Description of the most important objects of the series


  • The Power Pole has been Goku's constant companion and serves as Goku's weapon of choice throughout the Dragon Ball series.

  • Senzu beans have miraculous healing properties that completely restore energy and stamina, but they are difficult to grow.

  • Bulma's invention, the Dragon Radar, changed the way Dragon Balls were searched, making them easier to find.

That fact is no secret. dragon ball The franchise is incredibly obsessed with combat and the protagonist's need to become stronger. Over the years, Goku, Vegeta, and most of the other central characters in the story have pushed themselves into crisis, trying to become stronger than before as a means of defeating each new villain that appeared in the story.

However, despite the series' focus on the protagonist, there have also been quite a few items/objects that have played incredibly pivotal roles in both the story and the hero's character arc. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most important legendary artifacts from around the world. dragon ball Take a look at franchises and see exactly why they are so important in the grand scheme of things.


Dragon Ball: Who is Uub?

Uub was introduced at the end of the Buu Saga and was trained directly by Goku. Who is that person?

The power pole has remained unchanged for many years.

Son Goku's companion from the beginning

first appearance

dragon ballEpisode 1 ‘The Secret of the Dragon Ball’

story arc

Emperor Pilaf Saga

One of the most iconic weapons in the entire animation industry, Goku's Telegraph Pole has been the hero's companion since the beginning of the franchise. The staff was used by him throughout the run of the original series, but was largely forgotten over the years, especially during its run. Dragon Ball Z and supervisor. Nonetheless, Power Pole has recently made a comeback. DaimaIt is once again used as Goku's weapon of choice while he is still a child.

Oh, that's not a toothpick. That's my telephone pole! Cool, right?

The wand originally belonged to Corin, but eventually found its way to Master Roshi, who then entrusted the pole to Grandpa Gohan. Afterwards, he was handed over to Goku to continue his journey. Although this weapon is commonly used as a regular staff, its true power lies in its unique ability to grow almost infinitely long, allowing the wielder to change its size at will. Funnily enough, while the most common use for this item is seen in combat, its actual purpose was to allow you to travel from Korin's Towers to The Lookout using the size change feature.

Senzu beans have miraculous healing properties

They can restore someone to their best fighting shape

first appearance

dragon ballEpisode 62 “Holy Water”

story arc

Red Saga Commander

There are several ways a fighter can heal or recover in the world. dragon ball. However, no method comes close to Senzu Beans in terms of efficiency. These beans are magical beans that completely restore your energy, stamina, and energy reserves when you eat just one. They are so powerful that it is said that just one senzu bean can keep you full for 10 days.

Senzu beans will fix you right up!

But as essential as it is to the overall story, it's incredibly difficult to grow. The only person in the series who can grow beans is Korin. He does that in his tower, but says it takes a very long time for a single bean to ripen enough for consumption. However, he tends to help the Z-Fighters by almost always giving them bags of these magic items. dragon ball franchise.


Dragon Ball: How Daima Seriously Speeded It Up

Despite a fairly slow start, the latest episode of Dragon Ball Daima really picks up the pace and becomes a must-see for fans!

Bulma's Great Invention

first appearance

dragon ballEpisode 1 ‘The Secret of the Dragon Ball’

story arc

Emperor Pilaf Saga

Arguably the greatest invention of the most underrated member of the Z-Fighters, the Dragon Radar was created by Bulma and was the sole reason why the quest for the Dragon Balls was changed forever. These wish-granting orbs are the stuff of legend, and were created to grant the wishes of only those who collected all seven. However, this has always been a monumental task for anyone to undertake, often taking years to accomplish.

Dragon Raider is your only hope of summoning a dragon!

But Bulma's invention changed everything. Because this radar was able to pick up readings from the Dragon Balls wherever they were, making them incredibly easy to find. Because of this, Dragon Balls eventually became a secondary idea to collecting. This miraculous radar made the task so easy that it took the heroes very little effort to obtain the Dragon Balls.

Dragon Ball is the central theme of the series.

Why franchises exist

first appearance

dragon ballEpisode 1 ‘The Secret of the Dragon Ball’

story arc

Emperor Pilaf Saga

The reason this franchise exists is, of course, because of Dragon Ball itself. While some recent additions to the franchise have lessened the mystical sphere's narrative impact, it is the only reason Goku's journey began in the first place, and the only reason it has always played an incredibly important role in every single arc of the franchise. Whether that's the main focus of the arc or not.

The Dragon Ball is an object of incredible magic and power, made to be an object to be revered, not because of its simplicity, but for the dream of never using it.

Although it is true that they do not put as much focus behind the story arc as they did in the original series, they have gained a lot of importance recently, especially in terms of: Daima. There are many different types. dragon ball Often times the power is different. Daima Focusing on the Dragon Balls of the Demon World. It remains the most important object/item in the entire franchise, granting almost every wish the user wishes.

dragon ball You can stream it on Crunchyroll.


Dragon Ball: All Eternal Dragons Explained

Everyone knows Shenron, but what about the other wish-granting dragons that have appeared in Dragon Ball? Here are all the Eternal Dragons in the series:

dragon ball-z-1989.jpg

Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation and a sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball series. It continues the adventures of Son Goku as an adult, while also paralleling the life of his son Gohan. Goku usually defends Earth from villains such as Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu. This was followed by Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super.

release date

April 26, 1989


toei animation


Akira Toriyama

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