Looking to add a few artifacts to your collection. Stalker 2: Heart of Cornobyl? If so, you need a scanner and feel free to use it. You can get one of them within minutes of starting the game, but if you want to find the others, you'll have to look for them yourself. But the hunt is worth it because even the first upgrade is a huge step forward and subsequent improvements make it even more advanced.
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Don't expect an artifact scanner upgrade for a few hours. This is because there are some requirements that must be met to access it. You can find all that information and more here.
Where to Find Echo Scanner
The Echo Detector is the first scanner you discover in the early tutorial mission There and Back Again. As you pass through the scientist outhouse, you will find the corpse of a dead scientist with a Viper-5 next to him. Loot the corpse to obtain an Echo Scanner.
The function of the Echo Detector, the first scanner to unlock, is simple. The closer it is to a relic, the closer it is to a relic. The more often the light on your face blinks, the more. If it's within arm's reach, the light will be solid. There is no direction or distance indication, only light.
Where to find Hilka detectors
There are several places where you can find Hilka detectors. You can use one of the following: You can find it as part of Budmo in the Hideout! missionThey are purchased from several merchants throughout the district or from the abandoned Lviv tanker in the far east of the Zatov region.
Birdmo! The hideout is east of the slag pile, so go there first. When you complete the mission by helping the drunkard's friend in the Eastern Warehouse, the contents will disappear..
additionally, The Lviv tanker is only fully accessible through the mission A Mysterious Case.Because the door to the boat opens only after you have accepted the Sultan's mission at the Sultansk base. You can find a Hilka Locator in the scientists' bunker at the eastern end of the boat.
a merchant you can Buy Hilka Detector for 4,000 The coupons are as follows:
- bartender In Rostock
- pythagoras From UTC Malachite
- hawaiian At Yaniv Station
This supplier is the resident owner of the pub at each location.So they will sell food items, sometimes artifacts, and buy everything you need to unload.
The Hilka detector is a huge upgrade for the Echo. When an artifact is detected, accurate distance measurement up to 100 meters is possible.And the readings decrease at a rate that always gives you a general idea of where you need to go.
Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl – How to get good armor early in the game
If you want to survive in the area, get the Seva-D armor as quickly as possible.
Where to Find Bear Detectors
There are two ways to get your hands on a bear detector. The first and much more difficult, Complete the Uninvited Guest side mission. You can start by talking to Mytryk Genius, located north of the Concrete Forest in the Cement Factory area.
The mission requires you to explore underground until you face off against two Burer enemies. Then loot Mytryk's cache, nestled underneath a pair of large wooden cable spools..
you can also Buy a bear detector at Hawaiian in Yaniv Station with a 6,000 coupon.
As for the detector itself, Hilka has improved on it in two important respects. First, IIt does not provide a relatively precise direction in which to go to reach the detected artifact.The closer you get, the more the pip ring fills up, so you always have a good idea of where to look.
Where to find Veles detectors
Like an echo detector, Veles Detector is a mission reward, especially the In Search of Past Glory mission.You will complete it near the end of the game. It takes at least 15 hours of trekking to get there, much longer if you do a lot of side content.
You will actually receive Veles After completing the steps to take the Suppressor blueprint to Dvupalov. He and his assistant got into an argument.
Using Veles is very simple. The display shows the location, distance, and direction of the artifact. You are looking for above normal audio signals.
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This mod will further enhance your Stalker 2 experience.