Guide to foraging on the Brighter Shore

Gathering is one of the jobs you can do while playing in Hopeport. brighter coast. This important profession involves gathering the right ingredients, so you'll need it to level up even if you want to become an alchemist or chef.


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There's a lot to foraging, and there are also different tools you'll need to use to get the job done. In this guide, we'll go over everything you need to know about foraging in Brighter Shores. This includes how to get started for those new to foraging.

Brighter Shores is currently in Early Access on Steam, so content may change. We will update this document as needed.

How to start foraging

A player in Brighter Shores is gathering brown kelp.

To start collecting: You don't need a single tool! When Hopeport first opens you will be a level 0 Forager and can only do the following: Forage for brown kelp. Luckily, you've probably already gleaned this information from the game's tutorial section.

If you need a pick-me-up, Brown Kelp is the way to go. It's located on East Beach, just down Sea Road. You can gain experience by obtaining kelp here. you must Collect brown kelp until you reach level 2. Doing so will allow you to purchase Secateurs, which are used to collect level 2 collectibles.

All gathering equipment available

There are three tools to use for gathering: Secateurs, trowel, pond net. All three of these Which upgrade version should you buy? The same goes for making the most of your job. You can see each piece of equipment and its upgrades below.


Basic level required

basic cost

Upgrade version unlock time:



13 Silver 200 Copper

Version 2: Level 84 (374 Silver)

Version 3: Level 168 (1 Gold 10 Silver)



46 Silver 800 Copper

Version 2: Level 78 (352 Silver)

Version 3: Level 192 (1 Gold 140 Silver)

pond net


54 silver

Version 2: Level 102 (439 Silver)

Version 3: Level 242 (1 Gold 410 Silver)

All Forager equipment includes: Purchased at The Forager's Warehouse; in North of Old Street East. This is the street area right in front of the town gate.

How are plants upgraded?

Players from Brighter Shores have reached Forager level 9.

The plants around Hopeport upgrade as you level up, allowing you to revisit the area and still keep it relevant. For example, instead of leaving brown kelp behind. Once you reach level 47 Forager, you will be upgraded to Green Kelp.

It's important to keep this in mind when leveling up other classes. If you see a dish that calls for potato varieties, This would be a common place to find potatoes. I'll go into more detail about each collectible type and their location later.

How to Enchant Gathering Equipment

All three Forager devices I cast a spell on the magician in Hopeport. You can pay huge amounts of silver here. Get an experience boost tied to your item slot.

This means that you can purchase the Secateurs spell as follows: 55 Silver to get a 0.4% XP boost; You can then purchase upgraded Secateurs and they will still be enchanted.

If you have enough money, it's a good idea to enchant your equipment. This will make the leveling process go a little faster.

All Forage from Brighter Shore

A player in Brighter Shores is looking for antlers.

Now we have the results we've all been waiting for. This is a list of all available foraging in Brighter Shores. This will list all the items you can obtain and the levels they unlock. We'll then look at the exact location of each collectible type.

The Forager profession has 500 levels. Reaching level 500 unlocks the Ultimate Forager Cape.

Collectible Type Location

A player looking at a map of the wilderness area around Hopeport.

Let's take a final look. Here you can find the main collectible item types. There are a lot of them, but everything you can collect in the game falls into one of these main types.


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