Best Weapons and Artifacts for Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact

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Arataki Itto is a Geo character. genshin impact This is the one who deals the most damage using normal attacks. But to increase his potential, you'll need to make some preparations. This includes choosing the best weapons for him and artifacts that fit well with his attack and defense scaling.


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Arataki Itto's Elemental Burst significantly increases damage, causing normal and charge attacks to deal significantly more damage while active. With his top-tier superpower stacks, he can easily defeat bosses with just a few attacks. Itto's partner Ushi, who is summoned using elemental skills, cannot be ignored.

Arataki Itto Best Build

This set of 4 Ornate Dream Shells is equipped on Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact.

Arataki Itto's kit relies on his use of Normal attack, elemental burst, and elemental skill at the same time. you also Charge up your top-tier superpower stack. His charged attack can do good damage.

Arataki's Summon Elemental Skill WuxiLittle bull with trading skills Regular Geographic Damage. What to do when you're on site Use Elemental Burst Get an attack boost with him.

Arataki Itto DPS Build

The Brilliant Dream Shell is Arataki Itto's finest artifact. Works well with his stat scaling.. Increases the number of complete 4-piece sets Increase your defense and increase your damage regularlyThis is exactly what you need to get the most damage output.

There are a variety of weapon options in this build, and you should equip them depending on the stat you are targeting. Some good choices include: Blackcliff Slasher, Wolf's Tombstone, and Redhorn Stonethresher.

that Redhorn Stone Thresher silver best weapon For Arataki Itto, both attack and defense are improved, and critical damage is also increased.

Arataki Itto Defense Build

Arataki Itto has the Blackcliff Slasher in Genshin Impact.

This build focuses more on growing. Arataki Itto's defense rather than offense. In order to do that Ornate Dreamshell in two pieces and Ancient Petra in two pieces. Both sets provide bonuses to defensive stats, which is exactly what Arataki needs to become stronger and play the role of a tank.

Defensive builds are especially useful in boss fights, especially in co-op. Fight against bosses for a long timeAt the same time, it inflicts great damage. The artifact provides ample armor, allowing you to equip the following weapons: Improves attack and critical damage statistics. so Blackcliff Slasher or Wolf's Gravestone work well.

Arataki Itto Artifact Statistics Priority

Arataki Itto summoned Ushi to battle in Genshin Impact.

Arataki works best as the main DPS in a Mono Geo team. To maximize Geo damage: Geo damage bonus cup and level up to level 20. Make sure you have enough Energy recharge for repeated burst use It charges without waiting.

You should pay attention to what he says Defense and attack scaling to increase damage. This may be trickier, but if you have the right artifacts and weapons, you can manage the stat ratios he needs. Because he's a DPS Critical damage and critical probability It will be crucial to his kit.


Main stat priority

Sub-stat priority



Critical Probability/Critical Damage > Defense > Attack



Critical probability/critical damage > defense > attack > energy recharge



Defense > Attack > Critical Probability / Critical Damage


geographic damage

Defense > Attack > Critical Probability / Critical Damage


Critical Damage/Critical Probability

Attack > Defense > Energy Charge

Arataki Itto Talent Priority

Arataki Itto's talent screen appears in Genshin Impact.

In the case of Arataki Itto Level up all his talentsBecause they all contribute to his handling of the damage. his elemental explosion will give you significant attack bonusSo you Deals massive geographic damage with regular and charged attacks..

you Elemental skills cannot be ignored, Because Ushi is a small but strong bull Deals massive damage at intervals.. While Itto is physically involved in the fight, Ushi can deal damage to all nearby enemies.


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