How to Become a Brain Surgeon

Experience plays a big role at Candywriter's. bit life. Not only will this allow you to pursue your dream job in the game, but it will also help you earn a decent amount of money within the game. Some jobs can also help you complete certain stages of weekly challenges. One of the most rewarding choices is to become a brain surgeon.

Like Mortician and Marine Biology, Brain Surgeon is a great career path for Bitizens. This is also one of the requirements of the Brains and Beauty Challenge. Moreover, you can also choose this book to complete science-based assignments. This guide will help you learn How to Become a Brain Surgeon bit life.


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How to Become a Brain Surgeon on Bitlife

How to become a brain surgeon in BitLife

How to become a brain surgeon bit lifeyou should finish medical school You will secure a job as a brain surgeon. To get started, create a custom life with your name, gender, and country. If you have the premium pack, be sure to check it out. Choose 'Academic' as your special talent. Once set, start aging them until they enter elementary school or elementary school, then raise their grades. If you want to pursue higher education, it's important to be a good student.

To improve your grades, go to ‘Schools’, click on the institution and click ‘study harder' options. Bitizen also smart statistics Click on the ‘Boost’ option and watch the video when it appears.

Next, repeat the same steps when you enter secondary school. Don't forget to keep your happiness levels high so as not to hinder your character's progress.

Apply after graduating from secondary school university Select from the pop-up screen psychology or biology In the ‘Choose a Major’ section, you will need to study harder for each university after that. After you graduate, go to Jobs, tap Education and apply. medical school.

It will take seven years to complete without a Golden Diploma, so keep improving your grades.

When it's over, Go to ‘Careers’ and then ‘Employments’ to find Brain Surgeon positions.

Additional Tips for Becoming a Brain Surgeon in BitLife

Sometimes, even after doing everything right and having the right qualifications, you may still be denied a job as a brain surgeon. Luck plays an important role. bit lifeBut you can improve your chances by using these tips:

  • Instead of getting a high salary, apply for an entry-level brain surgeon position with an average salary.

  • Do not apply for unrelated medical jobs. Gaining experience in these fields may decrease your chances of getting a job as a brain surgeon.

  • Get a little older and try again.

If you are asked for an interview, answer carefully. If you pass, you will officially become a brain surgeon. bit life.

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