While the roster is usually the main event, the stage/arena is a key part of the fighting game experience. The stadium is more than just a backdrop for the action. It acts as the glue that holds all the elements of a fighting game together, presents the game's art style, sets the visual tone and atmosphere of the game, and builds the narrative through subtle environmental details. injustice's stadium does all this and more.
Arena plays a bigger role. injusticeBased on its identity, the connection between the series and the DC Universe is being solidified. From the Hall of Justice to Metropolis to Wayne Manor, injustice While the series has given us its fair share of memorable stagings, there are still plenty of iconic DC locales that are fictional. injustice 3 You can get inspiration from:

With Superman's DCU debut imminent, Injustice 3 would be just the right time.
Considering that the DCU will soon be bringing DC comics characters back to the big screen, now is the perfect time to reintroduce the DC fighting game Injustice.
The arena that should be in Injustice 3
star city
that injustice While the series already has its fair share of Metropolis and Gotham-based arenas, there are two other often overlooked DC cities that deserve some attention. Star City is one such place. Heavily inspired by San Francisco, DC's Star City is California's tech capital and home to Oliver Queen's Green Arrow. In that sense, I think it would be fun. injustice 3 The arena is likely somewhere in Star City, perhaps atop the Queen Tower or deep underground inside the Arrowcave.
Central City
Another DC city that is often forgotten is Central City, home of the Scarlet Speedster, the Flash. STAR Laboratories has been mentioned many times around the world. injustice series, but players have never moved there. it can change injustice 3. Or a Central City-based map injustice 3 We got to see the players go head-to-head at the Flash Museum located downtown.
that injustice The series has already given fans plenty of Gotham City-based locations, but if the potential injustice 3 Because we wanted to convey a similar feeling while offering something new, we were able to present a stage based on Bludhaven. Located between Gotham and Atlantic City, Bludhaven is Nightwing's hunting ground after he began his solo crime-fighting career.
Hall of Doom
The Legion of Doom has had several different names over the years, and many more interchangeable members. Essentially an anti-justice league, the Legion of Doom sets out to defeat the world's greatest heroes, and they never stop trying, even if they rarely succeed. From Lex Luthor to The Joker, Black Manta, Cheetah, and even Brainiac and Sinestro, the Legion of Doom has seen several powerful villains join forces. Many of them carried out their nefarious business from the safety of the secretive Hall of Doom. Base located in Slaughter Swamp. Although Slaughter Swamp appeared injustice 2The headquarters of the Legion of Doom was not like that.
Iceberg Lounge
if injustice 3 If you feel like you need another Batman-inspired spot, Iceberg Lounge is a good option. I saw it a few times in Batman: Arkham series and Matt Reeves' batonIceberg Lounge is a shady nightclub typically run by The Penguin.
titan tower
that injustice The Teen Titans of the series have really been through some trials. Beast Boy dies in the Metropolis nuclear explosion. injustice In the timeline, Kid Flash later dies, Superboy is nearly killed by Superman, and the entire team is trapped in the Phantom Zone for six years. It is unclear whether Titans Tower will remain in place until the end of 2018. injustice 2However, it would be nice to create a stage based on an iconic location in a potential sequel.