How to Complete Desolate Deep Bestiary in Fisch

Desolate Deep is one of the most unusual places. fish. Unlike other islands, it is not easy to get to this island because the water is deep. However, it can provide a very rich catch. So, below we will tell you how to complete the Desolate Deep fable. fish.

Like other branches here roblox In our experience, Desolate Deep has a unique bestiary with fish of various rarities. Additionally, players can also catch sea mines, which is no easy task.


How to catch emperor jellyfish in Fish

The emperor jellyfish is a unique fish added with the Fish Diving update, and here we will tell you how to catch it.

How to Reach All Desolate and Deep Locations in Fish

fish player

Before you start fishing at Desolate Deep in FishI have to go there. Therefore, players will need to purchase diving equipment to be able to breathe underwater for a while. You then need to get to Sunstone Island and find the buoy at the back. Just below there is a cave that you need to dive into.

Once you reach the bottom, you can swim to the right or left. In the first case, there is a pond next to the merchant. In the second case, the player will swim to the Desolate Pocket. From there you can also go to the Brine Pool.

However, it is important to note that the entire location is riddled with naval mines. They explode on contact with players, killing them, so it's best to stay away from them. Now that you know how to get to that location, it's time to find out what kind of catch awaits you in Desolate Deep in. Fish.


How to Get Alligator in Fisch

The crocodile represents the legendary fish of Fish. This quick guide will teach you how to get it.

Fish's Desolate Deep Bestiary

Fish Bestiary

To complete the Desolate Abyss Bestiary: FishIt will take quite a bit of time. You can catch rare or low rarity fish very quickly, but legendary rarity and mythic rarity are completely different things. Only by using the right bait and fishing at the right time can you add it to your collection and complete your bestiary. So for your convenience here is a list of all Desolate Deep fish and how to catch them. Fish.

fish rarefaction weather hour bait
stalactite trash any any magnet
slate tuna trite rain, clear any super flakes
horseshoe trite rain, clear any any
coral geode rare any any magnet
phantom ray rare any night strange birds
Rockstar Hermit Crab unusual cloudy any any
parrot squid unusual any night minnow
Rogue meat rare any any insect
spiny shark legendary any any fish head
Midnight Axolotl legendary any night insect
sea ​​mine mythical obvious any crab cage
emperor jellyfish mythical rainy day any magnet


September 1, 2006

Roblox Corporation

Roblox Corporation

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