10 things you didn't know you could do in Helldivers 2

Helldiver 2 It offers chaotic yet strategic gameplay that thrives on teamwork and explosions. But there is much more to the experience than meets the eye. Players can pick up the basics in 12 hours or so, but they can easily overlook some of the hidden mechanics and features. This isn't just a beginner's tip. Helldiver 2. It's a gameplay element that's easy to miss. From surprising ways to interact with the environment to using emotes to spread governed democracy, here are 10 things players probably didn't know they were doing. Helldiver 2.


Best Loadouts for Helldivers 2: Illuminate

Find the best loadouts and builds in Helldivers 2 to take on the Illuminate threat. Use our recommendations to complete your squid prevention strategy.


Players can shoot from behind while running

Requires one-handed weapon

Helldivers 2 - Shooting from behind

Many players don't know what they can do. run away and shoot in the back to Helldiver 2. This is only possible with a one-handed weapon and is a very useful skill for effectively kiting enemies while moving.

The StA-11 SMG is an excellent weapon for kiting and crushing enemies. Helldiver 2. Added for free via: killzone 2 Crossover event.


Saluting causes the flag to be raised faster.

Spreading democracy in record time

Helldivers 2 - Salute the Flag

When performing the salute emote when raising the Super Earth flag. Helldiver 2 Helps you complete the Spread Democracy mission objectives faster. The more players salute, the faster the flag flies. So call a sentry, set up defense, and secure all four players. Salute the flag for as long as possible.


HUD can be hidden

Take a clear screenshot

Helldiver 2 - No HUD

Helldiver 2 There is a default shortcut to hide the HUD for improved immersion. This allows players to switch their HUD in real time to take clean, beautiful screenshots without having to install any mods. shellac mouse on pc 5 Alternatively, change your key bindings in Gameplay Settings.


If you fall into shallow water, you will drown.

expert swimming tips

Helldiver 2 - Drowning

Everyone knows that swimming in deep water for too long can cause players to drown. Helldiver 2. However, if the player falls into a small puddle of water, they may die. When engaging enemies near the coastline, remember not to stay prone in shallow waters for too long.


Can respond to pings

Give negative pings to other players' pings

Helldivers 2 - Communication Ping

Ping enemies and targets Helldiver 2 Team coordination improves. However, players may not know that they can object and reject other players' pings. To send a negative signal, update your entire team by holding down the ping button over another ping. The player can then issue a new ping to respond to the initial command.


Headless Brood Commander will stop pursuing when attacked in melee.

Let them bleed in peace

Helldivers 2 - Alpha Commander

Brood Commanders and Warriors gain increased movement speed after losing a head, causing them to charge at the player in a frenzy and stop bleeding within a few seconds. Use melee attacks instead of wasting precious ammo, especially when facing treasure. they will be I fainted for so long that I bled to death.Stops them from chasing the player and allows them to focus on other enemies in peace.


Helldivers 2: Armor Passive Tier List

Take a look at the best armor passives in Helldivers 2 with our updated tier list. Find what you need to improve your combat and survival in every mission.


Crouch/crouch reduces explosion damage

Get out on deck to prevent rocket death

Helldiver 2 - Proned

Something else is possible that the players probably didn't know about. Helldiver 2 Prone, crouch, or dive to mitigate explosion damage.

When fighting an automaton, get into the habit of crouching or prone while shooting. This not only increases the accuracy of weapons with high rates of fire, such as machine guns or faithful weapons. Reduces the chance of being killed by a single rocket explosion.. The same rules apply to friendly Eagle Airstrikes or Orbital Strikes.


Get +100 Super Credits for Free

the legend is true

Helldiver 2 - 100 SC

When farming super credits Helldiver 2The player Extremely Rare Loot Chance +100 SC Instead of the usual +10 SC. This is possible even at level 1 (minor difficulty mission) and is not a bug or glitch. Whenever the player finds a pile of Super Credit loot, the game rolls a die to determine whether it will give +10 or +100 SC. Therefore, players can spam minor missions to increase their chances of looting more Super Credits.

Likewise, +1000 requests and +30 medals are also possible.


Smoke pods can launch players into the air.

plant propulsion effect

Helldivers 2 - Smoke Plant Explosion

some planets of Helldiver 2 There are pod-shaped plants that emit smoke. When they hit them, they explode and create a cloud of smoke, perfect for breaking the enemy's vision. However, if a player stands on top of this smoke pod and melee attacks or shoots it, it will be launched into the air. This can be a lifesaver when escaping a tough fight or escaping from a horde of enemies.


Aerial emote reduces fall damage

Ask for a hug while falling

Helldiver 2 - The Fall

Next time a large explosion sends you flying into the air, be sure to use the emote before you hit the ground. this Helps reduce fall damage. Ensures that players do not die on impact. this is probably one Helldiver 2 What all players need to know is that it is possible for players to have automatons flying all over the map, especially with a barrage of rockets.

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