Beginner Tips for Deadside


  • Bring as many clothes as possible for storage and protection.
  • Craft a sleeping bag for your preferred spawn location
  • Start with easy missions to collect loot and understand the gameplay.

Deadside 1.0 It's here and more popular than ever. When players jump into a fast-paced, open-world survival shooter for the first time, things can get a little overwhelming. Knowing what to do, where to go, and when to move can be a challenge when you first start playing the game. So it's not uncommon for new players to get lost in the fog of battle.


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Fortunately, there are some useful tricks that can help new players improve their skills and gain an advantage over other players. Here are some of the best services for newcomers looking to dive: tip Deadside 1.0 Please keep in mind.

9 Pack as many clothes as possible

Clothing can be broken down into its core components

In Deadside, a player stands in a forest with a Fire Ax on his back.

Clothes play an important role. dead end; They provide some form of protection to the players. Not only that Many clothing items have storage slots, allowing players to carry more items..

Initially, it is best to look carefully at clothing items that have four storage slots. Once the player has enough clothes to wear, they must continue to collect more clothes and break them down into rags. Rags are used to craft things like storage bags or certain medical items, which are very convenient to access.

8 sleeping bag making

Choose your preferred spawn location

Deadside's sleeping bag

By default, upon death, the player respawns in the starting area. To prevent this from happening: Players can craft and place sleeping bags.. This sleeping bag acts as a spawn point, allowing players to respawn at a location of their choosing. Crafting a sleeping bag requires 10 pieces of cloth, which can be obtained by dismantling unnecessary clothing as previously mentioned.

dead end Players must choose their spawn location carefully. Choosing the wrong region to respawn in can have negative effects.

7 Get Weapon

We need weapons as quickly as possible

Darkside's AK Mod Assault Rifle

In most cases, weapons are relatively easy to find. dead endIt is very common to find weapons such as handguns inside random buildings. This can be relatively useful when used against the AI, but players will need to quickly find more powerful weapons to deal with other players.

Fortunately, most newly spawned players near the starting location do not have enough firepower to inflict significant damage, so players will be able to avoid facing off against other players in the early stages of play.

6 Start with an easy mission

Don't jump into the deep end

Loot the mission container in Deadside

New players should always start by completing the easiest missions possible. Mission difficulty can be checked on the map icon.; The more stripes, the more difficult the mission, with stars being the most difficult. Easy missions usually consist of players having to face off against a small number of NPCs that are easy to beat.

These missions are perfect for getting some relatively decent loot while also getting a better understanding of how the game works. It's also great for solo players, giving gamers a means to stock up on essential supplies without dying repeatedly.

quite a wealth of resources

loot a body from a dead place

In search of scrap metal dead end It's surprisingly easy. There are many piles of scrap metal that players can loot.And you can find it everywhere. But the best place to see it is along the road. Players can find scrap metal next to broken down vehicles, and can also obtain it by looting containers or downed enemies.

Scrap metal is very easy to find, but players can explore it very quickly. Therefore, you should acquire as many as possible. This is because items are very valuable, especially in the later stages of the game.

Useful Resources

Build a base in Deadside

dead end Players will need as much scrap metal as they can get their hands on. These useful resources can be handed over to Safe Zone merchants to increase the player's reputation level. The higher a player's reputation level, the better quality items they can purchase from merchants..

Scrap metal is important because it is used for base construction later in the game. Players can use scrap metal to build sturdy structures and homes out of sheet metal.

3 Collect cigarettes and watches for extra reputation

Get better loot faster

Deadside's Merchant Inventory

Players can gain merchant reputation by turning in scrap metal, but this is not the only way to increase reputation. Players can also find cigarettes and watches in loot containers and various other areas.. These can be passed on for additional reputation. As mentioned in the previous item, your reputation level is related to the quality of items in your store.

Farming Tobacco and Watches for reputation isn't very profitable, but if players come across Cigarettes and Watches while exploring, it's definitely worth buying them for bonus reputation.

2 Don't prioritize base building

Base building is somewhat optional.

Player inside Deadside's base

Base building is really fun dead end. That said, it's not as important as other games like: 7 days to die and forest. Players can survive just fine without building a base. Bases are fun to build, but also give players the ability to store more items than they can carry. Beginners should not rush to build a base.


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Base building can also save the lives of players and their allies in these competitive PvP games.

Instead, it's best to wait until players have enough resources and start to figure out how things are going. dead end work. Once players have the basics down, it's a good idea to look into base building.

1 Find food and drinks

Eat well and stay hydrated

Players looking for loot in Deadside

Eating and drinking are very important for survival. dead end. Players must ensure that they have enough food and drink to sustain themselves. Luckily, getting enough food and drink is pretty easy. Canned food can be found inside and outside your room. Players should also check out abandoned houses. This is because there is usually a lot of food left in the house..

If players are having trouble finding food inside buildings, they can hunt animals such as ducks or deer. For water, players can find soda bottles inside buildings throughout the map. In addition, players can also find refillable water bottles and flasks that can be filled at the well.

dead end You can play on PC.


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