source drop
catalytic effect
ace of spades
strike and twilight
Achieve 500 kills
New Perks (Funeral Pyre): firefly
Deals more damage while memento mori
Be active.
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieve 500 kills
New Perks (One for All): Attacking three different targets in a short period of time grants a 35% damage buff for 10 seconds.
Bad Juju
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieve 500 kills
New Perk (Endless Curse): Extends the duration Curse String
1 second at a time.
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieved 700 kills
New perks (static accumulation): While boosted, this weapon gradually becomes overcharged.
PvE Combatant
Achieve 500 kills
New Perks (Focused Fire): Holding the reload button after landing a killing blow switches to a tighter, closer-range spread that increases damage.
PvE Combatant
Achieve 500 kills
+20 range
Low temperature sense 77K
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieved 700 kills
New Perk (Cold Efficiency): Breaking frozen targets fills this weapon's magazine with spares.
dead man's tale
Presage (Expert)
Forge in the Enclave
New Perk (Dark-Forged Trigger): Increases hipfire fire rate and removes hipfire accuracy penalty.
fighting lion
PvE Combatant
Kill 500 people; Complete 100 bounties
New Perks (Chimera): +30 reload speed; After this weapon fires, the handling and accuracy of equipped kinetic and power weapons is improved for a brief period of time.
final warning
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieved 700 kills
New perks (string theory): Hits against marked targets deal more damage and have a chance to return ammo to the magazine.
graviton window
Strikes and Sunset
Achieve 500 and 100 kills cosmology
New Perks (Hidden Hands): +20 range; Better target acquisition (grants +15 aim assist)
hard light
strike and twilight
Achieve 1,000 kills
Stability +25.
Hawk Moon
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieved 700 kills
New Perks (Hunter's Trance): +1 magazine size; Handling, reload speed, and weapon range increase based on the number of stacks of Paracausal Charge.
hierarchy of needs
Watcher's Spire (Master)
Achieved 700 kills
New Perk (Panoptic Tessellation): distribution guidance ring
Alternatively, hitting a target with a seeker projectile will improve draw time and reload speed for a reasonable period of time.
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieve 500 kills
New perks (kinetic tremors): Continuous damage to a target emits a shockwave that damages all nearby targets.
jade rabbit
Achieve 500 kills
Stability +30.
Le Monarch
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieved 700 kills
New Perks (No Mercy): Reload Speed +18, Stability +27 When you kill a target quickly, health regenerates. Guardians and powerful combatants count as 1 or more kills.
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Heal 250 Guardians with Noble Rounds
New Perks (Resonant Virtue): Each final hit now has 2 residues instead of 1.
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieved 700 kills
New perks (Vorpal Weapon): +20 range; Damage to bosses and vehicles increases by 20%. Super Guardians take 50% more damage.
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieve 500 kills
New perks (Flying Monsters): Landing a killing blow with this weapon while airborne grants damage resistance.
monte carlo
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieved 700 kills
New Perk (Probabilistic Revenge): 5 times markov chain
Press and hold reload to charge the bayonet. Making a bayonet melee attack grants melee energy.
MIDA multitool
Competitive PVP
Achieve 250 precision kills in PvP
New perks (no interruptions): Aiming this weapon for a short period of time reduces flinching.
Crota's End
Obtain 35 Oversoul Essences
New perks (for Thrall): Attacking three different targets increases damage, range, handling, and aim assist for a moderate period of time.
no time to explain
EXO Stranger Quest
Achieved 700 kills
New Perk (Side Explosion): Time Portal projectiles fire more frequently.
Osteo Striga
Get your Osteo Striga to level 10 or higher
Forge in the Enclave
New Perks (Osteo Striga Catalyst): Using a poison final blow returns ammo to the magazine.
perfect onset
Zero Hour (Expert)
Forge in the Enclave
New perks (disease vectors): Nano damage increases. Enemies that die with nanites attached generate additional nanites.
polaris lance
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieve 500 kills and 50 kills perfect fifth
New perk (dragonfly): Precision kills cause a burst of elemental damage.
mercury storm
Quest after lightning strike
Achieved 700 kills
New Perks (Nano Entanglement): This weapon's damage type is strands. Landing a final blow with this weapon's grenade causes a tangle.
rat king
strike and twilight
Get 1,000 kills while you or someone on your fireteam is using the Rat King.
New Perk (Infection): Aim assist and recoil direction have been improved. Refresh your health. pest Invisibility trigger. +20 aim assist, recoil, +80 bounce strength
red death reform
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieved 700 kills
New Perk (Helping Hand): Charges your weapon with a final blow. Once charged, your next kill will cause a healing blast at your location and leave behind a residue that provides healing to allies.
revision 0
Operation Name: Seraph's Shield
Forge in the Enclave
New perks (select one):
feeding frenzy
under pressure
fourth charm
Risk Runner
Pain and Gain Quest
Achieve 500 kills and 50 kills arc conductor
+30 range
Skyburner's Oath
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Kill 500 Cabal members
+20 reload speed
Nessus kills
Achieve 500 kills and 500 Drang kills
Range +20, Handling +40
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieve 500 and 100 kills sun blast
Range +30, Stability +20
Soros regime
Achieve 300 kills
New Perks (SUROS Ascendance): Increased kill chance for health regeneration. +50 recoil and bounce strength.
sweet business
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieve 250 multikills
New Perks (Serious Business): When this weapon is fully rotated, flinch from damage taken is greatly reduced.
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieved 700 kills
New Perks (Electric Styx): Increase the maximum number. dynamic charging
Stacks up to 20.
New Perk (Eddy Current): Gain reload speed and handling after sprinting or while boosting. In the amplified state, the effect is improved.
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieve 500 kills
New Perk (Refined Soul): Dealing a killing blow or absorbing a remnant further increases your range and grants you increased mobility and maneuverability for a short period of time. Range +15, Stability +5
Tiku's Divination
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieved 700 kills
New Perks (Causal Tremors): A perfectly drawn arrow that explodes with sacred flame increases arrow damage by up to 100%. Unaffected Hit Target sacred flame
Refresh instead 'Causal arrow'
Tommy's Matchbox
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieved 700 kills
New Perk (Heat of the Moment): while ignition trigger
When activated, health regenerates much faster and sustained fire sets the target on fire.
Touch of Malice
the fall of a king
Achieved 700 kills
New perks ( quick hit
): Fast precision strikes temporarily increase stability and reload speed.
traveler's choice
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieved 700 kills
New Perks (Osmosis): When you use the Grenade ability, the weapon's damage type changes to match your subclass until you store it. +2 magazine size.
New perks (surplus): Each fully charged ability improves handling, reload speed, and stability.
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieved 700 kills
New Perk (Tunnel Vision): Reloading after defeating an objective significantly increases target acquisition and aiming speed for a short period of time.
Trinity Ghoul
Strike, Crucible, Gambit
Achieved 400 kills
New Perks (Forked Lightning): lightning rod
Now triggers from Electric damage final blows. -30 drawing hours.
Berglas curve
Banshee-44 Quest
Achieved 700 kills
New Perk (Shudder): Freezing a target increases this weapon's rate of fire for a short period of time.
Vex Mythbreaker
glass safe
Achieved 700 kills
New Perks (Calculated Balance): Landing a killing blow with this weapon in full auto mode grants 20% additional damage, accuracy, and stability for a short period of time.
Wings of Vigilance
Achieve 250 kills
New Perks (Ensemble): Improved handling and reload speed when allies are nearby.
evil tool
Achieved 700 kills
New Hadopelagic Tribute: As you collect stasis fragments, your magazine will gradually overflow.
New perks (stones): Precision final blows create a Stasis Crystal at the target location.
wish keeper
star cross
Forge in the Enclave
New perks (select one):
- Ongoing Snare Repair: Snarewaver traps last longer.
- Reinstalling the multithreaded snare: Snareweaver trap can stop more targets.
- Vorpal Weapons: This weapon deals 20% more damage to bosses and champions. Guardians in Super take 50% more damage.
- Hatchling Mods: Precision final blows create a thread at the target location.