Elden Ring: Moonveil Katana Build Guide

Elden Ring It stands out among many modern RPGs for its complete embrace of player freedom. The open world is dense, expansive, and indescribable, allowing players to feel a true sense of adventure and progression while learning the game's language. One Aspect of Player Freedom Elden Ring Build variety is great.

FromSoftware has always strived for variety, and each game (except Sekiro) offers players a number of viable and completely unique playstyles to choose from. in Elden RingAn intelligence/agility hybrid is not complete without: moonveil
Probably the best Int based weapon. Elden Ring.

Updated December 27, 2024 by Erik Petrovich: Moonveil Katana builds in Elden Ring tend to focus on expanding the player's abilities to wield this fast and versatile weapon, using backup spells and weapons that complement their playstyle, as well as amulets and armor that help increase their effectiveness. . This guide to the best Moonveil builds that Elden Ring players can put together has been updated to provide more details on these recommendations, including new information about weapon requirements and scaling, the most useful spells, and more.

How to Get Moonveil (and What It Does)

Where to find Moonveil and Moonveil stats/requirements

Elden Ring Magma Worm

A katana made of shiny stone.

This is the masterpiece of the Selian swordsmith.

When sheathed, light surrounds the blade, which explains its nickname, Moonveil.

The Moonveil Katana can be found very early on. Elden Ring If you know where to go. From Marika's third church, head north to the western entrance to Caelid. Follow the path until you reach the telescope marked on the world map. From here, head directly west to reach the Gael Tunnel.

Alternatively, you can look for the orange cave icon on the world map on the border of Limgrave and Caelid. Most caves in Elden Ring If you have a lot of crafting materials, you will see this symbol on the map.

Once inside, go to the end of the tunnel and talk to Alexander and proceed with his quest. Then ignite the Lost Grace and enter the boss room to fight the Magma Worm. When defeated, this boss drops Moonveil.

Defeat Magma Worm

It's a tough fight, but dark soul Players will immediately recognize that this boss' movement pattern is similar to that of the Gaping Dragon. The charge attack, which leaves lava across the room, can be avoided in the same way as this iconic one. dark soul Boss: Don't roll, just sprint at as much of a 90-degree angle as possible in your path.



The best path through Elden Ring

If you're looking for a satisfying adventure among the lands preparing for the endgame, this is the path you should follow to become an Elden Lord.

You'll have a hard time turning quickly, but the stomp and lava hitboxes are surprisingly large, so it's important to react quickly, even if the charge itself is slow. Attempt to hit only when necessary, go all-out to take advantage of I-frames, and take advantage of these rare opportunities to score a hit or two.

It's a tedious fight, especially for magic users, but it's not impossible.

Moonveil Stats and Requirements

Moonveil possesses Transient Moonlight Ash of War, which allows the user to cast one of two special attacks after striking a stance. Use the light attack button to press input for Ash of War and then send a short-range magic beam horizontally. As a follow-up attack to a strong attack, a vertical piece of magic is launched a fairly long distance. Both of these special attacks deal significant damage and are very useful against both groups of enemies and single target bosses.

Moonveil also deals bleed damage on hit, but it does not scale with Arcane and cannot be increased. Scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence (primarily Intelligence), and Ash of War deals significantly more damage the higher a character's Intelligence.

Damage and Type


Level Requirements

Ash of War


Additional properties

Physics 73, Magic 87

Slash and Pierce


Dexterity: D

Integer: C

Strength: 12

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 23

Temporary Moonlight (15 FP)


Bleeding Accumulation on Hit

Use some vision to emphasize dexterity and intelligence.

Elden RIng Moonveil Build Guide Erudition Stats

The Moonveil Katana primarily scales with Dexterity and Intelligence and is suited to a playstyle that mixes melee swordsmanship with mid-range spellcasting. Ash of War, which comes with Mooveil, is Transient Moonlight, which allows players to fire a powerful and inexpensive arc of magic that scales with the weapon upgrade level. Equipping Moonveil requires at least 18 Dexterity, 12 Strength, and 23 Intelligence, which isn't much considering the high levels of scaling and skills that come with it.

wit Not only does it increase the damage of Dexterity-based weapons, Spell casting time is reduced.

















Having high vitality is essential for survival. Elden RingSo you should regularly add a point or two to this stat as you level up. A high Mind stat will allow you to use more of Moonveil's Ash of War before you run out of FP, and splitting it to 40 on Dex and 45 on Int will allow you to take advantage of the weapon's scaling effectively.

Investing in Arcane is not recommended for this build as it does not increase the ability to accumulate bleed. Moonveil has a relatively low 50 bleed damage per hit, but it does not scale with Arcane and cannot be infused to scale Arcane, so increasing this stat will not affect Moonveil's Bleed.

Magic for the Moonveil Katana Build


The best spells to pair with the Moonveil katana are those that fill in the gaps of what the katana can't do or complement its move set in some way. For example, Magic Glintblade can be useful as it allows Moonveil users to time their ability to engage in melee combat through spell activation.


All Elden Ring bosses (and the best main boss order)

Bosses are powerful enemies that add another challenge to the game. Here's our complete guide to every enemy boss in Elden Ring.

Spells that deal AoE damage, such as Rotten Breath Incantation or Meteorite Sorcery, are also useful for Moonveil users, but require more careful stat planning. Rock Sling is a classic among magic users for its impressive ability to break an enemy's stance with physical damage rather than magic damage, and if you manage to stagger the enemy, it can provide a great opportunity for a series of attacks.

In general, Magic Glintblade and Rock Sling are enough to make a Moonveil Katana build more effective. Magic Glintblade should be cast before entering combat or during a lull, and Rock Sling is good if enemies can be easily staggered or resist magic damage.

Secondary weapon for Moonveil Katana build

Elden Ring Wakizashi Statistics

The best secondary weapon to use with Moonveil is another katana, which unlocks the Powerstancing moveset unique to the weapon class. Power Stunning Elden Ring Players can trade armor for pure damage output, effectively dealing twice as much damage as normal.

Combine Moonveil with another Int-based katana like the Meteorite Blade to take advantage of their shared scaling, or use classics like Rivers of Blood or Hand of Malenia to complement Moonveil's Bleed build.

The Uchigatana or side Wakizashi will prove invaluable in a two-handed setup until the endgame Katana is available. To use the temporary Ashes of Moonlight War, equip Moonveil in your right hand.

Best Talisman for Moonveil

Elden Ring Alexander

The Moonveil build is primarily one based around speed, fast attacks, and regular use of Ash of War, so talismans that can take advantage of this playstyle shine. The Wingsword Insignia and Warrior Fragments are essential for increasing normal and special damage output, while the Carian Filigree Crest and Blood Lord Jubilation reduce FP consumption and increase attack power when the opponent bleeds.


Elden Ring: How to Obtain Nagakiba Katana

Elden Ring players looking for the Nagakiba Katana can most easily find it by following our simple guide.

Warrior Jar Shards (and Alexander's Shards) greatly increase your weapon skills and the damage Ashes of War can deal. The Godfrey icon also improves charged spells and skills. Combining the two can go a long way in increasing Moonveil's damage output, but ultimately the FP reduction and bleed damage increase will be more useful in more situations.

Moonveil's Complementary ArmorMoonveil Skill Elden Ring

Your character's armor and appearance when using Moonveil is ultimately up to you, but it's a weapon that looks better when wielded by someone wearing light, flowing armor. The Preceptor's robe (altered) is similar to the black Gi, but there's also something to be said for the classic Land of Reeds armor.

With an aesthetic inspired by Japanese tradition, careful customization of character faces, and role-playing as a one-armed wolf, you can't go wrong. sekiro There is no question.

One of the most iconic armor sets in the game, and a great armor set for a Moonveil Katana build that doesn't rely on gear like the Samurai, is the Carian Knight set. You'll look like Moongrum, the named enemy standing guard outside Rennala's boss room, but instead of a puny dagger, you'll be wielding one of the best intelligence katanas in the game.

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Elden Ring


February 25, 2022


M (Mature): Blood and gore, language, suggestive themes, violence

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