An imitation of the esoteric technique of the horned warriors.

Those who carry this weapon wield it as though they have been possessed by a savage beast.

Stat Requirements

Strength 13, Dex 11

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dex (D)

Max Scaling (+25)

Strength (C), Dex (D)

Weapons Skill

Savage Claws

Arguably the best Rune Level 1 Elden Ring weapon found in the DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, the Beast Claw (Weapon)
is one of two new options in the eponymous Beast Claw weapon type. This weapon is remarkably fast, comes with a Poise-destroying Weapon Skill, procs Bleed by default, and can be infused to cause other status effects, too.

The Beast Claw has very low stat requirements and you won’t need to do much to equip this great RL1 weapon, though it does require going into the DLC, which itself requires defeating two of the hardest bosses in the base game: Mohg, Lord of Blood
, and General Radahn Set
, who can normally be skipped in a base game run.

How To Get Beast Claw

The Beast Claw drops from the open-world NPC Logar the Beast Claw, who can be found in the forest east of the DLC spawn location in the Gravesite Plain in Shadow of the Erdtree.


Scavenger’s Curved Sword

Elden Ring Scavenger Curved Sword Armament Inventory Icon

Unique curved sword, notched like shark’s teeth.

Weapon carried by corpse pillagers who prowl the sites of old battles.

The blade is tacky with blood and covered in hefty nicks, making it totally uneven.

Life can be sinister indeed.

Stat Requirements

Str 9, Dex 14

Base Scaling

Str (D), Dex (D)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (C), Dex (C)

Weapons Skill

Spinning Slash (can be changed)

The Scavenger’s Curved Sword
is a key component for one of the most impressive Bleed builds for Elden Ring‘s endgame. As a testament to the power of Bleed in Elden Ring, the Scavenger’s Curved Sword can also prove to be a viable weapon for a level 1 run.

This weapon has one of the highest Bleed applications in the game. If infused with a Bleed prefix, then it becomes even more viable for the endgame despite having a level 1 wielder. Problems do arise against enemies who don’t bleed, but thankfully, it’s easy to change weapon prefixes.

How To Get Scavenger’s Curved Sword

The Scavenger’s Curved Sword can be found in Mt Gelmir, as you head north from the First Mt Gelmir Site of Lost Grace. Cross the bridge, and look on a corpse behind a Grafted Scion on this ledge to find the Scavenger’s Curved Sword.



Elden Ring Uchigatana Weapon Art Cropped

A katana with a long single-edged curved blade.

A unique weapon wielded by the samurai from the Land of Reeds.

The blade, with its undulating design, boasts extraordinary sharpness, and its slash attacks cause blood loss.

Stat Requirements

Str 11, Dex 15

Base Scaling

Str (D), Dex (D)

Scaling Max (+25)

Str (D), Dex (C)

Weapons Skill

Unsheathe (can be changed)

The Uchigatana
, despite being a starter weapon for the Samurai class, scales well into the late game. It’s one of the few rare weapons that players can use from beginning to end without much compromise. The Uchigatana owes much of its reputation to the Bleed build-up and its Unsheathe default Ash of War.

However, it can also be more versatile than that. Players can infuse it with cold damage so that it also triggers Frostbite on top of Bleed. In any case, it’s one of the weapons that community legends such as Let Me Solo Her prefer to use against Malenia, Blade of Miquella

How To Get Uchigatana

The Uchigatana is starting equipment for the Samurai class, but it can also be found in the Deathtouched Catacombs
in northern Limgrave. Open the locked door, head back to the entrance to face the boss, and look for a corpse leaning over a ledge to pick up the Uchigatana.

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Elden Ring


February 25, 2022


M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence

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