Call of Duty Unveils BlackCell Loyalty Bonuses

Key Takeaways

  • Buyers of the Black Ops 6 Blackcell Battle Pass will receive a “loyalty bonus.”
  • Loyalty rewards include a 10% XP boost for players each new season.
  • XP Boost Stacks allow players to earn up to 50% more XP through Season 6.

Players who purchase consistently Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 According to a new announcement, the Blackcell Battle Pass will be eligible for a “loyalty bonus.” Developers Treyarch and Microsoft have brought back the Blackcell Battle Pass. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Season 1, November 2024.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 The first season of content is now live, and players have had time to earn new content and participate in new events, including: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Hit list. At the time of Treyarch's debut black ops 6 Season 1 also saw an overhaul of the game's Blackcell Battle Pass system, changing the way players earn rewards for their participation. call of duty In the long run. Main draws for players looking to spend money call of duty or warzoneThe Blackcell Pass provides new cosmetic updates, skins, and even weapon blueprints to play and level up.


Black Ops 6 players believe map One has the worst spawn points in Call of Duty history.

Black Ops 6 players aren't satisfied with a particular multiplayer map and have blown up one of the spawn points as the worst in Call of Duty history.

Now officially call of duty Players who commit to purchasing the Blackcell Pass on an ongoing basis will be eligible to receive “loyalty bonus” rewards, the account announced. like warzone Awarded to players who purchase an XP boost. black ops 6 In the base game, Blackcell loyalty bonuses are multiplied by the amount of XP the player earns.

Call of Duty Blackcell Loyalty Bonuses Increase XP Every Season

According to the notice, players who purchased the product Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 The Blackcell Battle Pass increases both player and weapon XP by 10% next season when you repurchase Blackcell. Bonuses also accumulate for each subsequent season you purchase. For example, a player who purchases Blackcell black ops 6 Purchasing a Blackcell in Season 1 and Season 2 will grant you a 10% XP boost in Season 2 and above. However, if you purchase Season 3, that boost increases to 20% for Season 3. According to the Share Matrix, players who purchase Blackcell each season will earn 50% more player and weapon XP through Season 6.

Online reaction to the announcement Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Blackcell loyalty rewards are mixed. Some players admitted that loyalty bonuses are suitable for dedicated players. call of duty Because it adds more value to something players would likely buy anyway. Other players have theorized that the XP boost also stacks with the following modifiers: call of duty Double XP tokens and events allow players to earn “insane” amounts of XP in a short amount of time. Others hated the idea. call of duty It encourages additional spending when the game is still struggling with issues like bugs or balance issues.

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