Best Intelligence/Dexterity Build in Elden Ring

Pure Intelligence builds have their niche. Elden RingHowever, some of the most fun builds are hybrid creations. The Intelligence/Dexterity build in Elden Ring is one of the most powerful builds due to the variety of amazing weapons and spells that require that attribute.


Elden Ring: Cavalry locations each night.

Bosses that only appear at night, Night Cavalry are some of Elden Ring's greatest challenges. You can find it here.

Whether you prefer a powerful katana, galaxy-destroying insect wings, or a flail literally made of planets, there's something to suit you. Throw in a few spells for good measure and you can dominate the battlefield at any range, and look cool while doing so.

Updated December 24, 2024 by Andrew Scariati: Crafting the best Dex/Int build that Elden Ring has to offer can take time, patience, and a lot of testing, but we've made it easy. If you follow our recommendations, your Elden Ring Dex/Int build will be right around the corner. Starting with patch 1.16, you can enjoy good Moonveil and more forever with this excellent Elden Ring Dex/Int build.

What makes an Intelligence/Agility build?

The Tarnished fights the Silver Tears of Nokstella in Elden Ring.

Intelligence/Dexterity Elden Ring's build allows you to use numerous spells and weapons that are very effective in combat.

Instead of maxing out your Intelligence and then filling out the remaining stats, Split your stats between Intelligence and DexterityMaximizes damage at all ranges.

Aim for Intelligence/Dexterity build stats

The Tarnished wields Moonveil before Erdtree in Elden Ring.



















For this build Intelligence/Dexterity 60/50 split Highly recommended.

This gets you closer to the soft cap for both stats, which maximizes your damage output. All weapons that use split scaling.

Vitality is 50However, it may also be placed in: 45 If you want to invest those 5 points somewhere else.

Spirit is 20 years oldThis is a rather low figure. But you can fix it later with equipment. such Cerulean Amber Medallion +3

finally, My endurance is around 20. (Based on starting class).

Since you are using a light weapon, your health and gear load should not be significantly affected by this. If you prefer heavier armor, either stats or drips, invest more.

leveling plan

Precisely because you're heading towards high numbers in two other attack statistics: Intelligence and Dexterity. how Leveling up will bring big changes to your gaming experience.

If you're simply reassigning statistics, this isn't really a factor. Lenala, Queen of the Full Moon
However, if you are committed to the Intelligence/Dexterity lifestyle from the beginning, I recommend following a leveling plan similar to this:

  • 12 strength Wield the Moonveil Katana or whatever primary weapon you wish to target.
  • sufficient Agility to wield a decent weapon Goes well with agility, preferably a katana.

    • that Uchigatana Agility requires 150,000.
  • 17 Intelligence You'll have access to a lot of great low-level spells.
  • your Vitality up to 20 To survive the early bosses, 25 To have a little more breathing room.

    • Enhance your dexterity and intelligence Enough to equip it with a great intelligence/agility weapon that can act as a stopgap between Uchigatana and Moonveil.
    • Rogier's Rapier

      Infused with magic,
      Karian Knight's Sword

      crystal spear

      This would be a good weapon that scales well for both stats.

  • Increase your Intelligence to 23 Keep building.

    Moonveil is better scaled with intelligence than agility, so pump it first.

  • water level intelligence and vigor Take turns heading towards the building 50 and 40Each.

    • Once you hit it 40 vitalityStart pumping wit.

  • your Intelligence 60and your Agility 50.

  • Finish with toppings vigor consolation.

As for Spirit, Endurance and other stats You might want a boost, so do that when you feel you need it. You need to start recognizing when you need a little boost, either because you need more gear weight to cast a spell, or because you need more FP.

Pay close attention to the spells and powerful spells you can obtain during your travels. cool theme Magic is best combined with this Int/Dex build.

order mostly intelligence is neededSpells require faith.

Best Moonveil Katana Agility Build

Tarnished was slashed using Elden Ring's Moonveil.

Overview – Still fantastic even after nerfs

This build focuses on mixing. moonveil katana Use the best spells in the game to create a build that can take down even the toughest enemies in melee or from a distance. This build is fast, deadly, and a lot of fun.


The key to his build is that it's incredibly powerful. moonveil katana, cause enormous damage One of the best weapon arts Throughout the game. Not only that, but it is fully equipped. Statistical scaling,reaches excellent B/B splitting.

With B-scaling of Dex and Int we get physical and magic Damage of great height. The only downside to the split is that the weapon arts aren't as powerful. With a flat 80 Intelligence build.

To cast a spell, use: Karian Regal Scepter This is one of the best wands in the game and is the reason why Intelligence is slightly higher than Dexterity.

Alternatively, you can run: Lusat's Staff a little Increases spell cost by 50% but deals more damage.

main order

glinstone cobblestone A basic enemy killer. It deals high damage, is cheap, and can be spammed endlessly.

throwing stones is your first utility spell and will get you through most large enemy encounters.

deal great physical damage Staggers almost anything (not magic) and can quickly crit when targeting large enemies and bosses. It's cheap and effective.

Loretta's Palace Another powerful utility spell. I wouldn't use it in combat at all because it takes so long to cast. It is also very inefficient in terms of FP consumption.

All that said: It is the longest range spell in all of Elden Ring.Ideal for sniping enemies you don't want to fight.

Comet Azur It's a cheesy spell that can kill many bosses in Elden Ring just by casting it from a distance and watching its health melt away.

You may stumbleIt deals ridiculous damage, and with the right combination of physical wonders, you can cast it for free for a short period of time.

The final spell to consider is: Terra MagicaIt's really great.

It will happen increase everything you have magic damage (Includes weapons that deal magic damage) 35 percent If you stand on the glyph it conjures. You can start almost any fight by casting this and your Elden Ring Dex/Int build will be golden.


Your stats utilize the Moonveil Katana, but that doesn't mean you can't equip additional powerful amulets for your Elden Ring Int/Dex build.

Firstly, Carved Bulk Amulets Increases the damage of all spells. This is an essential boost if you rely on Intelligence.

After that magic scorpion amulet any All magic damage is increased. It's incredibly versatile, including weapons like the Moonveil.

Adtree's Request Compensates for low stat investment by increasing HP, stamina, and equipment load.

If the default resource is fine, you can replace it with this: Radagon/Marika's Soresil or Prosthesis Wearer Heirloom.

that Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman and Pearl Drake Talisman significant increase damage reductionEquipping one and then swapping it out when needed can make this build very difficult to kill.

finally, Blessed Blue Dew Amulet It's a great inclusion to save on flask costs and allow you to naturally restore FP over time.


As always, there are so many things I want. damage reduction and rating as much as possible medium roll.

If you want to increase your statistics Queen's Crescent Crown or okina mask This is the way to go.

Flask of Amazing Physics

The three main tears in this build are Cerulean Hidden Tear, Magic-Shrouding Tear, and Dexterity-Knot Tear.

replace that royal blue hidden tears Use it for basic exploration and when fighting bosses Requires Comet Azur.

Magic Veil and Knot of Dexterity It's here to increase the damage of your build.

agility knot your Agility 60 For 3 minutes this is a soft cap.

magic curtain Increases all magic damage, including weapons. trichotomy.

When combined with an amulet and Terra Magica MagicDamage increases rapidly.

Best general intelligence/agility build

Tarnished holding the wings of Astel in Elden Ring.

The Moonveil Katana Int/dex build described above is just one build for Intelligence/Dexterity, but there are common alternatives you can use to suit your tastes.

  • Any weapon will work really well if it has good scaling with intelligence and agility. Consider the following weapons along with those listed in the leveling scheme above:

  • This build assumes your play style is: There's even a mix of spell casting and melee combat.. Spellcasters should do well with the leveling plan for this build, though. more close-oriented discolored Pump Agility First First and foremost, it makes Intelligence a secondary attack stat.

As of patch 1.14, the damage of the backhand blade has been reduced. Crouch attack speed has also been reduced against other Tarnished.


Elden Ring: 11 Best Weapons for Dual Wielding

Two are always better than one.

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