Pokemon GO In each new season of the game, raid battle bosses are rotated or rotated frequently depending on each event that occurs and is delivered. These raid bosses are spread out across a variety of difficult levels, with 1-star raids featuring less threatening Pokémon, often the first form or base Pokémon more commonly found in the wild, and 2-, 3-, and 4-star Pokémon. do. You start to see secondary and final evolutions coming in, as well as rarer Pokemon or Pokemon with more important stats to consider. 5-star raids always feature Legendary/Mythical Pokémon, and aside from Shadow Raids and Mega Raids, they are one of the hardest raids to beat.
Palkia is one of the various Legendaries known to appear in 5-star raids during certain events and in-game opportunities, and Dual Destiny Season is bringing this Pokemon back for trainers to fight and potentially obtain. It is very difficult to win against Palkia as a 5-star raid boss with such tremendous combat power. Players must study monsters' weaknesses and resistances to devise counter rosters. Trainers looking for advice on how to prepare for the battle with Palkia Pokemon GO You'll find all the information you need in the guide below.
Updated by Grace Black – January 18, 2025: Palkia returned to Pokémon GO's 5-star raid during the Duel Destiny season. For this reason, the following guide has been refreshed with all the latest information to keep you up to date on the most potential candidates to fight this monster, as well as some general tips to consider when preparing for such an encounter.

Pokemon GO: Raids, Community Days and Events Throughout January
Pokemon GO holds various events every month. Here are all the events for January:
Pokemon GO: Palkia Weaknesses and Resistances
Palkia is Pokemon GO The statistical spreads are as follows: Attack power 280, defense power 215, stamina 189This makes them effective attackers. The monster gains strength. CP up to 4512 And his overall power as a 5-star raid boss makes him a more difficult target to defeat. Therefore, players must consider the best potential counters, avoid poor matchups, and target key weaknesses to win against legendary raid bosses.
Palkia is resistant. Water, Fire, Steel typesTherefore, trainers should avoid using monsters with these attributes to avoid putting themselves at a disadvantage. However, Palkia is also weak to Fairy-type and Dragon-type, so players should instead focus on using these specimens as counters on their team.

Pokemon GO: Best Lucky Pokemon, Ranked
Lucky Pokemon in Pokemon GO takes time and dedication, but it can definitely pay off by giving players the best Pokemon.
Pokemon GO: Best Palkia Raid Counters
Every monster has a certain type of move that it is weak to and resists. The same goes for Palkia. To prepare a powerful counterattack, you must carefully analyze your weaknesses and resistance. Players can also choose: Pokemon GO Counters with the same type of attack bonus will move and deal additional damage to the raid boss. The STAB effect is activated when the Pokemon type and move type are the same. Below are some of the best counters to Palkia raids using STAB potential moves corresponding to their weaknesses.
Pokemon GO: Best Palkia Counters
pokemon |
fast travel |
charge move |
Mega Rayquaza |
dragon tail |
Breaking Swipe |
Mega Gardevoir |
attractiveness |
dazzling brilliance |
Mega Garchov |
dragon tail |
frenzy |
Mega Salamence |
dragon tail |
draco meteor |
Origin Forme Dialga |
dragon breath |
roar of time |
Mega Latios |
dragon breath |
dragon claw |
Shadow Dragon Knight |
dragon tail |
frenzy |
Haxorus |
dragon tail |
Breaking Swipe |
drag pult |
dragon tail |
Breaking Swipe |
fascinating |
fairy wind |
dazzling brilliance |
once Pokemon GO If players defeat Palkia in a 5-star raid, they may encounter a shiny Palkia depending on their luck. A brilliant encounter is not guaranteed. Some players may encounter Shiny Palkia, while others may not. Defeating multiple Palkia Raids can help players increase their chances of encountering multiple Palkia and shining.