Key Takeaways
- Low Honor in Red Dead Redemption 2 can lead to unique interactions, such as joining a coyote during a storm.
- High honor provides benefits including better loot and discounts, while low honor can lead to interesting experiences and unique conversations.
- Players found to have low honor can cause a black coyote to appear, giving the game an even darker storytelling element.
no way Red Dead Redemption 2 The player points out the cute benefit of having two coyotes watch the storm together and then having their honor lowered. Red Dead Redemption 2 There is dynamic weather that provides variety to the open world, and these details may make storms more interesting to some players.
Since its release, many people Red Dead Redemption 2 Players have shared experiences ranging from unexpected interactions to bizarre deaths. This includes a rare lawman and some fun camp dialogue. Red Dead Redemption 2 Accidents, hunting accidents, and horses plummet to their deaths. Arthur Morgan's Honor level also affects how players experience the game. While higher Honor can bring better loot, store discounts, and unique missions, lower Honor has its positive aspects as well. One gamer recently shared the surprisingly healthy benefits of Arthur's low honor.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Fan Announces Confusing Details About Joy
An investigative Red Dead Redemption 2 fan has discovered shocking details about the town of Pleasance in Lemoyne online.
Reddit user SenorFroggo_136 recently shared the following: Red Dead Redemption 2 A screenshot highlighting the two coyotes and a map image showing their location when the dogs arrived. According to Gamer, two coyotes were seen in the Grizzlies East area. Red Dead Redemption 2 This is a map when you are watching a storm. One coyote has a darker hide, the other a more distinct pattern, and both animals have glowing yellow eyes as described in Arthur's journal. The specific location is the cliffs south of Fairvale Shanty and northeast of the Legendary Grizzly Bear. This player got lucky near this memorable location after discovering a gold nugget in the lockbox of a nearby shack.
This Red Dead Redemption 2 detail may encourage low-honor gameplay
Red Dead Redemption 2 Players will have a more enjoyable experience playing the game with high honor, but the lower honor you have, the more likely you are to see coyotes. The black coyote has special meaning as it is Arthur's spirit animal, and when its honor is low, the canine appears during a storm. Other benefits of low honor include visual filters for cutscenes, lower tones in the music, dark horse mounts, and unique dialogue. Red Dead Redemption 2After Arthur is diagnosed with tuberculosis, the storytelling takes a darker turn, requiring a second playthrough for gamers looking to get the full story.
Coyotes appearing during a storm is not abnormal for low-level players. Red Dead Redemption 2 Honor, two can rarely come. SenorFroggo_136 confirmed that the honor was low, but did not indicate the exact level. This may have some impact on coyote spawning rates. Since it is difficult to predict when and where storms will occur, gamers may have to wait at this location for a while until a couple of coyotes appear.