Dungeons & Dragons: Best Bard Builds

Key Takeaways

  • Bards in D&D 5e are good at social interaction, combat support, and spellcasting, making them versatile leaders in a party.
  • Optimal Bard focuses on maximizing Charisma, Dexterity, and Constitution to improve spellcasting and survivability.
  • Choosing the right Bard College and utilizing feats/backgrounds that complement your playstyle and character role are critical to customization.

bard's dungeons and dragons It has evolved into an all-round combination class that can fulfill almost any role, from spellcasting, healing, and even physical damage. They have the ability to use the power of charisma to persuade the party in sticky social situations.


Dungeons & Dragons 5e: Best Magic Items for Bards

Bards in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition need magic items to complement their unique abilities. This is more than just a new lute.

A bard's natural charm in conversation means they are probably the leader or face of the group. In combat, they are best suited to buffing allies and crippling enemies with spells, freeing up other members of the group for the kill.

Updated December 7, 2024 by Kristy Ambrose: Once maligned and misunderstood as a relatively ineffective support class, Bards have emerged as versatile and tough adventurers who can do everything except lead the party into battle. Other options include a homebrew build or multiclassing a bard, while popular choices include a paladin or sorcerer, classes that use Charisma as their spellcasting modifier. The exact build a player decides on will depend on their campaign and Dungeon Master.

bardic race

Look for improvements in charisma, agility, and constitution

New character options for 2024 D&D phb

  • Best race to play bard D&D They all have some sort of Charisma bonus, which is the main ability score and spellcasting skill for this class.

Players looking to build a multiclass bard should also look for stats to complement that build. For example, a Paladin needs Strength and a Rogue needs Dexterity.


Data book



Volo's Monster Guide

Charisma +2, Intelligence +1


Eberron: Rising from the Last War

A +2 bonus to Charisma is a good start to any build.

drow elf

Player's Handbook

Bonuses to Charisma and Dexterity

half elf

Player's Handbook

+2 bonus to Charisma, +1 to advantage to the other two attributes, darkvision, bonus skills, and Charisma.

lightfoot halfling

Player's Handbook

One of two Halfing subraces, this race gains bonuses to Charisma and Dexterity.


The Mysterious Odyssey of Theros

Charisma +2, Agility +1


Volo's Monster Guide

Agility +2, Charisma +1


Player's Handbook

Charisma +2, Intelligence +1


Volo's Monster Guide

+1 charisma. For those looking for a College of Valor subclass, Triton is ideal.

mutant human

Eberron – Rises in the Last War

Dexterity +2, one other stat increases by 1.


One D&D 2024 Spell Rework is the spiritual successor to the great Bard feature from Baldur's Gate 3.

Some of the best features in the next version of Dungeons and Dragons come from changes to the mechanics of Baldur's Gate 3.

ability score

Rank by importance

Bards gain the College of Glamor subclass in Baldur's Gate 3, introduced in Patch 8.

  • charisma: I've already said that we need a bard. marsh So it's no surprise that a Bard's highest stat is definitely Charisma. If the Bard starts the game with a Charisma score below 20, players should focus on leveling up and reaching that level.
  • wit: The second highest stat in the best bard builds is Agility. It boosts attack, initiative, and AC, and since bards don't typically wear heavy armor, they naturally need high AC in combat.
  • constitution: The next highest ability score should be Constitution. Considering that Constitution determines a character's hit points, it is just as important as Dexterity. This is a privilege I find valuable in every class.
  • wisdom: Wisdom is not the least priority for a bard. However, considering the number of spells that require a Wisdom saving throw, let alone the skills it improves, it shouldn't be a dump stat.
  • Intelligence: Players can choose the second lowest stat and dump stat. Intelligence is generally considered the best stat for bards and other charisma-based casters to discard, but it doesn't have to be.
  • strength: If someone wants a Bard to have mid-level Arcana skills, consider making Strength a dump stat instead. Only for those who want a more strength-based build or want to multiclass as a Fighter or Paladin. necessary Putting intelligence last. Moreover, it is the player's choice.


Dungeons and Dragons: All Casting Classes, Ranks

Dungeons & Dragons has many casting classes to choose from. Here's a look at them all, ranked by rank.

Bard College Selection

Subclasses are important for customization

College of Knowledge Bard WotC Official Art

  • The Bardic subclass is divided into several colleges, with more developing over the years, including homebrew ideas.

Players are free to explore any of these universities. When considering the best Bardic builds D&DSome universities are more convenient for gameplay, but creative players should not be discouraged if they want to create something unique.


Data book


Signature Spell

lower university

Player's Handbook

Three bonus proficiencies and magical secrets (allows the bard to cast spells from other classes)

cutting words

glamor college

Your guide to all things Xanathar

The focus is on dominating the battlefield and deceiving the enemy.

Mantle of Majesty, Unbreakable Majesty

university of soul

Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft

A Guidance cantrip that allows the bard to reach out to spirits when they need direction.

story beyond

college of courage

Player's Handbook

A melee damage specialist, ideal for bards with a multi- or dual-classed martial class.

battle inspiration

Creative University

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

Mote of Potential, the ability to create and animate objects

performance animation

sword university

Your guide to all things Xanathar

Aggressive swordsmanship, a variety of close combat techniques, and fighting style abilities

Blade Flourish

whisper college

Your guide to all things Xanathar

It focuses on charm and intrigue and is ideal for dungeon crawling or political maneuvering.

shadow knowledge

Oratory College

Mystical Odyssey of Theros, Tasha's Cauldron of All Things

Emphasis on the bard's speaking skills

silver tongue endless inspiration


Dungeons & Dragons 5e: Best Warlock Builds

Warlocks are sometimes an underrated class in Dungeons & Dragons, but when done well, they can be devastating wizards in their own right.

Character sheet completed

Spells and skills starting at level 1

Unicorns and Dungeons & Dragons Bard via Wizards of the Coast

  • Spells and cantrips are an important part of any bard's build and can emphasize healing, damage, or support roles.

1st level spell

  • a minor fantasy A cantrip that allows the bard to create almost any illusion effect.
  • vicious mockery A cantrip that gives a disadvantage to the player's enemies, suitable for Bard builds and RP in 5e.
  • detect magic A 1st level spell that is useful in a variety of settings, from a sumptuous dinner to a seedy prison cell.
  • Healing Ward This is an essential level 1 spell for players to build a healer or support character.


  • deception: Charisma-based, useful in both diplomatic situations and combat, making it ideal for virtually any bard build.
  • persuasion: This is a charisma-based skill that is essential if the player is the leader of the party.
  • Performance: This charisma-based skill is very obvious to any class that relies on public appearance.
  • perception: It's wisdom-based, so it's not a winner for every bard, but it's useful as players will use Perception fairly often.
  • Arcana: This useful intelligence-based skill helps users memorize and recognize spells.


All Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Bard Changes Explained

The 2024 Dungeons and Dragons' Player's Handbook includes many changes to Bard that will streamline gameplay and add variety.

Achievements and Background

Final touches on all character builds

Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook 2024 New Art Bard Cat


  • actor This is a good choice for players who want feats rather than ability score increases, but still need to level up their Bard's Charisma. It also gives you advantage on Deception and Persuasion checks that involve disguising yourself as someone else.
  • war caster A great option for both Valor and Lore bards who need a bonus to focus and extended attacks on opportunity options. It offers a variety of abilities to make it easier to cast spells in battle.
  • an inspirational leader It gives the bard extra health, making it ideal for those who tend to lead the party into battle or attract attention as a healer.
  • magical initiate Allows the player to select two cantrips from different classes. It provides a convenient way to gain additional spellcasting abilities to customize your character's role.


  • charlatan Combines well with other Bardic skills such as Actor and Persuasion.
  • courtier Ideal for people with upper class backgrounds or diplomatic connections. It also allows the use of one additional language.
  • celebrity It's a solid choice for Bard, but its functionality may be redundant depending on the college the player chooses.
  • faction agent The background is similar to that of a spy. These bards may adhere to a particular ideology or work for a particular political group.


Baldur's Gate 3: Best Bard Class Build

Fans looking to play as a Bard in Baldur's Gate 3 can find more information on how to maximize the class's potential in this guide.

best bard gear

Charisma and Armor Class Improvements

bard-5e-dnd WotC Official Art

  • Emphasizes different skills and abilities depending on role and build.

Bards are limited when it comes to armor and weapons, but players can work around that through certain Feat and multiclass options if they wish. Bards who cast spells focus on Charisma, while Dexterity supports both casting and the Sleight of Hand ability.




masquerade tattoo

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

Grants the bard the power of the Disguise Self spell.

attractive wand

D&D Basic Rules

Casting Charm Person, Command, or Comprehend Languages ​​grants 10 charges and protects you from magical spells.

ghost pipe

D&D Basic Rules

Playing a melody from this pipe will terrify all nearby creatures, but allies can pass the saving throw.

invisibility cloak

Dungeon Master Guide

Pulling the hood up renders the wearer invisible for two hours. Recharge after 1 hour

Bard's Instrument

Dungeon Master Guide

There are seven different types of these tools, each containing a few extra spell slots for healing, damage, or support.

ring of protection

D&D Free Rules (2024)

AC +1 when wearing a ring

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