RPGs With The Best Romances


  • Romance is an important element in modern RPGs, and some games stand out for having great romance options and mechanics.
  • Thousand Arms, Record of Agarest War, Harvest Moon: Story of Seasons, Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, and Rune Factory 2 are all RPGs with notable romance features.
  • These games offer deep, in-depth approaches to romance, with mechanics that allow players to date, marry, and even have children with their chosen partners.

Unlike classic RPGs that love the good ol’ blend of might and magic, modern RPGs focus just as much on relationships as they do on combat. As a result, some of the best RPGs nowadays boast interesting mechanics tied to making friends, building reputations, and even establishing bonds with player companions. In turn, romance easily becomes a must-have element in modern RPGs. Sometimes, it’s a huge plus if an RPG offers ways for players to build romances with their favorite NPCs.

Unfortunately, newcomers who want to explore more social dimensions of RPGs might have a hard time finding those worthwhile. After all, romance isn’t always a big element in RPGs. And even if romance is present in a game, it’s not always a standout title. Still, some titles stand out above the rest for being RPGs with the best romances.

Updated on January 6, 2025, by Rhenn Taguiam: With the likes of Dragon’s Dogma 2, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and Metaphor: ReFantazio being heavy-hitters in 2024’s RPG scene, fans of the genre might be wondering what other RPGs are worth looking back to if they’re in it for decent story, stellar gameplay, and an amazing overall experience. However, those looking to get their heartstrings tugged might be interested in knowing what other RPGs have the best romances. Interestingly enough, a lot of older entries boast rather interesting romance storylines, such as the third installment of a hit sci-fi franchise, a music-themed anime RPG, and even a philosophical classic.


Stella Glow

A Music-Heavy JRPG With The Standard Anime Romance

Stella Glow




Nintendo DS


Sega, Atlus USA, NIS America

Release Date

June 4, 2015

How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Despite its relative age given its 2015 release, Stella Glow remains a beloved title among RPG fans for the Nintendo DS looking for a more “traditional” shonen-esque story. Set in a world where the witch Hilda has begun turning people into crystals, amnesiac Alto must unite other witches in the country to sing the Anthem that will undo Hilda’s curse. In this world, witches derive their power from Qualia crystals, and Alto, a member of the Regnant Knights, is the only one who can tap into their true potential.

Being a standard-fare turn-based RPG, gameplay in Stella Glow takes place from an isometric environment. Whereas “free time” lets Alto and company explore the area to do odd jobs and bond (“tune”) with teammates, “battle time” involves turn-based combat where the witches’ powers are determined by how close to Alto they are. Different witches possess special abilities that affect the battlefield, so it’s up to players to strategically form relationships to maximize their companions’ powersets.

How Is Romance In Stella Glow

Anime fans who appreciate a more “generic” approach to anime romance will appreciate Stella Glow’s character dynamics. Romance gameplay takes the form of Persona-esque social score mechanics (this time called Affinity), where players can choose a specific companion to “level” up their relationship with until they get to a specific ending at the very end of the game. This special epilogue is separate from the Standard and True Endings players can pursue. Unlike other games where players need to wait with bated breath to see which character they got an ending with, Stella Glow allows players to max out the Affinity of any character of their choice and choose among them for their epilogue ending after they finish the game.


Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

A Futuristic Dark Romance In The Harsh 41st Millennium

Rogue Trader


December 7, 2023


Owlcat Games


Owlcat Games

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Set in the brutal universe of the Warhammer 40K franchise, Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader takes place in the dangerous Kronus Expanse where the player, as a Rogue Trader of the Imperium of Man, must navigate the dangerous space amid a battle for inheritance — all the while the players discover a mystery locked behind their character’s origins. Throughout the game, players meet companions with whom they build relationships, and the main character must make harsh choices that maintain their alignment with the Imperium (Dogmatic), upset the status quo (Iconoclastic), or lean closer to the forces of Chaos (Heretical).

Combat is similar to Pathfinder: Kingmaker, where isometric battles heavily use the d100 System from the Rogue Trader TTRPG. Combat allows characters to move using Movement Points and act using Action Points, with skills at their disposal and environmental elements such as Cover and Momentum affecting their overall performance. The game also offers various Archetypes that characters can follow, allowing them to customize precise builds to fit their preferred setups.

How Is Romance In Rogue Trader

At first glance, romance in Rogue Trader is similar to other CRPGs in that players need to regularly interact with their companions until “deeper dialogue” is unlocked, after which players are “tied” to that companion as their partner. As predicted, each Rogue Trader companion offers different ways of starting a romance with them, as well as different triggers across Chapters to deepen their relationship. What’s interesting in Rogue Trader is how romance is integrated into the mechanics. For instance, certain characters will “change” the landscape of the main ship and will force players to take tests to “understand” them. Meanwhile, other characters will “challenge” the player as to who is dominant or submissive in the relationship.



Romance At The Center Of An Intriguing, Philosophical Story


How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Despite its age, Xenogears remains an iconic piece of RPG history due to its unique story, setting, and mechanics. Set on the continent of Ignas, Xenogears begins amid a large-scale civil war between nations Aveh and Kislev. Various forces and factions use the war as a means to establish power in different parts of the continent, with the church-like Ethos having recently uncovered robot suits known as Gears that may very well change the course of the war. Players take on the role of amnesiac martial artist Fei Fong Wong, whose journey with Elly Van Houten will take them around the country as they gather allies that will eventually determine the continent’s fate. The game is heavily praised for its serious undertones and overall depth, especially with its religio-philosophical elements.

Another shining aspect of Xenogears is gameplay, wherein it combines Square’s signature Active Battle Time feature with martial arts elements. While battling using a Gear will drastically change a character’s statistics and playstyle, the gameplay loop is generally the same: Players have to balance resources known as Action Points and Ether Points — the latter of which can change in name depending on the character’s power source. Unlike other games where skills have a preset cost in AP, Xenogears motivates players to experiment with combinations of Strong, Moderate, and Weak Attacks (as well as special Deathblows) to discover combos that would work against opponents.

How Is Romance In Xenogears

Despite the lack of other romance “options,” players consider Xenogears among the rare games with a powerful front-and-center romance. Considering the philosophical underpinnings of its core sci-fi story, the romance between amnesiac Fei Fong Wong and pilot Elly Van Houten provides much-needed human depth to the rather complicated story of the game’s world. Contrary to the takes of similarly couple-centered stories such as Final Fantasy 10 and Final Fantasy 8, the more world-spanning impact of Fei and Elly’s relationship gives players a glimpse into the larger-than-life impact of love in a wartorn world.



A Traditional Love Story Locked In A Traditional Adventure

UPDATE Dragon Ball Legends Best Characters-9



September 30, 1999

How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Despite later installments of Grandia boasting more improved mechanics and much deeper storylines, the first Grandia is a must-play for fans of traditional fantasy adventure stories. Set in a world where technology and exploration combine, an aspiring adventurer named Justin begins a world-spanning adventure to uncover the mysteries of the Spirit Stone left by his missing father. While Justin and his friends Sue and Feena start helping towns they visit on their way to rediscovering the ancient city of Alent, their journey attracts the attention of General Baal and the Garlyle Forces, who are also interested in the city for their gain.

Combat in Grandia is a mix of real-time and turn-based combat. Characters choose actions while their icons are in an IP Bar. This allows characters to execute their moves simultaneously while also allowing players to interrupt enemy moves if they are fast enough. Interspersed between combat are regular side quests and dialogue between characters, although Justin’s interactions with his peers give Grandia a traditional shonen-esque storyline; a change of pace compared to more serious stories of the time.

How Is Romance In Grandia

Compared to other Grandia titles and other fantasy RPGs at the time, Grandia has a straightforward love story: that of Justin and Feena. While Feena at first dismisses Justin as a wannabe adventurer, the game’s events slowly have her fall for him – leaving Justin ever the naive protagonist. However, the main strength of Grandia’s love story lies in its execution. None of Justin and Feena’s interactions seem forced, and there’s no pointless bickering between them. They start as friends having an awesome time trying to help others, and their relationship naturally develops the more trials they overcome together.


Final Fantasy 10

The Quintessential Final Fantasy Love Story

UPDATE Dragon Ball Legends Best Characters-11

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD


March 18, 2014

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


When the monstrous Sin sweeps away Blitzball star Tidus and the mysterious man named Auron from the city of Zanarkand to the world of Spira, it’s revealed that Sin had already “destroyed” Zanarkand in the previous millennium. While coming to terms with the possibility that Sin had swept him a thousand years into the future, Tidus is introduced to Yuna, a young summoner he must accompany to acquire the Final Aeon and defeat Sin. Throughout their journey in Final Fantasy 10, Tidus and Yuna are accompanied by Auron and other Guardians, each of them with unique skill sets and bearing witness to their budding love story.

Unlike other Final Fantasy stories, Final Fantasy 10 is mainly linear in its execution. Combat is turn-based, with players able to choose three combatants at a time. Thanks to the Sphere Grid, players can fully customize their characters with different bonuses and skills, allowing parties to work according to specific playstyles.

How Is Romance In Final Fantasy 10

While others say Final Fantasy 8 is a more traditional romance featuring Squall and Rinoa, Final Fantasy 10 raises the bar with a love story that flows alongside its main storyline and overall worldbuilding. Tidus begins as a mere Guardian to Yuna, with his worldview constantly butting heads with hers – the desire for freedom clashing with a commitment to an obligation. This philosophical debate extends not just between the two of them, but across the world and the people they encounter. What results from these interactions is a living and breathing world that will make players wonder whether Yuna’s actions made sense, if Tidus should’ve done something differently, and what players would’ve done in their place.


Persona 3

Romance At The End Of The World

Persona 3

Persona 3 Portable


July 6, 2010

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options

7 (Male), 6 (Female)

Is There A Canon Romance


The story of Persona 3 begins in 2009, shortly after the Protagonist transfers to Gekkoukan High School a decade after their parents’ deaths. Before they start school, they encounter a boy named Pharos, who makes them sign a contract. One thing leads to another, and the Protagonist joins the Special Extracurricular Execution Squad, a seemingly-normal after-school club that actually hunts Shadows during the Dark Hour in Tartaros. Those affected by the Shadows suffer Apathy Syndrome, making them lose the will to live.

Technically a spinoff of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise, Persona 3 takes cues from its parent franchise with its featuring of Personas – manifestations of a person’s inner will. The Protagonist and other SEES members use Personas to fight Shadows in Tartaros, engaging them in turn-based combat in randomized dungeons while collecting, leveling up, and combining Personas in between.

How Is Romance In Persona 3

In true Persona fashion, more emphasis is put on social interactions throughout Persona 3’s gameplay. Protagonists who develop enough Social Links with SEES operatives can engage in relationships with them. However, the Protagonist follows a more heterosexual approach in romance choices (7 female-identifying options for the Male MC, and 6 male-identifying options for the Female MC). Specific to the Reload remake is the Male MC, locked as the sole protagonist, this time featuring time-locked relationships that can become either romantic or platonic. Based on the strength of Social Links, team members can get special abilities such as follow-up attacks, or the ability to survive fatal blows.


Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous

Romance Amid A Demonic Invasion

UPDATE Dragon Ball Legends Best Characters-12


September 2, 2021


Owlcat Games


META Publishing

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


In the world of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, players take on the role of an ordinary citizen made into a Commander of the Fifth Crusade when they discover mysterious “powers” that allow them to repel a demonic invasion of their city. Throughout the story, players are accompanied by various Companions to close the Worldwound and stop the ongoing demonic invasion before the demons destroy the Wardstones that keep the world’s last bastions protected from total collapse.

As an RPG inspired by the Pathfinder TTRPG ruleset, players engage in combat from an isometric perspective, either letting their characters duke it out against foes or using a turn-based mode to position allies and select which abilities to use. When players make progress through the story, they can trigger Romance Flags and True Romance Flags that may determine the depth of their potential relationships.

How Is Romance In Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous

There’s a particular level of depth to the interactions in Wrath of the Righteous that makes each Companion all the more worth getting to know, even if they don’t eventually evolve into romances. Even then, there’s enough content in dialogue with each romance option to see their compatibility with the player’s roleplaying vision. The game’s story offers more than enough chances to develop relationships with all the characters, and for players to turn them off or attract them, all featuring motivations and backstories that turn them into breathing members of the world instead of just a batch of Companions to romance.


Thousand Arms

Strengthen Smithing Through Dating

Meis of Thousand Arms

Thousand Arms




October 14, 1999


Red Company
, Tose

How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Despite being a 1998 title, Thousand Arms remains a classic among JRPGs for its unique take on cross-genre, its innovative combat system, and its intriguing story. Set in a steampunk World, the Spirit Blacksmith Meis becomes entrusted to find the legendary Sacred Flames before the malevolent Dark Acolytes use them to sow chaos everywhere. And the catch? Meis can strengthen his smithing powers by dating women.


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Thus begins a hilarious yet captivating story of how Meis saves the world while finding his true love. This isn’t to say that Thousand Arms doesn’t have a great romance, though. Each female protagonist has a charming personality – from brave Sodina Dawnfried, nerdy but form-changing Nelsha, and even sarcastic Kyleen, among others.

How Is Romance In Thousand Arms?

Despite being a 1998 game, Thousand Arms has quite an in-depth approach to romance. At first, dating seems rather straightforward as players must go to a Goddess of Love statue and choose an eligible girl to take out on a date. However, dating segments transform into an in-depth mini-game, where players must raise their Intimacy Level by answering questions according to the girl’s preference and giving proper gifts. A girl with a high enough Intimacy Level can imbue weapons with various skills and spells.



A Wild West Take On Space Exploration

Characters in Starfield



PC-1 Xbox-1


September 6, 2023

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Players of Starfield know of the title as Bethesda’s surprising move in taking its open-world RPG formula to the depths of space. Leaning away from the fantastical world of Tamriel and the post-nuclear wasteland of Fallout, the gameplay and story in Starfield showcase the player as an adventurer tasked to retrieve artifacts all across space.

Only four characters that players meet in Starfield are romanceable: a passionate leader, an enigmatic adventurer with a mysterious past, a scientist always hungry for knowledge, and a descendant of the founder of the Freestar Collective. However, their relationship with the player inside and outside their respective romances can make them interesting companions to meet in any playthrough.

How Is Romance In Starfield?

As with other Bethesda titles, Starfield romances heavily depend on the Follower’s affinity with the player. Always leaning on Loved and Liked actions can boost players’ chances of triggering the Follower’s special mission. Should this be accomplished, players can move on from being an Ally into being a Commitment option. It’s also easy to move away from a relationship by discussing it through dialogue and choosing to end it. Unlike other RPGs with romance options, some may consider Starfield’s rather “generic” and lacking depth. However, from the perspective of Bethesda’s titles, Starfield shows the promise of an open-world RPG having a more nuanced take on developing relationships.


Record Of Agarest War

Love Stories That Affect Generations

Record Of Agarest War

Record of Agarest War


September 27, 2007


Idea Factory
, Red Entertainment
, Compile Heart
, Laughing Jackal
, HyperDevbox


Compile Heart
, Ghostlight
, Aksys Games
, HyperDevbox

How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


In Record Of Agarest War, adventurers have to step up as heroes to stop the reemergence of an ancient evil. The thing is, the game is split into five generations, beginning with a soldier named Leonhardt. His interactions with his female companions will end up in marriage. Thanks to the Soul Breed system, their offspring serve the protagonist of the next generation.

Interestingly, the new generation’s protagonist inherits the best qualities of their parents. In subsequent games, players encounter enhanced mechanics for the Soul Breed System. For instance, Agarest 2 has Dark Love, where the protagonist is only married to the mate out of political interests, with the resulting offspring getting poor stats.

How Is Romance In Record Of Agarest War?

With Agarest War spanning multiple generations, it’s surprising that romance isn’t a major component of the player’s experience. However, romance does work less like a dating sim, and is more of stat players need to manage, especially when their characters interact with heroines to discover their prospective spouses. With each player’s character generation impacting gameplay, the game sets itself apart from other titles with how each new generation’s character can have different looks, weapons, and even passives.


Story Of Seasons

A Farm Life Made Livelier With Romance

Harvest Moon Story of Seasons

Story Of Seasons


super greyscale 8-bit logo


March 15, 2015



OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


When Natsume acquired Harvest Moon, it released Story of Seasons as its first title in 2014. Despite the naming difference, Story of Seasons was a delight to behold to anyone in love with the franchise. True to the franchise, players take on the role of a farmer in Oak Tree Town. New to the game at the time were Rival Farmers, which spices things up for players.

On the romance angle, Story of Seasons gives players the option of up to six spousal candidates. While their relationships won’t affect the main storyline, the varying personalities and nuances of each potential partner breathe new life into the game. Moreover, the game’s extensive dating mechanics will have players attached to their favored character very early on in the relationship.

How Is Romance In Story Of Seasons?

With Story of Seasons also being a Harvest Moon game, the title shares similar traits with RF2 about overall romance options. While the game similarly has a slate of eligible Bachelorettes and Rival Bachelors to contend with, Story of Seasons trumps RF2 in terms of overall character development. The more updated game mechanics blending with romance interactions can make for a more enjoyable farming experience.


Harvest Moon: Animal Parade

A Love Life In A Farm, Featuring Rivals And Kids

Harvest Moon: Animal Parade


super greyscale 8-bit logo


November 12, 2009




, Natsume
, Rising Star Games

How Many Romance Options

20 (10 per Male/Female)

Is There A Canon Romance


Introduced as a sequel to Tree of Tranquility, players of Harvest Moon: Animal Parade are tasked to save the tree at the Harvest Goddess’ Spring and restore the power of nature on the island. Doing so requires the collection of five mystical bells – and with a farm to manage, Harvest Moon players are in for a busy time.

Much of the mechanics of Tree of Tranquility are retained in Animal Parade with improved gameplay. On top of a larger map and a slower flow of time, players can choose one out of four protagonist “styles” that determine their base appearance and starting story. Moreover, on the romance end, Animal Parade not only lets players have two children, but the game now lets the entire family help out on the farm, on top of four celestial beings becoming marriage candidates themselves.

Romance In Harvest Moon: Animal Parade

Gameplay in Animal Parade allows players to court ten Bachelors or Bachelorettes depending on their starting gender, each of which will bring players gifts, ask them out on dates, and even confess their love to them. Aside from being able to have kids with them, “rivalries” become a unique romance mechanic in Animal Parade. Rivals in the game, who are also the player’s friends, will often try to “steal” their beloved by out-courting them. Moreover, the player’s children may also have rival children, adding unique interactions throughout the experience.


Rune Factory 2

A Fantastical Take On Farm Life Romance

Rune Factory 2

Rune Factory 2


super greyscale 8-bit logo


November 18, 2008

How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Fans who want a spin on the farm life in Harvest Moon will love Rune Factory 2. Taking a cue from its fantasy concept, Rune Factory 2 now has board tasks and the much-requested multi-generation gameplay from the first few Harvest Moon titles. As such, the game plays over the course of two generations, with choices in the first affecting the second.

In the first generation, players control the amnesiac Kyle as he starts a new life in Alvarna. In the second generation, Kyle hands down the reins of being the protagonist to his child, Aaron (if a boy) or Aria (if a girl).

Aside from typical farm sim elements such as farming, harvesting, and crafting, Rune Factory 2 features a combat element. Being an RPG, players can train Kyle and Aaron/Aria to fight monsters around town. Moreover, players can marry a partner in both generations, with players in charge of developing their relationships.

How Is Romance In Rune Factory 2?

Like other sim games, Rune Factory 2 players have options to be in relationships with anyone in Alvarna, a trait their children also share. As with other RPGs, players need to boost their relationships with villagers to unlock new content before eventually being able to marry them. What makes RF2 romances so interesting is the existence of Rival Bachelors or characters who may take an interest in the Bachelorette and threaten to steal them from the player.


Trails In The Sky

An Open-Ended RomanceTrails in the Sky


PlayStation-1 PC-1


June 24, 2004


Nihon Falcom

How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


When an RPG has a great romance, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in the player’s hands. Trails In The Sky is one such game where players embark on an adventure with an inevitable pairing. In Trails In The Sky, players will see Estelle Bright and her adopted brother Joshua as they travel around the country of Liberl. Their original journey will have them complete their training as Bracers, a multinational organization tasked to protect civilians. However, their adventure will have them involved in a coup that seeks to overthrow the current monarchy.

As expected of a Trails title, Trails In The Sky has a diverse cast of characters that the game doesn’t fail to expand or emphasize. More importantly, its open-ended story allowed players to interpret what comes out of Estelle and Joshua’s story as they would. Fans of and newcomers to JRPGs would have a delightful experience going through Trails In The Sky.


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How Is Romance In Trails In The Sky?

Despite having a canonical romance front and center with the story of Estelle and Joshua Bright, Trails in the Sky used this “set relationship” to their advantage. The dynamic of Estelle and Joshua being step-siblings worked with how the plot is eventually presented to players, with Joshua’s past catching up to him, setting up various scenarios that make players invested in their developing relationship.


Star Ocean: The Second Story

Almost Everyone Is Eligible For Dating

Star Ocean - RPG With Great Romances


November 2, 2023


Gemdrops, Inc.


Square Enix

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options

All possible combinations of characters

Is There A Canon Romance


While originally released in 2000, Star Ocean: The Second Story has aged quite well. In The Second Story, Ensign Claude Kenni of the Earth Federation finds himself stranded on the medieval planet of Expel, where Rena Lanford mistakes him for the Hero of Light.

Being a Star Ocean title, The Second Story breaks off traditional RPG mechanics with new systems. However, where it shines is its Private Actions system, where players can influence the way party members see each other.

In a Private Action, the party splits up in a town to do their “own thing” – visit family or friends or even shop and relax. Players can then converse with these allies to see if they can like or dislike other characters. This affects two things – firstly, characters who like each other will get bonuses in combat. Secondly, players can get up to 87 endings depending on how each character’s relationship with one another plays out.

How Is Romance In Star Ocean: The Second Story?

Despite its age, The Second Story has quite an extensive relationship system, with players capable of ending up with various characters based on a hidden “relationship” system. Depending on a player’s many decisions in the game, they can get one of Second Story’s 87 endings, all of which potentially lead to a romantic relationship based on player interactions.


Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

Almost All NPCs Are Viable For Romance

Dragon’s Dogma


April 23, 2013

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options

Almost all NPCs

Is There A Canon Romance


Fans of RPGs who want a traditional hack-and-slash experience may appreciate the depth of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, where its protagonist the Arisen can use traditional combat and grab onto enemies for unique maneuvers as they save the world from the dragon Grigori. Unique to Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is its Pawn mechanic, where players can actively give commands to their companions throughout the game’s real-time combat system.

While only certain Pawns are available for romance, almost all other NPCs are viable romantic partners given enough affinity. Considered in-game as the Beloved, the player’s chosen romantic partner can range from anyone among the available NPCs in the RPG.

Romance In Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

Unlike other games where players only have a select number of romantic partners, Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen gives players the opportunity to romance any NPC they encounter. Depending on the NPC’s role in the game, they may try to make themselves more accessible to players, such as a Beloved NPC setting up shop closer to Cassardis, the starting point in the game. While the Beloved only directly affecting two quests limits their narrative impact, the idea of players forging their own relationships at their own pace adds to the immersion factor of the hack-and-slash experience.


The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel

Romance In A Military School

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel


December 22, 2015


Nihon Falcom


Nihon Falcom

How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Fans of The Legend of Heroes will appreciate the Trails of Cold Steel for its in-depth story. The first game directly ties to the sequel, where a player’s save file in Cold Steel 1 carries over to Cold Steel 2. The game takes place after Trails in the Sky, where tensions escalate between the Reformists and the four aristocratic Noble Houses.

Players take on the role of Rean Schwarzer and his classmates of Class VII in Thors Military Academy. Their Class contains both nobility and commoners, removing class segregation among their ranks but still making room for tensions between the classmates. In terms of combat, the relationships inside Class VII directly tie into the bonuses they gain on the battlefield. However, Rean also has the option to romance one of his many classmates – directly affecting the outcome of the game.

How Is Romance In Trails Of Cold Steel?

Unlike earlier Trails titles with canon romances, Cold Steel gives players options to romance whichever character they wish, depending on how high their Link Levels are with certain characters. The game’s school setting makes for a perfect setup for players to actively pursue characters they’re interested in, with various events expanding on their personalities and motivations. On top of other requirements, a max Link Level will make players eligible for a final Bonding Event during the Thors Military Academy Festival that decides their partner.


Yakuza: Like A Dragon

A Yakuza Member’s Perspective On Romance

Yakuza Like A Dragon

Yakuza: Like A Dragon


November 10, 2020

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance

Yes (revealed in Yakuza 8)

Unlike the story of most Yakuza or Like A Dragon games, where Kazuma Kiryu tries to walk away from the yakuza life, it’s Yakuza: Like A Dragon that gives players a fresh take on the rich yakuza subculture in Japan. Now starring newcomer Ichiban Kasuga, players take him on a journey to become a “hero” despite preconceived notions about his chosen career path. And just like how a hero may need a heroine to call a partner, Yakuza: Like A Dragon does offer six (6) prospective choices.



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Similar to how the Yakuza series transforms the modern setting into an RPG format Like A Dragon stuns in its romance options by actually giving players realistic options for relationships. All the partners Ichiban can choose in the game are realistic characters – all of whom have jobs such as teaching in a vocational school (Manae) and working as a hostess (Iroha), among others. Ichiban has the option of romancing each at a time or all at once, offering different outcomes.

How Is Romance In Yakuza: Like A Dragon?

Despite each romance option in Like A Dragon offering interesting personalities, approaching them as romantic interests isn’t as exciting as with other games. Ichiban needs to level up his relationship meter with his chosen prospect until they transition into a romantic relationship via cutscene. After getting into a relationship with a partner, players can hire them as an employee of Ichiban Holdings. The system is lackluster because Ichiban can romance all prospects at once with no story consequences. Romancing all of them at once unlocks “The Lone Survivor” substory in the Survive Bar that rewards Ichiban with +10 Defense, so being covetous is even encouraged.


Dragon Age: Inquisition

Save The World, With A Bit Of Romance On The Side

dragon age ea play 2021


November 18, 2014


Electronic Arts

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Video game romances wouldn’t be complete without a BioWare entry. Thankfully, Dragon Age: Inquisition easily fulfills any player’s wish for meaningful romances in games. In this third Dragon Age entry, players take on the role of the Inquisitor on a mission to quell the civil unrest in Thedas. However, the Inquisitor soon gets embroidered in a plot to close the Breach, a tear in the sky that lets demons through the world.

Aside from its fast-paced action combat, players of Inquisition will appreciate a renewed focus on interaction. For the most part, players can recruit various NPCs into the Inquisition. Moreover, these interactions eventually lead to important decisions throughout Thedas. Additionally, the Inquisitor can have up to nine companions, eight of whom can be romanced while tackling their deep backstories.

How Is Romance In Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Typical of a BioWare experience, Dragon Age: Inquisition allows players to romance multiple in-game characters. However, players aren’t confined to serious romances, as they can engage in harmless flirting with other characters should they want to spice up dialogue. NPCs also have preferences for partners, with intimate encounters impacting how quests are resolved. Outside this, players have eight candidates for a serious romance, each with requirements tied to equally interesting personalities.


Cyberpunk 2077

Fall In Love In The Middle Of A Revolution

Cyberpunk 2077-1

Cyberpunk 2077


December 10, 2020

OpenCritic Rating


How Many Romance Options


Is There A Canon Romance


Venturing into the world of Cyberpunk 2077 won’t just have players stop a dystopia in a futuristic landscape, it also involves immersing into the many aspects of its world’s possible cyberpunk future. On top of futuristic vehicles, weaponry, and even wild cybernetics, players of Cyberpunk 2077 have the opportunity to witness what romance could be like at a time when the essence of one’s being is put into question.

The game is perhaps unique on the RPG romance front specifically for characters not being biased on what gender or genitalia protagonist V possesses. Rather, Cyberpunk 2077 characters capable of romance can lean towards specific body types and voices, as well as sets of characters being available for relationships, romantic encounters, and even casual experiences. Not only that, but some romances also affect the overall endings that players get in the game, giving more weight to the gameplay feature.

How Is Romance In Cyberpunk 2077?

Unsurprisingly, even the cyber-dystopia of Cyberpunk 2077 can provide players with romance options. However, what’s surprising is how romanceable characters are only eligible to be in relationships with players of a specific voice type and body type. While this supports the idea of even NPCs possessing preferences, the limited romance options can be a turn-off for some players.

However, the game does compensate with rather subtle cues of developing relationships with characters – such as choosing dialogue indicative of supporting them, not leaving their side until certain tasks are finished, and making time for them.

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