Catly Dev Addresses AI Accusations


  • SuperAuthenti denies using generative AI on Catly and shares evidence to support their claims.
  • According to SuperAuthenti, rumors that Catly is a scam or blockchain game are unfounded.
  • This controversy highlights ongoing concerns about NFTs, AI, and their impact on the gaming industry.

What the representative says Catley Developer SuperAuthenti recently addressed accusations that the upcoming title is using generative AI for its in-game assets. There were a lot of big announcements at last week's The Game Awards 2024 event, including a fluffy new MMO trailer along with presentations and live performances. Catley. The trailer features a collection of realistic-looking cute cats playing and frolicking in a colorful living room, as well as what appear to be human avatars that players can customize and use to interact with the cats.

However, not long after that Catley Once the trailer was released, viewers began accusing developer SuperAuthenti of using generative AI to create cats and other in-game elements. growing Catley The AI ​​debate will spill over into the game's Steam description. The description appears to be a random group of words strung together. This has raised concerns. Catley It could be some kind of scam, or it may never be released in the future. Complicating matters further is SuperAuthenti's reported relationship with Kevin Yeung, who has pushed blockchain and NFT games in the past.


Explanation on Palworld's Pal summons controversy

Pocketpair recently released a Palworld patch that changed the way Pals are summoned, and the new method has caused quite a stir within the community.

In a statement shared with IGN, a representative for SuperAuthenti recently stated that the developer did not use generative AI to create the game. Catley This is a trailer and such programs are not utilized in the development of the game itself. A spokesperson said SuperAuthenti is “very surprised by this speculation” and believes AI is not yet advanced enough to generate videos with sufficient detail. Catley Comments on trailers are shared with industry experts.

SuperAuthenti Representative: 'Catly is not created by AI'

A representative for SuperAuthenti told IGN that the Catley Trailer for The Game Awards 2024 showing unfinished scenes alongside the final version. The CEO also said this about the rumor. Catley Even though it is a blockchain game, they say it is groundless. According to them, SuperAuthenti has never issued or owned any blockchain currency or NFTs.

The use of NFTs, blockchain, and generative AI all remain controversial topics among gamers and industry figures, with many artists and actors predicting that such software will one day replace their work or be used without giving proper credit. He expressed his fear that it could happen. meantime, Catley There's no official release date, but many believe it could be released for Apple Watch at least next summer.

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