Astro bot sequels may not be able to drink again in the same well.

The First Party IP has become a tremendous part of the game world, and it has often been an important decision on the platform selected by the player. During the console generation, the player gradually forms an attached file on an IP that sympathizes with IPS, so he likes stories, characters and unique gameplay mechanisms. Astrovot Congratulations on this attachment every time.

The first major PlayStation mascot flat former for quite some time, Astrovot The player controls the title Automaton Hero when searching for a galaxy for his missing bot friends. Many of these bots have been wearing costumes to refer to certain game franchises. Often, franchises are closely linked to the history of PlayStation. Finding this cameo bot is a consistent highlight. AstrovotIt's a momentary gameplay from the moment, but if/when Astrovot If you get a sequel, you won't be able to use the same trick twice.


All awards ASTRO BOT won the game award in 2024.

In 2024, a lot of bubbles and shiny platforms, Astro Bot, swept the game award this year and caused some famous praise.

The Astrovot sequel may need to shake the cameo.

Astro BOT already includes 190 cameos.

When firing Astrovot More than 150 cameo bots were included, most of which were scattered over 50 planets. In the PlayStation, many IPs have been created and worked closely in the last decades, but the developer team ASOBI has done its best to do its best and has done a phenomenal work.

Crash Bandy OOT,,, Spy Dragon,,, Resident EvilAnd many other flagship PS1 titles. Astrovot. More recent PlayStation franchises War,,, Unknownand horizon It is placed in some front and center AstrovotSteps. Even deep cut franchises that have not been over 20 years VIB-RIBBON and young peopleI found their way Astrovot.

But the celebration did not stop there. Next month AstrovotIn the release, the game has received a few free updates that add some new levels and a few new cameos. The 18 came bots were added, and the entire area of ​​the PlayStation History was re -executed from the modern hero. Marvel's Spider -ManForgotten mascots such as Peter Parker and Miles Morales Resident EvilAlbert Wesker.

Astro BOT 2 must be creative with a cameo.

Astrovot It has become a series of celebration of PlayStation history, but it is necessary to balance the next item. Many franchises already exist AstrovotThe potential sequel is probably not dependent on including the same type of collected reference if you refer to the same franchise in the first game.

Instead, next Astrovot You have to do something else with a cameo. One option is to include less cameo in the sequel, but it makes the cameo much more practically. For example, the sequel can take the first Astrovot'S Unknown,,, War,,, horizon,,, Monkey escapeand Loco Loco Expand and expand the level to include more PlayStation franchises.

But many fans still want to experience the original and non -player theme level, so the entire game can feel overwhelming. Another option is to give AstrovotThe power up of the potential sequel is checked in the potential sequel and the theme of each after the following play station characters. infamous'Lightning superpower, Spider -ManWeb swing of Spy DragonTo fire the fire.

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