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How to Trick or Treat Villagers in LEGO Fortnite
fortnite Fortnite's Nightmares update brings a variety of changes to the battle royale, including the return of popular items like the pumpkin launcher and witch's broom, and the addition of a variety of spooky locations. lego fortnite It also brings some exciting content, including the debut of the Brick or Treat Event Pass, which grants players access to free and premium rewards but requires collecting studs to unlock.
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The main source of studs for the Brick or Treat pass comes from completing quests, with weekly quests giving the most. Some of the weekly quests are simple, requiring players to complete simple tasks such as exterminating insects in a cave, but some can be a bit tricky. This is the case with the “Trick or Treat with Villagers” quest, where players must trick or treat villagers to obtain profitable items.
How to Trick or Treat Villagers in LEGO Fortnite
To trick-or-treat with a villager, players can do the following: Talk to the villagers in the village. lego fortnite village. If you do that, the player will now “Trick or Treat” dialogue option now available When talking to a villager already assigned to your village. Selecting this dialogue option will cause the villager to randomly award you a trick or treat.
in lego fortniteSnacks come in the form of consumables like tropical smoothies and snowberry shakes, while tricks provide resources like bones and biomass. Once a villager gives a player a trick or treat, they cannot do so again for a while.
To complete the quest “Trick or Treat with the Villagers”: Players must trick or treat with three villagers. at large. If players have assigned at least three villagers to their village, the quest is fairly easy to complete in one session. However, for new players, Trick or Treat with a single villager may take a little longer due to the 1-day cooldown period.
When you complete this quest It rewards the player with 700 studs. Make your way towards the Brick or Treat Pass and get closer to unlocking spooky-themed build sets like The Dump on Old Durrr Drive. Players can also receive consumables from villagers to complete the “Collect Hospitality Items” quest, earning an additional 700 studs in the process. Completing at least two Brickbreaker or Snack Weekly Quests will reward players with a Happy Hauntings Cosmetic Bundle, giving players another neat reward for their hard work.