How to Target Farm Storm Roar in Diablo 4

Storm Roar is a Unique Druid Helm in Diablo 4. This helmet gives you the chance to soul your storm skills and gives you the werewolf skill tag. This unique item is a staple of the endgame Lightning Storm Druid build, so you'll eventually need to get your hands on Tempest Roar to get this build up and running.


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Unique items are some of the rarest items you can find in Diablo 4, so finding these special items will require a lot of luck, time, or a combination of the two. That is, unless you know exactly where to look. Below we'll look at one of the best places to farm Tempest Roar and some tips for going through this process.

How to Farm Tempest Roar

Unique items can drop randomly from enemies and chests in Helltide, the Purveoyr of Curiosities, or many other sources, but there are two methods that are more effective than the rest.

uber boss dureal and Andariel Both will likely drop a few other unique items along with the Tempest Roar. If you are specifically looking for Tempest Roar, One of these Uber Bosses would be your best choice.

To create Duriel you will need: 2 sticky eggsfell from. Echo of Barshanand Two Shards of Painremoved from Galvanic Saint Gregoire. Once you have these ingredients, go to the next step. The Cleft of Kezistan Summon a boss.

For Andariel you will need: Two shackles scorched in the sandremoved from Lord Zirand Two pincushion dollsat beast in ice. You can summon Andariel. Hanging Men's Hall in Kezistan.

As usual, The higher the difficulty, the more loot it drops.So we recommend playing on: Torment IV If you can handle this, you'll have a better chance of dropping a Tempest Roar.

This will take approximately how long, depending on your pain level. Run 3-4 times To get your first Tempest Roar. You can then use your better rolls to continue farming one of these bosses for Tempest Roar.


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