NPCs who suffered terrible fates

Being a non-playable character in a video game can be a very cruel thing. You are living a normal life, when suddenly the main characters wander in and completely ruin everything for you. They break pots, loot crafting materials, or worse.


8 Best Games That Let You Customize NPCs

Doesn’t it look better that way?

Sometimes that happens because that NPC is a hateful villain or has an embarrassing personality. However, there are many video game NPCs whose fate has not come to pass. Whether due to player freedom or narrative fate, they didn't deserve this fate.

10 Literally every pedestrian – Grand Theft Auto


This is a first-person perspective shot of a GTA 5 street shootout.

Look, we're all guilty. When Lamar or Lester or anyone else has an urgent mission or heist to complete, we start breaking the rules of the road to avoid traffic as we rush to get to our next goal faster. Typically, this means installing a curb so that pedestrians who aren't fast enough to avoid the roll are thrown off the front bumper like a pinwheel.

Committing vehicular homicide in GTA or any other old-world city game is basically a shared gaming experience at the moment, but if we were to be judged in heaven for the crimes we committed, video games, etc., we'd all go. To hell.

9 Carley (or someone else) – Season 1 of Telltale's The Walking Dead

This still stings

Carly being attacked by zombies in The Walking Dead.

Telltale decided to make us suffer with the first season of The Walking Dead. In choose-your-own adventure games, you usually get to choose what happens to many of the characters, but sometimes you have no control over what happens. No matter what you do, Carley in Season 1 is hitting it big.


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One of the final choices in Episode 1 is to save Carley or someone else. Almost everyone will die. Carley is smart, funny, and has strong chemistry with Lee, so I'll be watching these two go all the way. No, Carley was shot in the head by Lily and left to rot on the side of the road, and we got our chance to see Lily properly after three seasons.

Apparently the other guy's name was Doug. He's based on a Telltale developer, and there was a Facebook campaign called Save Doug for people who made bad choices.

8 Cutie – I need it twice

Elephants never forget

In It Takes Two, May and Cody push Cutie off a ledge.

Cody and May, the two protagonists of Hazelight's co-op adventure It Takes Two, deserve to stand trial in The Hague for what they did to poor, innocent Cutie during the course of the game. After their tenth argument, Cody and May's souls are transformed into doll-like figures by their daughter Rose's unintentional wish, and the two parents decide that their daughter's tears will reverse the spell.

Cut to Cody and May meeting Cutie, the elephant princess and Rose's favorite toy. Like two rational adults who clearly consider the consequences their actions will have on their child, Cody and May dismember Cutie and throw her from the top of the castle. Rose cried when she saw Cutie's “corpse,” so was the mission accomplished?

7 Meat Shield Guy – Yakuza Kiwami

This young man's bad day at work

Kazuma Kiryu uses someone as a human shield in Yakuza Kiwami.

It's a popular meme in the Yakuza/Like A Dragon fandom that Kazuma Kiryu has never killed anyone, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In Yakuza Zero alone, Kiryu's body count is quite large between the people he drops out of windows and the helicopters he forces to explode in a highway chase.

None of these NPCs bite the bullet harder than the guy in The Rescue, the ninth chapter of Yakuza 1/Yakuza Kiwami. Kiryu is ambushed at the main entrance to the Snake Flower Triad headquarters, and Kiryu uses a waiter as a human shield to protect himself from gunfire. Not satisfied with that dastardly ending, Kiryu throws the now dead waiter across the room and takes out the man who shoots at him. Dying is bad enough, but Kiryu only piles on more disrespect.

6 Bonus Stage Car Man – Final Fight

There is a “No Claims” bonus.

A man lamenting having his car destroyed in Final Fight.

Living in Metro City would be like the video game equivalent of living in Gotham City, in that you're always about two seconds away from something starting. In Metro City, the Mad Gear gang usually causes trouble or anarchy on the streets. For one unfortunate soul, his grievances are directed against the so-called heroes of the city.


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It's a brawl between the best beat 'em ups.

Whenever Cody, Guy, and Haggar go on a harrowing journey to save the city, they always stop at a gas station along the way to scrap the poor guy's car. Who is this person? Is that person Mad Gear's PR agent or an accountant? We'll never know, but hearing him scream “Oh, my car” will keep us up at night with guilt. maybe. Probably not.

Capcom is bringing back bonus stages with crazy friends from Street Fighter 4. Our headcanon is that they're honestly the same person.

5 The guard who just cleared everything – Hitman: Absolution

happy trip

In Hitman: Absolution, a security guard is talking on the phone.

Being a professional “silent assassin” is a grim job. Sometimes they are contracted to eliminate corrupt CEOs who are trying to do harm to the world. In other cases, they are political rivals whose only crime is opposing the person with more money. As for the one security guard in Hitman: Absolution's opening level, you have to imagine that was more fun than business for Agent 47.

Near the end of the level, Agent 47 must wander around the exterior of the building to enter the target's villa. His progress was interrupted by a security guard at the window, probably talking to his doctor about how he had been completely clean in his cancer scan and how the results had given him new life. The only way forward is to drag the poor guy out the window and kill him, which seems cruel even to a 47-year-old.

While the poor security guard's plight didn't affect Agent 47, the Hitman community collectively refers to these NPCs as The Cancer Guy, so at least he's remembered.

4 Aunt May – Marvel's Spider-Man

“I want to see my nephew.”

In Marvel's Spider-Man, Aunt May is talking to Peter Parker.

In general, being close to Peter Parker/Spider-Man can lead to trouble. Because wall crawlers are kind of disaster magnets. Uncle Ben, Gwen Stacey, also once accidentally killed Mary Jane. Life has been hard for Parker and anyone close to him, but Aunt May's death in Marvel's Spider-Man seems to be the most tragic.

In an act of defiance and revenge against Norman Osborn, Doc Ock decides to launch a bioweapon on New York, while Aunt May is on the front lines, trying to save as many citizens as possible. Unfortunately, she also gets infected. While Parker obtains the antidote, May hands over the only sample to Peter, encouraging him to develop a proper vaccine for everyone and sacrificing herself to do so. It's heartbreaking.

3 Jin Sakai's words – Ghost of Tsushima

Why a long face?

Ghost of Tsushima footage of the player riding a horse overlooking a valley.

Jin Sakai finds himself in a corner during the Ghost of Tsushima event. The Mongol invasion and their brutal tactics forced the honorable samurai of Tsushima Island into hiding, but Jin changed his tactics. Embracing stealth and a bit of extreme violence, Jin becomes a ghost and terrifies the Mongols, abandoning the code of honor he was sworn to uphold.


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It could be argued that it makes sense for Mongolians to eat Jin and beef, and vice versa, but what did Jin say? At the end of Act 2 and heading into Act 3, Jin has no choice but to flee north from the Mongolian army and samurai, but in the process, his horse is hit by an arrow and he dies. It's just a poor innocent horse who was killed for complicity. The definition of Little Sebastian, or whatever you call him.

2 Hosea – Red Dead Redemption 2

The collapse of the Dutch gang

This is what Hosea looks like before he is shot and killed in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead games, especially Red Dead Redemption 2, have you playing as outlaws and gunslingers in the West, so it's easy to say that anyone who dies in the Dutch gang deserves it. Live by the gun, die by the gun. That's true to an extent, but poor Hosea, the centerpiece of the whole group, certainly deserved a better ending than he got.

Hosea, the more rational and intelligent leader of the group compared to Dutch's enthusiastic pseudo-intelligence, ends up being captured by the Pinkerton family during a robbery gone wrong. To prove a point and threaten the group into surrendering, the Pinkertons execute Hosea like a dog. Because there is nothing more civilized or better than a ‘savage’ than ruthlessly shooting prisoners in the streets.

1 Lizzy Carmine – Gears 5

Another carmine for the pile

Screenshot of Lizzie Carmine from Gears 5.

When we talk about Carmine's family in the Gears of War series, fate is something that is difficult to explain. Each seems destined to die in the strangest or most disgusting way possible. Anthony had his head blown off by a sniper, Benjamin was dissolved by a giant bug parasite, and Gray Carmine was crushed by a robotic drop pod. Thanks to a fan poll, at least Clayton survives, but the worst death is Lizzie from Gears 5.

Lizzie, an experienced COG driver, was assisting with the evacuation of civilians from Settlement 2 during a Swarm attack. Faced with overwhelming odds, JD Fenix ​​decides to launch the Hammer of Dawn attack and eliminate the Swarm. However, the satellite malfunctions and continues its attack on the civilian convoy. The civilians manage to escape, but Lizzie dies in the ensuing chaos, an event that deeply affects JD's friendship with Kait Diaz.

This point still stands, as Lizzie Carmine technically became playable in Gears 5's multiplayer, but not in the campaign.


10 NPCs who became major characters

Here are some of the best NPCs that have become major characters in video games!

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